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Chapter 462

Qin Nan flashed quickly among the big blood graves.

Not all of these blood graves contain Yuan Stone, and some are spiritual medicine, Cultivation Technique, martial skill, etc., all of which are valuable treasures.

Qin Nan ransacked more than 400 blood graves in one go, and he was completely stimulated by the massive treasure.

“3000 Yuan Stones, and various spiritual medicines. There is still more time, continue to search, continue …”

Qin Nan’s eyes were so hot that his body flickered like a wild tiger.

However, Qin Nan did not know at all that his actions brought a great shock to the inside within the realm.

Death Servant and Yang Peak Lord and the others, as well as the loose cultivator who has not entered the blood grave, are full of shock.

Because the number one is no longer Xiao Zhonghuang, but Qin Nan, and the number behind the name is still tumbling.


“Fuck, it’s 600! It’s 600!”

“Shit! All 600 are correct. How did Qin Nan do this?”

“Heavens!! 700, others are soaring!”


The audience was loose cultivator, boiling instantly.

Now Qin Nan is firmly in first place, entering 1020 blood graves, behind his name are Princess Miaomiao, Dragon Tiger Monster Sect, Sima Kong, Zhao Fang, all four of them, exceeding 4.

Because Princess Miaomiao 4 people, the cultivation level is good, and they have a variety of methods to investigate whether the bleeding grave is dangerous.

Despite their means, compared to Qin Nan’s War God left pupil, it’s far worse and extremely powerful.

Apart from this, there is also a Mysterious man named “Zero”, who is behind Zhao Fang, entering more than 400 blood graves, and the number is increasing.

As for Xiao Zhonghuang, he was directly dropped to seventh place and only entered more than 7 blood graves!

At this moment, Death Servant and Yang Peak Lord and the others were both stunned.

Xiao Zhonghuang and other Peerless Supreme Talents, can’t even get into the top 5?

What kind of pervert these people are!

Meanwhile, outside the Death Sea.

Flying Upwards Saint Lord suddenly stood up with a smile on his lips and said, “According to time calculation, Xiao Zhonghuang and Qin Nan and the others should have entered the baidao and came to the first pass Myriad Blood Tomb. I happen to have a treasure here, you can see Looking at the situation in Myriad Blood Tomb, let’s take a look now, what kind of achievements Xiao Zhonghuang has achieved! “

As soon as the words came out, the side of Azure Dragon Sacred Land, Tang Qingshan 4 people, his face changed slightly.

In the past, when the Death Sea was opened, no one could see the first pass test situation. Now this time the Death Sea is opened, the Flying Upwards Saint Lord “just happens” has a treasure, which can be viewed.

How happened?

Tang Qingshan 4 people are so clever and immediately understand what means the Flying Upwards Sacred Land must have deployed, so that Xiao Zhonghuang has achieved very dazzling results in the first pass Myriad Blood Tomb!

It is for this reason that Flying Upwards Saint Lord deliberately lets everyone see the first pass.

What is the significance of such a move?

Imagine that the first pass test, Xiao Zhonghuang took the lead, and far away from Qin Nan, it will certainly make everyone in the audience feel that Qin Nan is not better than Xiao Zhonghuang, and it will surely ridicule.

At that time, the Tang Qingshan 4 people, as well as the Azure Dragon Saint Lord, see that the situation is not good, and their mood will certainly be damaged.

You know, the mood of Powerhouse is very important.

If the Tang Qingshan 4 and Azure Dragon Saint Lord are in a bad mood, it will be easier to deal with them.

As for Miao Yuxin, Song Yu, and Lu Jian, as well as the audience ’s loose cultivator, they naturally did not know the confrontation inside, but just heard the words of Flying Upwards Saint Lord, their eyes were simultaneously bright, and they could n’t wait to see So, what’s going on with this first pass?

“According to our plan, now Xiao Zhonghuang has entered at least 300 blood graves, Qin Nan and the others, and I am afraid that it has entered dozens of that’s all ……” The corner of Flying Upwards Saint Lord evoked sarcasm and remained calm. Of moved towards Asking Dao Old Ancestor looked at it.

Asking Dao Old Ancestor slightly nodded.

“You guys, this is Death Beast, I happened to get it, and I can see the scene of the first pass!”

Flying Upwards Saint Lord loudly shouted, turned over and pulled out a small beast. This little beast, like a toad, was all black, only a pair of eyes, scarlet.

Flying Upwards Saint Lord pours it into it, this toad seems to be alive, gu gu a few times, in the pair of scarlet eyes, shot 2 blood lights, fell into the void, forming a bloody light curtain.

Through this bloody light curtain, everyone in the audience immediately saw Myriad Blood Tomb, as well as Death Servant, Yang Peak Lord, and the others.

“Death Servant …”

Tang Qingshan and the others, of course, could not be stopped. I could only look up. When I looked up, I saw Death Servant. Tang Qingshan’s complexion was gloomy, and there were countless murderous auras rolling in his eyes.

After 100 years, this guy really has not been completely swallowed up by the Death Sea!

“If Qin Nan can turn things around, Death Servant, I will never spare you!”

Tang Qingshan took a deep breath, suppressed the anger, and moved towards the blood-colored light curtain.

Not only him, everyone in the audience, all agreed, looked towards the bloody light curtain, and looked towards the leaderboard played by Death Servant.

However, at this look, the ridicule on the face of Flying Upwards Saint Lord froze, and the calm expression of Asking Dao Old Ancestor changed abruptly.

The faces of everyone in the audience were astonished.

This-what is the situation?

The entire scene was silent for tens of breaths, and a huge rumor broke out suddenly.

“Heavens! Qin Nan actually entered 1500 blood graves!”

“His, terrible, terrible!”

“Haha, did you see it, Xiao Zhonghuang actually ranked seventh!”

“Fuck, what are these perverts, Princess Miaomiao, Dragon Tiger Monster Sect, Sima Kong, Yu Luocha, and that zero?”

“Those people followed Qin Nan, is it possible that they are all peerless talent?”


Everyone in the audience was silent!

Xiao Zhonghuang, but the existence of Earth level 1-Rank Martial Spirit, was crushed by such a powerful and abnormal metamorphosis as Qin Nan, but was also crushed by 5 other people?

This is too incredible!


Tang Qingshan and the others, who were ugly at first, simultaneously laughed out loud.

Flying Upwards Saint Lord deliberately released Death Beast, and evolved the situation of the first pass, just to let everyone see how Xiao Zhonghuang is powerful, but Flying Upwards Saint Lord, did not even think that the ending had a big reversal!


A face of Flying Upwards Saint Lord, redness, if he is not a generation of Saint Lord, his mind is calm, I am afraid that he would have completely lost self-control.

“hmph! ”

Asking Dao Old Ancestor coldly snorted, his face was a bit ugly.

“Don’t be too proud of me, no matter how much of your superior talent, this time, your Azure Dragon Sacred Land will perish!”

Asking Dao Old Ancestor secretly said in one’s heart, as if to think of something, his ugly face gradually calmed down again.

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