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Chapter 461 God Pupil

80000 7000 blood graves, there are only 7000 blood graves, without any Murderous intention, in other words, only one out of every 2 graves can survive.

apart from this, the first pass is also mandatory, you must enter more than ten blood graves.

“Bodhi Heart?” Princess Miaomiao’s eyes were surprised and said: “This Bodhi Heart is very precious. If you take it, you can permanently improve people’s perception ability, martial skill natural talent, etc …”

“Improve martial skill natural talent?”

Qin Nan was keenly aware of the oddness.

You know, the one that needs to be tested on Death God Platform is martial skill natural talent. If anyone got the first place, got Bodhi Heart, and continued to take it, how couldn’t it be that when the God God Platform realized the martial skill natural talent, they could get better results?

“Before that, Killing Sovereign Senior told me, be careful of this Death Servant, and now Bodhi Heart …”

Qin Nan glanced at the middle-aged man with a strange smile on the sky, and the slightly wrinkle of the brows.

“Now start the first pass test. The time is one hour!” Death Servant shouting loudly, glanced at Qin Nan, and then looked towards Xiao Zhonghuang, facing Xiao Zhonghuang slightly nodded.

This detail was immediately noticed by Qin Nan, which further confirmed his conjecture.

“Hahaha, Qin Nan, this first pass, I must be the first place, but it is you, but be careful, don’t die in this first pass!” Xiao Zhonghuang burst into laughter and looked imposing, looking towards Qin Nan’s eyes were full of contempt and disdain.

Yang Peak Lord and the others behind him also sneered at the same time.

Before entering the Death Sea, they have long understood 100 2 100 blood graves without murderous intentions through more than 30 years of investigation and exploration.

Xiao Zhonghuang enters these 2 100 30 blood graves without murderous intention, so much to get the first place without pressure.

In full view, Xiao Zhonghuang soared into the sky without hesitation, like a hot knife through butter, and entered a blood grave.

Seeing this, other Cultivators couldn’t help but sink their hearts.

They are not stupid, naturally they understand that Xiao Zhonghuang must have known a certain number of correct blood graves by some means.

“Be careful at this level!”

“Shit !, could it be that I can’t even pass this first pass?”

“What do you think of them 2 Ah!”


Those loose cultivators from the countries of the lower territory are crying out. They entered here just to watch the decisive battle. Now this first pass is so dangerous, it makes them difficult.

“I try War God left pupil!”

Qin Nan’s eyes swept through the thunder light, facing the blood graves, one after another, and immediately noticed the difference.

In the blood grave that Xiao Zhonghuang just entered, there is a mass of obscure Mysterious power, but there are many blood graves that do not have that obscure Mysterious power.

“It seems that those who have the power are blood graves without Murderous intentions, and those without Murderous intentions!”

Qin Nan read all 80000 7000 blood graves in the audience, and immediately concluded that the corner of his mouth could not help evoking a faint smile.

Xiao Zhonghuang, this first pass, I’m afraid it won’t work as you wish.

“Princess Miaomiao, you listen, the 500 blood graves on the east are all right …”

Qin Nan quickly faced Princess Miaomiao and passed on his ideas. Of course, he didn’t ignore Zhao Fang. After all, at the 4 Peaks great competition, Zhao Fang saved him once.

“Qin Nan, terrific.”

Dragon Tiger Monster Sovereign’s eyes can’t help blinking, and Zhao Fang looked towards Qin Nan’s eyes, which is also more and more worship.

“Go, time is tight.”

Qin Nan shook the head, his body flickered, and he was about to enter the blood grave. At this time, the light in the corner of his eye suddenly saw a familiar silhouette. Before he could tell it carefully, the familiar silhouette had disappeared. not see.


Qin Nan’s doubts appeared, but without much thought, he quickly entered the blood grave.

Qin Nan has just stepped into the first blood grave, and his eyes can’t help blinking. In this first blood grave, there are actually 300 Yuan Stones.

“In a blood grave, there are 300 Yuan Stones, so 500 words …”

Qin Nan’s heart became hot immediately.

At the same time, this strange space.

The Death Servant shoots a finger, a light curtain, evolved. On that light curtain, there are a full number of 100 names, which are constantly turning.

The number one is Xiao Zhonghuang. After Xiao Zhonghuang’s name, there is also a dazzling number, 98.

“His, 98, in just a while, he has entered 98 correct blood graves!”

“Fuck, he’s cheating!”

“Hey, how can there be no cheating? This World is not fair.”

“Oh, when Xiao Zhonghuang gets Bodhi Heart, then when Death God Platform, his martial skill natural talent will be more terrifying.”


These loose cultivators who dare not step into the blood grave cannot help sighing.

While sighing, their eyes moved to the left and looked at them with a hint of doubt.

Because Yang Peak Lord and other eighteen Peak Lords did not enter the blood grave, you must know that according to Death Servant, if there are no more than ten blood graves, you cannot go to the next level.

If they do n’t go to the next level, why do they come in?

Yang Peak Lord and the others ignored other eyes and saw Xiao Zhonghuang, the number one on the light curtain, evoking a smile, and couldn’t help looking at Death Servant, facing the Death Servant, lightly nodded.

Death Servant also glanced at them, equally nodded, and then that smirkful face revealed Silken cold.

“With that map, Xiao Zhonghuang will certainly be able to obtain Bodhi Heart. After acquiring Bodhi Heart, his martial skill natural talent can improve a lot …” Death Servant took a deep breath, and his eyes were fiery. .

However, at this moment mutation emerged.

After a few names under the light curtain, the numbers suddenly rolled up and climbed rapidly.

This sudden anomaly was like a thunderbolt that shocked everyone in the audience.

“What’s up? Princess Miaomiao 56?”

“Heavens, 58, no, 60!”

“Dragon Tiger Monster Sect theirs are going up, they are going up Ah!”

“And Qin Nan, Qin Nan is already 100!”


Death Servant and Yang Peak Lord and the others, their faces were all slightly changed, and simultaneously looked up.

Until more than 60 breaths, the originally noisy scene suddenly died, and their eyes widened, staring at the number one name.

How can this be!

ps: The evil host organized a small event to post jokes, photos, homework, diary, book reviews, etc. in the book circle, starting at 12:19 on December 12th and ending December 23rd, with the most praised people, 300 Renminbi rewards, Alipay Everyone is actively participating in the transfer.

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