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Chapter 460 Myriad Blood Tomb

“Master -“

Tang Qingshan and Duanmu Peak Lord 4 saw this, and expression changed at the same time.

“No problem.” Azure Dragon Saint Lord waved his hands, said indifferently: “As expected, it will take at least half a day for them to reach the Death God Platform, right? We 5 master and disciple are together once in a while, now let ’s talk chat.”

Tang Qingshan 4 people, lightly startled, flashed intricately, nodded.

Seeing this scene in the audience, Cultivator couldn’t help sighing.

In their view, Azure Dragon Saint Lord is telling the story.



Qin Nan and Princess Miaomiao entered the huge door of death together. The moment they entered the door, a dazzling rays of light surged, which made the four of them close their eyes and wait for the eyes to open again They have entered another World.

Qin Nan immediately moved towards all around and looked.

Under his feet, there is a training field. The training field appears as blood, with a size of 2 100 miles. In the training field, all around is endless darkness, even if Qin Nan uses War God left pupil. , Can not see through the darkness.

Apart from this, the most noticeable is that on the 2 sides of the training field, there are 2 Grand Dao, the first Grand Dao, presented as white, and the second Grand Dao, presented as black, all extend into the darkness Among them, I do not know where to extend.


A coldly snorted sound suddenly sounded like Xiao Zhonghuang.

Xiao Zhonghuang stood on the other side of the training field, beside him, surrounded by eighteen Peak Lords and 8 Martial Sovereign Powerhouses, as if all the stars cup themselves around the moon.

In comparison, Qin Nan’s four people are very weak.

On the training field, there are tens of thousands of loose cultivators. No one is saying anything.

Qin Nan had just wanted to speak, and at this moment, a gurgling noise suddenly sounded.

I saw an additional middle-aged man above the training field.

This middle-aged man is dark and exudes a thick Death Qi. A pair of eyes is extremely scarlet. Wherever the eyes pass, it makes people feel cold.

“En? Martial Venerable Powerhouse is even more powerful than Martial Venerable, at least reaching Half Saint Boundary. But this person’s aura is a bit special, without the slightest vitality within the body …”

Qin Nan War God left pupil swept slightly, his frown slightly raised.

“You all see here. There are 2 roads in total. This white road leads to the Death God Platform. This black road has countless fortunuitous encounters and terrifying terrible danger. If you enter it, nine deaths and still alive. Of course, there are also peerless inheritance, heaven-defying changes the fate. Now give you 5 minutes to start choosing! “

The middle-aged man glanced at the audience, coldly said.

“Go, go the black way!”

“I came here this time for heaven-defying changes the fate!”

“I still forget it!”


The audience ’s loose cultivators took the lead in boiling. Among them, there were a lot of silhouettes. They were extremely determined, and they stepped into the black road.

There are also many people who shook the head. They entered Death Sea this time just to watch the showdown between Qin Nan and Xiao Zhonghuang.

“let’s go!”

Xiao Zhonghuang glanced at Qin Nan, and sneered at the corner of his mouth, leading the mighty team, moved towards the white Grand Dao.

“Wait.” Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded, and it turned out to be Jiang Bilan. Jiang Bilan had been exquisitely pale since she was abolished by Qin Nan, but at this time, her eyes were incomparable. Firmly: “Xiao Zhonghuang, you go, I want to go the black way.”


Xiao Zhonghuang glanced at her lightly, black Grand Dao, dangerous and abnormal, waste like Jiang Bilan, must be dead end when he went inside.

He didn’t care about her life or death now.

Other Peak Lord and Martial Sovereign Powerhouse, no one stood up to dissuade, looked coldly, and lost the kind smiles of the past.

Jiang Bilan’s breathing was slightly stagnant, and then he adjusted over and left Xiao Zhonghuang’s huge battle formation, moved towards the black Grand Dao, and walked slowly.

After passing Qin Nan’s side, she step one stopped, looked at Qin Nan a few times, then speeded up her pace and left quickly.

“let’s go.”

