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Chapter 411 Suppression

3 together?

Not just Murong Xiang, everyone in the audience was stunned.

This is the 3 Martial Grandmaster Realm 6-layer, among the top 30 in the protector list. If you want to challenge 3 of them, you must have at least the cultivation level of Martial Grandmaster Realm 8-layer!

Qin Nan The existence of Martial King Realm Peak, no matter how heaven-defying, also impossible equivalent to Martial Grandmaster Realm 8-layer, right?

At this moment, all people’s hearts gave birth to a kind of absurd and funny feeling, it was like a pair of ants, who was moving towards a giant to declare war!

“Qin Nan!”

Fang Jian expression changed a lot and just wanted to speak.

“Hahaha!” Murong Xiang laughed at this moment, interrupted him completely, and said, “Qin Nan, this is what you said, then meet your requirements, and ask them 3 of them to fight you! Of course, if you can beat them 3, then you will win this game! “


The nodded of Qin Nan expressionless, his eyes looked towards the three Cultivators, and a ray of fighting intent on his body began to emerge.

“watch out!”

The three Cultivators had already communicated with Murong Xiang in private, but they did not expect that Qin Nan was so daring so arrogant that he was now loudly roared and surrounded by figures.

Their three people, in Azure Dragon Sacred Land, have been ups and downs for many years, and I have coordinated countless times, so their three people rushing out of the body is a powerful formula that is released.

That all around Cultivator, all surprised.

“Is this Three Jade Formation?”

“When rumors come out this time, the people in the formation will lose their way.”

“It turns out that their three people prepared such a powerful killing move!”


Three Jade Formation refers to the aura and cultivation level of three people. When occupying each position, they resonate at the same time and run the same set of mental methods to produce a three-way illusion and psychedelic everything.

Even the Martial Grandmaster Realm 8-layer Powerhouse cannot be exhibited without a powerful pump technique and formation skills.


Fang Jian complexion ashen.

Releasing this formulation to deal with Qin Nan, it seems that I want to make a serious impact on Qin Nan!


Three Jade Formation condensed, covering Qin Nan’s figure instantly.




Three Cultivators, occupying three sides, looked at each other, and they all formed the same kind of hand seal. Each hand seal burst into a Profound Light, which was connected to each other, and gradually over the formation, outlined an ancient Each word in this typeface has a historical charm of ancient culture, as if all are heavy 3 kilos.

That all around Cultivator is horrifying.

“This is killing move Ah!”

“This kind of killing move is dedicated to Martial Grandmaster Realm 8-layer Cultivator Ah!”

“They could it be that want to kill Qin Nan?”


They originally thought that the three Cultivators were just trying to teach Qin Nan. Didn’t expect took out the horrifying killing move of a three-person alliance.


Fang Jian complexion greatly changed, with Martial Sovereign overwhelming.

“Fang Jian Envoy, what do you mean? This is a duel, you can’t step in!”

With a smile on his face, Murong Xiang grabbed his hands, and the void gathered two huge golden lashes, like a double dragon, which transformed into countless phantoms, completely covering Fang Jian’s figure.


Fang Jian was furious now.

Murong Xiang’s eyes flashed through the eerie, saying: “Fang Jian Envoy, don’t worry, the three of them will never make a killing move, their three people, at best, they just hit Qin Nan seriously. It’s hard to get a serious injury– “

When Qin Nan said he was going to challenge their three people, Murong Xiang had a poisonous plan in his mind, letting his three people take a shot and made Qin Nan a half-dead. Even if someone gets angry at that time, Murong Xiang can evade that this Qin Nan is too arrogant, it is his oneself initiative challenge, it has nothing to do with him.

It was for this reason that there was no pressure in his mind.

However, Murong Xiang’s word “free” has not been spoken yet. A terrible aura suddenly emerged from the Three Jade Formation.

The whole Cultivator was perceptually keen and simultaneously stunned at the moment.

Especially the three Cultivators who exhibited the Three Jade Formation felt the most obvious, as if they had an archaic Ominous Beast in which awakens came.


The three Cultivators all changed greatly, without the slightest hesitation, killing the false words, releasing them with all their strength, and suppressing them downward.


Just at this moment, the terrible thunderbolt fire in the Three Jade Formation, like the wrath of the heavens, suddenly surged, and the so-called Three Jade Formation was directly shaken into nothingness.

Both Murong Xiang and Cultivator were stunned.

They had never expected that such a powerful Three Jade Formation would be destroyed with such difficulty.

At this moment, they only saw that in the middle of the formation, Qin Nan lifted his head, a black hair, dancing without wind, and a dozen feet of cloak condensed by Thunder Flame, madly curling up in the air, sending out wu wu wu Howling.

They didn’t seem to see Qin Nan, but a god of fury and thunder.


Qin Nan screamed, thundering all over, snarling, condensing his fists, and hitting the word!

Hong long!

The crowd only saw the ancient words, which were instantly broken, and the countless Thunder Flames turned into wild seas, hitting the bodies of the three Cultivators, and lifted the three Cultivators out.

crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, like destruction!

The so-called 3 Cultivator in the top 30 protector list was defeated by Qin Nan who only had Martial King Realm Peak cultivation level!

At this moment, the entire martial arts training grounds of Duanmu Feng fell into a dead silence.

That Murong Xiang, Fang Jian, and the Cultivator in the audience are stared wide-eyed, with shocked faces.

How is this going?

What happened just now?

How did Qin Nan defeat them in one move?


Qin Nan exhaled for a long time, as if it had been a long-lost activity of muscles and bones. His thunderous body, the Thunder Flame, was silent, and his cultivation level of aura was still only Martial King Realm Peak.

“Sorry, this game was accidentally won, let everyone laugh!”

Qin Nan raised his fist, looked at the audience, and finally fixed his eyes on Murong Xiang, expressing sincerity.

Murong Xiang’s breathing was delayed for a while.

PS: 12 flew from Changsha to Beijing to attend a gathering of authors and editors, and returned to Changsha on Monday afternoon. The past few days are all 4, I hope everyone understands, after the evildoers return, make up for the updates that were owed in the past few days.

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