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Chapter 300 40 4 Mysterious Azure Dragon Saint Lord

The Martial Fate Pavilion, among the lower territories, is a well-known restricted area.

But who would have expected it to spy on the Azure Dragon Sacred Land in the endless void.

At this moment, Martial Fate Pavilion 5th-layer.

Among the 5th-layer, there is an old man, a middle age person, and an old woman.

If Qin Nan is here, he will surely find that this is the person who is the first pass, the second pass, and the third pass.

In front of these three people, there was a young man with a vague face, unable to see through.

“Hey, boy, I saw at a glance that he had natural talent!” The old pass assessment of the first pass was wretched and said with a smile: “Unfortunately, not a girl …”

“Oh, didn’t he startle you?” Middle age person said with a sneer.

“This can also be noisy?” The old woman was rather speechless, looking towards the young man, respectfully: “Master, we wait for 1000 years, and now the strange number of Cang Lan Continent is finally here, what should we do? Is it necessary? Help him? After all, he broke through the Martial Fate Pavilion, and we gave him too few rewards. “

“Reward?” Although he could not see the youth’s smile, it made people feel that he was laughing. “Give him a Fine and Detailed Stone at first, it was more than enough for him. Donating things is to see What he lacks, what you give, this is the best. As for help, he doesn’t need our help for the time being, we just need to be in the secret and look forward to his growth. “

“I’m sure that after a while, when he gets stronger and stronger, he will definitely get the attention over there. Before that, we had only one task to cover up the Heavens Secret. We must let the people over there, Find it, give him time to grow! “

“As you bid!”

The three appraisers were all shouted in a deep voice.

The young man looked towards the void and sighed: “Martial Artist can cultivate only by martial spirit, communicating the world. Cang Lan is not kind, Grand Dao is kind …”

Along with his long sigh, the silhouette of the entire Martial Fate Pavilion slowly disappeared in the void, no one noticed it.



Azure Dragon Saint Lord is already a Martial Saint cultivation level. His power exceeds Qin Nan’s cognition, and it is not Qin Nan’s understanding at all.

Qin Nan only felt his breath stagnation, next moment, he had already gone to another place.

This is a house of several ten zhang. The house is clean, simple and tidy. It is planted with some weird flowers, gorgeous colors and aura mystery. It is even more remarkable that it is placed in the middle of the group of flowers. With a stone table, the surface of the stone table is like clear water, and the rays of light on the water surface are intertwined to form a chessboard.

“Azure Dragon Saint Lord, I want to know, what exactly do you know? Who are you?”

Qin Nan is completely uninterested in these and speaks directly to Asking Dao.

The matter of Martial Spirit is so important that he doesn’t want to be exposed.

“I can’t tell you yet.” Azure Dragon Saint Lord calmly said: “Because your current cultivation level is not enough, you must at least reach the cultivation level of Martial Grandmaster Realm peak Boundary before I can tell!”

can not say?

Qin Nan’s eyes were cold.

You are Martial Saint Powerhouse, can you tease me like this?

Azure Dragon Saint Lord chuckled, turned a blind eye to Qin Nan’s anger, and said, “Don’t be impatient and calm. I can’t tell you everything, but I can tell you that I won’t have any malice towards you, but Believe me, here between Heaven and Earth, I’m afraid I will be the best person for you. “

“The best person for me?”

Qin Nan couldn’t help laughing.

This Azure Dragon Saint Lord, from Mysterious, understood his found mystery, but did not tell him.

Now I have to tell him that he is not malicious to himself, but the best person to himself.

Is this kidding?

The two of them just met today!

“Don’t believe it?”

Azure Dragon Saint Lord faintly smiled, saying: “Instead of anyone, you will not believe the person you just met and say this. But you always have to believe in your Martial Spirit!”

At this point, Qin Nan’s complexion changed.

I saw behind him, ten azure lights flickered, and the War God’s Spirit of several ten zhang suddenly stood up, standing on Heaven and Earth.

You know, he didn’t urge War God’s Spirit just now, why now War God’s Spirit suddenly appeared because of a word from Azure Dragon Saint Lord?

I have n’t waited for Qin Nan to think deeply, a kind of mysterious and mysterious feeling, rising in his heart, turned out to be the War God’s Spirit, as if in the meditation, he was telling him, Azure Dragon Saint Lord, would not tell him There is no harm.


Qin Nan froze.

Why is War God’s Spirit doing this?

Who exactly is Azure Dragon Saint Lord?

Why does it know Azure Dragon Saint Lord?

In an instant, countless questions, like thunder, sounded through Qin Nan’s heart.

Azure Dragon Saint Lord’s eyes were deep and he said, “Qin Nan, don’t think too much about it now, but back then, War God’s Spirit and I had some relationship, so I only knew it existed, it also knew me, anyway, waiting for you Reached the Martial Grandmaster Realm peak, come back to me and I will tell you everything! ”

Qin Nan fiercely took a cold breath and forced himself to calm down.

There are too many questions now. If Azure Dragon Saint Lord doesn’t say it, there is nothing he can do with his cultivation level.

But Qin Nan looked towards Azure Dragon Saint Lord’s eyes, but it eased.

He didn’t know what the Azure Dragon Saint Lord had in the past and War God’s Spirit, but it cannot be denied that since War God’s Spirit recognized Azure Dragon Saint Lord, then this Azure Dragon Saint Lord was really not malicious to him at all.

Otherwise, how can it be recognized by War God!

Azure Dragon Saint Lord continued: “Qin Nan, I hope you work hard at Azure Dragon Sacred Land, and after 3 years, don’t let Tang Qingshan down.”

Killing Sovereign?

Qin Nan froze.

Azure Dragon Saint Lord whispered softly: “At that time, my Majesty had 4 disciples and there is a person Adopted Daughter. Tang Qingshan ’s Martial Spirit level, although not the highest, has a unique natural nature of his own. Talent, his future should be upper territory. Unfortunately, after that incident, Tang Qingshan was stunned. In fact, he should know that I don’t blame him for a long time. “

Qin Nan was silent, nodded, and said nothing.

Killing Sovereign Tang Qingshan, he is as gracious to him as he is, and he will certainly complete it.

But now Qin Nan faces Azure Dragon Saint Lord, and his heart is quite weird, like an unfathomable mystery, and suddenly a person pops out. This person also has an unfathomable mystery relationship with his Martial Spirit.

“Senior, you said you told me the origin of this sword, and why War God’s Spirit was promoted. Can you tell me now?”

Qin Nan thought about it for a while, and now no matter who this Azure Dragon Saint Lord is, and no matter what his connection with War God’s Spirit is, he first needs to advance what War God’s Spirit needs to make it clear.

“War God’s Spirit, this thing is needed.”

Azure Dragon Saint Lord rolled his hand, and in his palm, there was one more thing.

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