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Chapter 409

“Very powerful snow and ice power!”

Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed.

The snow and ice power played by Xue Wuji is faintly taken from Heaven and Earth, which contains the feeling of world’s strength, far from being comparable to Xue Wuhen.

“Thunder Flame kill!”

There was a flash of fighting intent in Qin Nan’s eyes, and the golden armor of the sun was running decisively, rolling the Thunder Flame, and sketching it instantly, like a Monster Beast bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, engulfing the snow storm.

The power of Thunder Flame cannot be underestimated.


Xue Wuji’s eyes flashed with surprise.

He did n’t expect that the cultivation level was only Qin Nan of Martial King Realm Peak, which actually has such a battle strength, but he also instantly realized that the true cultivation level of Qin Nan is probably around Martial Grandmaster Realm 6-layer.

“Also an ant!”

Xue Wuji’s eyes became indifferent again, he raised his palm again, and from his palm, a piece of ice debris rose slowly.

At this moment, all around the void was cold, as if there was a terrible blizzard, which was about to roll.

Ying Xunlong, and so on Cultivator, all look at changes.

“Thunder Tribulation pupil!”

Qin Nan did not budge, and among the left pupil, a wild thunderbolt poured out.

However, at this instant, a roar sounded.


sou sou!

There are more than a dozen silhouettes, simultaneously coming across the air, they are the protectors of the 8th peak, and the cultivation level has reached the Martial Grandmaster Realm peak.

Among the protectors, a middle age person took a look at the situation in front of him and couldn’t help but take a breath of air. Whether it is Qin Nan or Xue Wuji, they are all prestigious existences and cannot be easily offended.

However, he knew more clearly that if two people continued to fight, it would have a bad impact.

“Please two more people, give me a face, don’t continue fighting here, how about it?” Middle age person calmed down his mind calmly, and spoke slowly.

“What kind of thing are you?” Xue Wuji said mercilessly, “Give me away, otherwise, pack up with you!”

Middle-aged people look slightly changed, and other Envoy’s faces are also ugly.

At that moment, a shout came from in the sky: “Xue Wuji, why are you angry? Today, let’s forget about it.”

“Martial Sovereign Powerhouse?”

Xue Wuji breathing slightly stopped.

He has now come to understand that what is happening here may have attracted the attention of Powerhouse on the 8th peak. If it continues, it will not do him any good.

“That line, I’ll give you a face.”

Xue Wuji shattered the icing debris in his palm and gave a high glance to Qin Nan, saying, “If you are lucky today, I will let you go for the time being! But you remember to me that if you dare to come to the 16 Peaks great competition If I do, I will definitely break you 4 limbs, let you know, Martial Spirit is high, and sometimes no shit! “

Xue Wuji is very clever. After saying this, he did not stay, grabbed Xue Wuhen’s figure and flew towards the sky.

Qin Nan watched this scene, and the power of Thunder Tribulation in his pupils disappeared.

He has to admit that although he has improved a lot in his cultivation level in the past 3 months, there is still a big gap compared with Xue Wuji.

“Strength, I still need to improve!”

Qin Nan clenched his fists and spit fire.

His strength is still too low, otherwise, Xue Wuji would not dare to be so shameless.

“Thank you all!”

Qin Nan calmed his mind, and said to Simultaneously, such as Ying Xunlong and Cultivator, and the protector of Peak 8.

At the beginning, these people were on his side.

“Without many thanks, I blame this Xue Wuji …”

Ying Xunlong and the others both shook their heads simultaneously and admired Qin Nan in their hearts.

If this happens, they run into it. Although they are angry, they dare not take any action at all.

Qin Nan had a chat with everyone. After making an appointment with Ying Xunlong for 16 Peaks great competition, Qin Nan did not stay on the 8th peak and moved towards Duanmu Feng.

This time 16 peaks great competition, the majors that register for participation need to gather at their respective main peaks. After the assembly, they will be led by main peak Envoy and all come to Duanmu Feng to join.

When Qin Nan returned to Duanmu Feng, Duartu Feng’s martial arts training grounds had already gathered a lot of silhouettes.

These silhouettes are the existence of Martial Grandmaster Realm, not even the discipline of a Martial King Realm.

“Qin Nan!”

At the head of the crowd, Fang Jian saw Qin Nan at a glance, and expression showed a silky look.

Sure enough, Qin Nan will really take part in the 16 Peaks great competition. In this case, they Duanmu Feng will most likely win the first place this time.

If it comes first, it will be a very high honor. For Fang Jian, the benefits are endless.

“En? Qin Nan is here?”

“I heard he worked hard at the 3-layer door for 3 months!”

“How is his strength still Martial King Realm Peak?”


The entire martial arts training grounds swelled in an instant. All disciples were looking at Qin Nan with complex eyes.

“Qin Nan Junior Brother, Senior Brother is waiting for you, but it’s hard to wait.” At this moment, a grumble voice sounded, it was Big Senior Brother Zhao Fang.

At this time, Zhao Fang, holding a whisk and wearing a robe, dissipated handsomely.

Beside him, there were also standing Xiao Shiyi and Xiao Feipeng, two people with no Heavenless pride, both of them with sweet faces.

Qin Nan had just wanted to talk, and when he saw Zhao Fang, he immediately went into goose bumps and his face turned dark.

He forgot one very important thing, Zhao Fang is the cultivation level of Martial Grandmaster Realm peak, and he can also participate in this 16 Peaks great competition!

“16 Peaks great competition, must guard him!”

Qin Nan secretly thought, without looking at Zhao Fang, moved towards Fang Jian walked over.

However, just at this time, a sad voice sounded: “Oh, this is the legendary Qin Nan, isn’t it? It’s a great honor to finally meet me today!”

I only saw an imposing middle age person wearing a golden robe, walking over.

His arrival caused many disciples to change their faces, even Zhao Fang’s face became cold.

Fang Jian expression sank and said, “Murong Xiang, what are you doing here? This time it’s 16 Peaks great competition, it has nothing to do with you!”

Murong Xiang?

Qin Nan froze slightly.

He doesn’t know this person at all.

Fang Jian then said to Qin Nan sound transmission saying: “Qin Nan, in our Duanmu Feng, there are several Vice-Peak Lords who are future successors of Duanmu Feng. This Murong Xiang is the Vice-Peak Lord. The son of No. 1 Murong Peak Lord! This is a terrible and arrogant man. This time he is here, it must be harboring malicious intentions! “

Qin Nan heard this, and his light was flashed in his mind.

Last time Duanmu Peak Lord had already told him that if he participated in this 16 Peaks great competition, someone would have to fight against him. Could it be that now, do those people start to act?

As if to confirm Qin Nan’s speculation, Murong Xiang grinned and said: “Fang Jian, it is sorry. I just received the order. I am also one of the Envoys leading the team! As the leading Envoy, I certainly Right to come, not only that, but Ben Envoy also believes that Qin Nan is not eligible to participate in this competition! “

Everyone was shocked by this remark.

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