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300 Chapter 45

This object is less than half of the palm, although the shape is not round, but the brilliance is translucent, as if formed by a drop of water.

Qin Nan used the War God left pupil and saw it. In it, there is a profound world’s strength, far beyond his cognition.

“This is the Yuan Stone.” Azure Dragon Saint Lord said: “Why many Cultivators will go to the upper territory after being strong because of the existence of this thing. I do n’t say much about its specific effects, especially the lower territory for the lower Territory is blocked to prevent it from flowing in, making it extremely valuable in lower territory. “

“Yuan Stone?”

Qin Nan reached out subconsciously to get it. The Azure Dragon Saint Lord turned over the palm and took away Yuan Stone. He laughed and said, “Qin Nan, this Yuan Stone is extremely precious. 1000 gold is hard to buy. You want to get it. It’s up to you. “


Qin Nan’s forehead was dark.

Just now this Azure Dragon Saint Lord, also keep on saying, is in this world, the best person for him.

Not even one piece of Yuan Stone now.

However, Qin Nan was relieved. His intuition at that time was indeed correct. He came to Two Great Sacred Land and learned what War God’s Spirit needed.

As long as understood, no matter how expensive, there is naturally a way to get it.

“Azure Dragon Saint Lord, leave first!”

Qin Nan 2 says nothing, turns around and prepares to leave. This Saint Lord is too mysterious. Although Qin Nan knows that he wo n’t take action against himself, he does n’t like this kind of ignorance and then being seen through. .

“Wait a minute.” Azure Dragon Saint Lord’s expression, suddenly serious, said solemnly: “Qin Nan, again, you reached the Martial Grandmaster Realm peak, I can tell you everything! I can tell you, everything Will be an amazing secret! “

After saying this, Azure Dragon Saint Lord took out one piece of Token, the wrinkles on his face, evoked a smile, and said: “This piece of token is the one piece of identity token I prepared, named Duan Qing, when you’re in Azure Dragon Sacred Land, you should need another identity. “


Qin Nan didn’t expect, I was serious just now, and now I have given myself an identity token.

Why does he need another identity?

Although in doubt, Qin Nan did not refuse. After receiving the Token, he paused and said: “I think, I don’t need to take too long to promote Martial Grandmaster Realm peak. Don’t lie about it at that time.”


Azure Dragon Saint Lord smiled, his sleeves flung, and a force shrouded Qin Nan and took it away.

As soon as Qin Nan left, the whole house became calm.

The smile on Azure Dragon Saint Lord’s face slowly disappeared, and a faint of fatigue appeared between the expressions. The whole person did not look like a Martial Saint Powerhouse, but a twilight old man.


Azure Dragon Saint Lord sighed. The entire courtyard changed with Heaven and Earth turning upside down. The blooming flowers quickly withered, and a death Qi permeated the entire courtyard.

“The deadline is approaching, I hope you can promote Martial Grandmaster Realm as soon as possible, that is the best …”

Azure Dragon Saint Lord murmured to himself, the whole person was completely silent, like a sculpture.




Qin Nan’s figure evolved on Duanmu Feng’s Comparing Martial Arts Stage.

At this moment, almost 100 rays of light fell on him.

It turned out that while Qin Nan was taken away by Azure Dragon Saint Lord, the Supreme Talent of Two Great Sacred Land Selection, etc., was completely over. Are all the people in Flying Upwards Sacred Land withdrawn, as for the major Peak Lords in Azure Dragon Sacred Land? , Envoy, etc., have already brought supreme talent back to their own peaks.

But Duanmu Feng’s Envoy, protector, and disciple, after learning that Qin Nan was recruited into their Duanmu Feng, each and everyone both expressed great joy, stood on this Comparing Martial Arts Stage, and waited quietly.

When Qin Nan appeared, Duanmu Feng’s Envoy, protector, and disciplines swarmed up and surrounded Qin Nan layer by layer, impervious to air.

“Aiya, Qin Nan Junior Brother, you chose Duanmu Feng, which is really right!”

“Hahaha, Qin Nan Junior Brother, if you have any questions in the future, you will always come to me Ah!”

“I don’t say anything else, the turtle grandchildren of Flying Upwards Sacred Land, dare to do something to you, I slap him to death!”

“Qin Nan Junior Brother, we have a banquet for you tonight, and we will have a shouted cup!”


In Azure Dragon Sacred Land, there are ten main peaks. Each main peak has its own Peak Lord, Envoy, protector, and disciple. They do not interfere with each other, and sometimes even compete with each other.

Now Qin Nan, although only Martial King Realm Peak, he is proud to be Duanmu Feng’s ace, Duanmu Feng’s pride, whether it is the major Envoy, protector, disciple of Duanmu Feng, although they are also jealous of Qin Nan’s treatment, but I also know in my heart that we must take good care of Qin Nan.

Teacher Lineage, if you fight each other, how can you carry forward?

“many thanks you Senior Brother!”

Qin Nan’s heart warmed, and moved towards everyone in the audience, bowing deeply.

At Profound Spirit Sect, there was only infinite fighting, except for a few friends, who were basically enemies, and had never enjoyed such care from Senior Brother.

The Envoy, protector, and disciplines of the audience were even more satisfied. The Junior Brother was really sensible and not arrogant at all.

“Okay, you all calm down.” Duanmu Peak Lord was suspended in midair, including said with a smile: “Qin Nan, Dragon Tiger, Miaomiao, Pang Qiu, 4 of you, just joined us Duanmu Feng, for Azure Dragon Sacred Land, I don’t know. Now I will let the people in the peak introduce everything to you. I don’t know who you are, who is willing to take on this task? “

“I come!”

“Rely on, must I come!”

“Shit! Go away for me, I must come!”

“Are you looking for a fight?”


A group of Envoy, protector, and disciple were noisy instantly, almost fighting.

Qin Nan looked a little embarrassed.

At this time, he suddenly realized why Azure Dragon Saint Lord wanted to give him one piece of identity token.

It’s too famous and doesn’t seem to be very good.

If so many people are watching every day, how can he practice?

“You guys, let me do it this time.”

Just then, a soft voice resounded.

I saw a young man wearing an azure robe, holding a duster and face like a white jade, stepping on a white crane and coming across the air.

He did not release any aura, but he had an indescribable comfort, which made people feel like a spring breeze, and all kinds of troubles would be resolved when he saw him again.

“Big Senior Brother !”

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