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Chapter 410 Give Me Together

The so-called lead Envoy refers to the main peak, appointed by one or two Envoys, and leads the Cultivator in the peak to achieve equivalent functions such as explanation and encouragement.

Under normal circumstances, this team of Envoy will never easily intervene in the 16 Peaks great competition, unless it is a team of other forces, mixed with it, can exercise their rights.

Today, this Murong Xiang, so open, is obviously aimed at Qin Nan.

Before waiting for Qin Nan to speak, Fang Jian took the lead and said, “Murong Xiang, as the team leader Envoy, what right do you have to prevent Qin Nan from participating in this competition?”

“Hey, Fang Jian, what are you shouting? Open your dog’s eyes to see clearly what this is!”

Murong Xiang smiled scornfully and raised his hand. In his palm, one piece of Token emerged. In the center of the Token, there was a large “curtain”.

Once this Token came out, countless people changed countenance for it.

Because this token is the token of Murong Fu Peak Lord in Duanmu Feng.

Bright this Token card, as if I was there!

Fang Jian’s mouth sneered.

Although he didn’t understand why this Murong Xiang and Murong Fu Peak Lord wanted to do something with Qin Nan, they also underestimated Qin Nan too. Behind Qin Nan, but standing Duanmu Peak Lord, there were various Big Peak Lord!

A Vice-Peak Lord’s Token, wanting to dismiss Qin Nan’s qualifications, is simply wishful thinking.

Before waiting for Fang Jian to speak, the tone of Murong Xiang suddenly rose, saying: “This 16 Peaks great competition, although it is a Cultivator test under Martial Sovereign Realm, is also a test of the 6 main peaks! Qin Nan is our peerless talent for Duanmu Feng. The cultivation level is only Martial King Realm Peak. If it is defeated in the 16 Peaks great competition, what kind of humiliation is this for Duanmu Feng? So, this 16 Peaks great competition, do n’t let Qin Nan participate! ”

As soon as this word came out, many Cultivator’s eyes flickered and he did not speak.

Murong Xiang’s remarks are justified and irrefutable.

“Hehe.” Fang Jian sneered more and more and said, “Murong Xiang, I’m not here to pretend. I only know that Qin Nan is participating in this 16 Peaks great competition in accordance with regulations, even if Murong Fu Peak Lord comes. , And he has no right to stop him from participating in this 16 Peaks great competition. “

Murong Xiang’s eyes were sharp.

He didn’t expect that this Fang Jian would dare to protect Qin Nan after he showed the Token.

But it also made his mood more angry.

Qin Nan is a Peerless Supreme Talent. It is not wrong, but he is the son of Duanmu Feng’s first Vice-Peak Lord.

Could it be that he father, is it so difficult to suppress a little Qin Nan?

“It is okay to participate in the 16 Peaks great competition, but it must pass my assessment!”

Murong Xiang held back the anger, dark said.

When Fang Jian was about to fight back, Qin Nan’s indifferent voice sounded, “I don’t know Murong Xiang Envoy. What test do you want to take?”

“Qin Nan, you don’t need to worry about this …”

When Fang Jian saw him speak, he quickly made a sound transmission.

“It’s okay. Someone wants to deal with me. Let’s see what they have planned!”

Qin Nan replied, expression indifferent.

Murong Xiang saw Qin Nan talking, and was happy, immediately saying: “Qin Nan, don’t get me wrong, this Envoy is considered for the whole Duanmu Feng. So, I have selected 3 supreme talents, if you can One of them defeated, even if you are strong enough, I can participate in this great competition! “

He tone barely fell, and among the crowd, three youths flew out at once.

As soon as these three youths came out, the Cultivators in the audience all looked at changes, because these three youths were all the cultivation level of Martial Grandmaster Realm 3-layer, apart from this, and in their Duanmu Feng, it was also well-known, is Can be ranked in the top 3 supreme talents!

This made them immediately understand that Murong Xiang had already set up the game, waiting for Qin Nan!

“Murong Xiang, you …”

Fang Jian expression was angry.

These 3 people, Qin Nan want to win?

This is impossible at all!

How long has Qin Nan been promoted to Martial King Realm?

Murong Xiang would n’t wait for him to explode, hit the iron while he was hot, pretending to disdain: “What? I heard a while ago that Qin Nan took 3 steps in the 400-layer door and got a lot of benefits, could it be that Can’t defeat the Cultivator of Martial Grandmaster Realm 6-layer? In this case, what other 16 Peaks great competition to participate in, this is not a shame for Duanmu Feng-“

It’s not just Fang Jian who thinks impossible, the audience Cultivator, but also simultaneously shook his head.

These three people are extremely extraordinary. Although Qin Nan is a Peerless Supreme Talent and has gained a lot of benefits in the 3-layer door, Qin Nan ’s cultivation level is, after all, only Martial King Realm Peak, no matter how heaven-defying, it is also fundamental impossible is the opponent of Martial Grandmaster Realm 3-layer!

There is no suspense in this game.

“Hey, I don’t know what Qin Nan should do?”

“Murong Xiang is insidious, let alone Qin Nan, even the ordinary Martial Grandmaster Realm 7-layer is not necessarily an opponent!”


Many Cultivator sighed.

However, Murong Xiang’s words have not been finished yet, while Cultivator was talking, Qin Nan suddenly spoke faintly.

“Okay, then according to Murong Envoy, but before the game, I have a request.”

The words came out like Shibo Tianjing.

“Qin Nan, you …”

Fang Jian expression urgent.

This kind of thing, but 10000000 can’t be impulsive. If Qin Nan loses, not only can’t he participate, it’s also shameful.

Murong Xiang slightly startled, then reacted, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, and he hurriedly opened the mouth and said: “You said you said, what are your requirements? You can make any requirements, and I will try my best to satisfy you! “

“Is it?”

Qin Nan laughed suddenly and reached out to the three Cultivators, saying, “My request is very simple. I don’t want to play one-on-one …”

“Not wanting one-on-one?”

Murong Xiang froze.

At this moment Qin Nan continued to speak, exclaiming with thunder: “If you want to fight, let me have them together!”

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