Qin Nan naturally didn’t care about Jiang Bilan today, and after dismissing her, the evil in his heart was completely disappeared.

“Qin Nan!”

However, at this moment, a pleasant voice suddenly sounded.

Qin Nan turned his head and looked at it, and couldn’t help but stand with hair on on the end, only to see a woman with high shoulders, fair skin, charming and charming, stepping forward, beside the woman, there were 2 men who looked exactly like Qin Nan .

This woman, who is simply Big Senior Brother Zhao Fang, is currently “Yu Luocha” in Dark Hand City.

Zhao Fang was very excited to see Qin Nan.

Last time Azure Dragon Sacred Land changed greatly, he was in danger and was ordered to sneak into Flying Upwards Sacred Land. Only after entering here did he change into “Yu Luocha” and leave the team of Flying Upwards Sacred Land.

“Well? So beautiful, Qin Nan, who is this, and you don’t introduce it to your buddies …”

When Dragon Tiger Monster Sect saw Yu Luocha, his eyes lighted up and his saliva almost fell out.

He was detained by Duanmu Peak Lord’s Old Guy in a place isolated from the world. He practiced for several months and did not even see a woman. He had long been broken.

Qin Nan, Princess Miaomiao, and Sima Kong, all three look very strange.

“Who are you?”

Zhao Fang saw the young man with two big bales on his forehead, and he was drooling towards him, his face was disgusting.

“Hey, beauties, introduce yourself, under Dragon Tiger Monster Sect, ah, I’m Dragon Tiger Monster Sovereign, I’m Bloodline of Heavenly Dragon Thunder Tiger, noble, future King of the World, if you follow me, in the future Definitely rich and rich … “The Dragon Tiger Monster Sovereign was proud and kept boasting, his face was not red, his heart was not beating, and he suddenly reached the highest boundary.

“Let’s go first.”

Qin Nan, Princess Miaomiao, and Sima Kong, three people, can’t stand it anymore, go straight to the white Grand Dao.

“Hey, Qin Nan, wait for me.”

Zhao Fang hurried to keep up.

“Fuck!, Princess Miaomiao was taken away by you, now this beauty is taken away by you again, Qin Nan, I don’t agree …”

The Dragon Tiger Monster Sovereign was full of grief, and he secretly resolved that must muster this beautiful woman.

This white Grand Dao is not too long, only several hundred meters, and between a few breaths, Qin Nan and the others came to the end of this white Grand Dao.

“this is……”

In the eyes of Qin Nan and the others, they were shocked.

I just saw the darkness in front of me, and suddenly disappeared, replaced by a new Heaven and Earth. In this world, the sky became a blood color, and three rounds of green moon were hung. The earth appeared black, as if it were Suffering from the infinite flame, it exudes a sense of silence, which makes people’s hair feel queer.

Not only that, but three miles away, there are huge tombs.

These graves, more than 30 feet high, have several hundred zhang in them. The soil of the grave shows a blood color, one after the other, crowded together, as if forming a huge grave wall, which will be under the feet of Qin Nan and the others This land is completely wrapped.

A rough sweep, there are at least 10000 bloody graves, like a sea of ​​graves!

“You, I am the Death God Platform Examiner, you can call me Death Servant!” The middle-aged man, reappears, glanced at everyone, and a weird smile evoked from the corner of his mouth, saying, “Where we are now, It ’s called Myriad Blood Tomb. There are 80000 7000 blood tombs. Of these 80000 7000 blood tombs, there are 80000 blood tombs. They are full of Murderous intentions. Even if Venerable enters, they will be spiked. Of the 7000 blood graves, there are no Murderous intentions, but there are various treasures! “

“Before entering the Death God Platform, there were 2 levels, and the first pass was Myriad Blood Tomb! The whole assessment, there is an hour, in this hour, each of you must enter at least ten blood graves, who The higher the number of correct blood graves, the more Myriad Blood Tomb first place will be awarded. The first place will reward a Bodhi Heart! “

As soon as this statement was made, everyone in the audience looked at changes.

This first pass is so terrifying!

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