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Chapter 412 Jiang Taitian

The eyes of the audience all looked towards Murong Xiang, expressions all with a strange look.

Don’t you let Qin Nan play?

Don’t you look down on Qin Nan?

What now?

Murong Xiang complexion stiffened, everyone’s eyes seemed to him like a sword after one after another, poking on his face, making his face burn like a fire.

“Ahem, didn’t expect Qin Nan Junior Brother, battle strength is so arrogant, Senior Brother … Senior Brother wishes you a better result at the 16 Peaks great competition …” Murong Xiang was embarrassed and forced out In a word, he fled, without any face.


Fang Jian looked at the scene with a smile on his mouth.

I have to admit, Qin Nan’s performance this time is really amazing, no one can think of his true strength, so powerful.

The Cultivator in the audience was secretly remembered in the heart. If it is less than 10000, 10000000, don’t provoke Qin Nan.

“Murong Xiang has already appeared, and when it comes to the back, the enemy will definitely appear!”

Qin Nan secretly thought, Xinru stopped the water.

Next, on Duanmu Feng martial arts training grounds, many Cultivators talked to each other, Qin Nan alone, standing in the crowd, unremarkable, watching all around everything.


At this moment, a loud noise, followed by the Envoy of Vegetation Peak, and many Cultivators, all came.

Among this group of Cultivator, a 15 ~ 16 years old girl with exquisite face, fair skin, good body and extraordinary temperament, which made Duanmu Feng a lot of Cultivator’s simultaneously profiled eyes.

“That is the new Supreme talent from Vegetation Peak, who claims to be princess, Pill Refining natural talent, even Chen Fei, can’t compare!”

“So beautiful Ah! I’m probably devastatingly beautiful after waiting for 2 or 3 years!”


Qin Nan stood in the crowd, with a faint smile, and the girl was naturally Princess Miaomiao.

“Vegetation Peak’s Cultivator does not have arrogant battle strength, but there are also many Cultivators capable of refining poison poison. Battle strength is very terrifying!” The 100 Cultivators are Alchemist Masters with a Star level 100-Rank or higher!

Then, the Cultivator of the second peak, the fourth peak, the fifth peak, the sixth peak, and the seventh peak came one after another.

Looking down from a high altitude, the martial arts training grounds of Duanmu Feng are full of enthusiasm, and each Cultivator is powerful and experienced.

An unprecedented event for the Azure Dragon Sacred Land, slowly pulled away.

“Xue Wuji, Xue Wuhen brother, and those three, and these …”

Qin Nan is inconspicuous in this person group and is no longer the protagonist, but his a pair of eyes wipes out all the Cultivators of those people, and remembers those powerful people one after another In my heart.

Now among the top 7 peaks, there are 47 people who have a higher cultivation level than him!

It didn’t take long for the Cultivator from the 8th peak to the 5th peak to all enter, so that the Martial Grandmaster Cultivator of Duanmu Feng has climbed to the point of more than 1000!

What is the concept of more than 1000 people?

In the former Luo River Kingdom, there were less than 3 Martial Grandmaster Realm Powerhouses!

It can be said that Martial Grandmaster Cultivator of lower territory 1/4 has gathered here today!

Qin Nan’s body is tight. The Cultivator in the top ten peaks has 5 people, and the cultivation level is stronger than him.

“Qin Nan!”

At this moment, a voice sounded in his ear, Qin Nan looked back, and it turned out that it was Sima Kong.

Sima Kong’s one month in Azure Dragon Sacred Land was a stir for Turmoil and earned countless benefits, making him a complexion, a change of mood, and a rosy skin.

“This 16 Peaks great competition is extremely difficult. There will be a Peerless Supreme Talent to participate. At that time you and I must join forces.” Sima Kong has no nonsense, his face solemnly.

“Peerless Supreme Talent?”

Qin Nan froze slightly.

At this moment, one after another’s uniform footsteps sounded as if the giant was drumming, and the huge sound, the entire martial arts training grounds of the quake, banged and made it quiet.

I saw a young man with an indifferent face, like an imperial prince, aloof and remote, with a magnificent momentum. He was the first, behind him, followed by sixteen Knights in dark red armor.

The entire martial arts training grounds suddenly sounded a hold breath cold air.

“How is he!”

“Heavens, Yang Taitian is here!”

“Yang Taitian actually brought out his sixteen dark red Knights this time, could it be that, did he want to kill Martial Sovereign?”

“Shit! He came up with such a battle. In this game, he must be Ah!”


All Cultivator’s faces were shaken.

Qin Nan left pupil flickered thunder light, and immediately discovered that this Yang Taitian, a cultivation level, can be called terrifying. Although it is only Martial Grandmaster Realm peak, but the aura within the body is twice as much as Xue Wuji. Apart from this, the ten or six dark knights are all Martial Grandmaster Realm peaks, and have practiced a certain Cultivation Technique, which blends with Yang Taitian’s aura, and can be combined at any time.

“Qin Nan, this Yang Taitian is not simple. It is rumored that he is the son of Peak Lord at 16 Peaks.” Sima Kong sound transmission saying: “The Peak Lord of 16 Peaks is the most Mysterious Peak Lord of our Azure Dragon Sacred Land. It is said that This person has 1000 10000 links with a certain force in the Upper Territory, which has led to the status of 16 Peaks Peak Lord, which is not weaker than Duanmu Peak Lord! “

“Apart from this, this Yang Taitian teamed up with his sixteen dark red Knights, and exerted his best, even the Powerhouse of Martial Sovereign 6-layer, can be killed! In this 1 Peaks great competition, he is the most A powerful enemy! “

Shouted Sima Kong.

16 Sons of Peaks Peak Lord?

Kill Martial Sovereign?

Qin Nan blinked.

This Yang Taitian is truly extraordinary.

“You want to join me?” Qin Nan looked towards Sima Kong, opens the mouth to ask.

“That’s natural. With my current strength, I can’t win Yang Taitian by myself. If we are united, it is not necessarily Yang Taitian’s opponent …” Sima Kong said seriously.

It was just that he didn’t finish his words. Suddenly, the line of sight, like a god’s eye, broke and fell on Qin Nan.

Invisible murderous aura, swinging away immediately.

Qin Nan complexion sank, he did not guess wrong.

Then Sima Kong froze slightly, turned his head and found that in front of the crowd, Yang Taitian looked coldly, and Murderous Aura didn’t hide it.

Sima Kong was instantly stunned.

What exactly is going on? How did Yang Taitian follow them?


Qin Nan’s eyes moved.

He suddenly felt that when Yang Taitian released the Murderous Intention, there was still a place where a weak Murderous Intention was also emitted. He turned around and saw a thin young man among the crowd, looking at his mouth with a smile. he.

Qin Nan left pupil rays of light flashes, his expression changed slightly, this young man, the cultivation level is not weaker than Yang Taitian!

“Who is this guy? It seems that he is not on the protector list. If it is, it has long been recognized, and no one on the protector list can shoulder shoulders with Yang Taitian …”

Qin Nan’s brain moves fast.

While pondering, he also raised a question in his heart.

Who in the world can have such a large handwriting, driving 2 Peerless Supreme Talents to deal with him specifically?

Just then, one, another, after the bang, bang, bang, exploded in the void of Duanmu Feng.

Major Peak Lord, start to enter!

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