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Chapter 300 40 3 Good Job

Qin Nan expression was shocked.

Sword in hand?

His Martial Spirit?

You know, because of the Ancient Sword in the hand, because it is infected with War God’s aura, Qin Nan will have some sense and will design it. As for his War God’s Spirit, he did encounter a problem at the moment, that is, War God’s Spirit no longer needs Medicine Pill, but needs something else to be able to advance!

But these things, Azure Dragon Saint Lord, why do you know?

Qin Nan without the slightest hesitation, War God left pupil, erupted in an instant, moved towards that Azure Dragon Saint Lord, and looked directly.

In this view, nothing was found. The aura of Azure Dragon Saint Lord is like an ancient black hole. It is unfathomable and there is no clue whatsoever.

“Last time was Bronze Mirror, Bronze Mirror knew me War God’s Spirit, not Martial Spirit of myself! But even Bronze Mirror, I don’t know the origin of War God’s Spirit at all, now why does this Azure Dragon Saint Lord know? And I never released Martial Spirit … “

Qin Nan was tense, and his brain was racing.

Although he wanted to ask questions, from the current situation, Azure Dragon Saint Lord would certainly not tell him.

“I joined Azure Dragon Sacred Land!”

Qin Nan thought for a while and found nothing. He could only enter Azure Dragon Sacred Land according to the wishes of Azure Dragon Saint Lord. Then he had to figure out what Azure Dragon Saint Lord knew and why he knew it!


Flying Upwards Saint Lord for a while.

Peak Lord and Envoy of Flying Upwards Sacred Land were also on the spot.

With this benefit, Qin Nan would actually choose Azure Dragon Sacred Land.

However, they soon realized that Qin Nan made this choice, probably because of the words of Azure Dragon Saint Lord, which forced Qin Nan to enter Azure Dragon Sacred Land.

“Qin Nan, Azure Dragon Saint Lord can give you, I can give you, he can not give you, I can give you!” Flying Upwards Saint Lord said solemnly: “You have to think clearly, your decision It is very likely that it will affect your future, even if you are a genius! “

“Qin Nan, think about Ah!” Luo Peak Lord also said anxiously.

A genius like Qin Nan, for a few hundred years, I’m afraid it’s hard to find one, he doesn’t want to miss it.

“Two Seniors, the decision has been made next.” Qin Nan arched with a fist: “many thanks 2 Seniors love me very much, Flying Upwards Sacred Land is very good, but I still choose Azure Dragon Sacred Land, for me, It’s more suitable for me! “

Azure Dragon Saint Lord’s face was as usual and amiable, as if this choice, he had expected it.

Duanmu Peak Lord and others, Azure Dragon Sacred Land, all expressed great joy. They can foresee that when Qin Nan came to Azure Dragon Sacred Land, he would definitely lead a storm.

The person at Flying Upwards Sacred Land’s face changed simultaneously, and it was quite ugly.

They want Qin Nan to join them, but Qin Nan has his own decision, and they can’t force it.

In the eyes of Flying Upwards Saint Lord, there was a sharp moment, saying: “Qin Nan, since you have made a decision, this Saint Lord will not interfere with you! But from now on, our young genius of Flying Upwards Saint Lord, You will be the enemy! As long as there is a chance, we at Flying Upwards Sacred Land will completely block you and spare no effort! You still have one last chance to change your choice! “

Between the Two Great Sacred Lands, although until now, they are against each other, but rarely formally start a war. After all, once the war starts, both sides will suffer huge losses.

However, I did not expect that Qin Nan, a martial king peak, would be personally followed by Flying Upwards Saint Lord.

In fact, this is also normal. If natural talents such as Qin Nan cannot be drawn in, they must be strangled. Otherwise, they must be the future enemy of Flying Upwards Sacred Land.

The Peak Lords at Azure Dragon Sacred Land were all angry.

Good Ah!

Even threats are used!

Isn’t that keeping our Azure Dragon Sacred Land in our sights?

Just before waiting for him to speak, Qin Nan burst out laughing, and the laughter was like thunder: “Good! That’s very good! Flying Upwards Saint Lord, I look forward to the arrival of the Supreme Talent of your Flying Upwards Sacred Land, I hope they don’t it disappointed me!”

Tone barely fell, on Qin Nan, a fighting intent, straight into the sky!

His Dragon-Marked Golden Core was condensed this time, reaching Martial King Realm Peak in one fell swoop. He was full of muscles and bones, and he had long been hungry and thirsty!


Come the more the better!

That way, he will be completely excited!

Flying Upwards Saint Lord stupefied.

The Peak Lords and Envoys of the Flying Upwards Sacred Land were also stunned.

Threatened by their dignified Flying Upwards Sacred Land, Qin Nan, a small Martial King Realm Peak Powerhouse, is not angry and laughs?

This guy, really fucking is a perverted Ah!

“That being the case, I don’t want to say much. If you can achieve a side powerhouse under the attack of our Flying Upwards Sacred Land, then Saint Lord fully admire you!” Flying Upwards Saint Lord is extremely straightforward, immediately saying: “Other People stay with me, pick the supreme talent, I’ll go first! “

After speaking, he strode, teaching void, disappeared.

He came this time, only for Qin Nan. As for other supreme talents, he is not qualified to let him come in person.

“I joined Flying Upwards Sacred Land!”

Unexpectedly, Jiang Bilan stood up first and said.


The Peak Lords of Flying Upwards Sacred Land, although depressed did not get Qin Nan, but this Jiang Bilan is only inferior to the existence of Killing Sovereign Tang Qingshan, they naturally welcomed the extreme.

“I also join Flying Upwards Sacred Land!”

Jiao Shiyi said quickly.


Jiao Zhe complexion slightly changed. The longing in his mind was Azure Dragon Sacred Land, but he didn’t expect that Jiao Shiyi still couldn’t change himself. For Jiang Bilan, he was completely crazy.

“Then I … join Flying Upwards Sacred Land!”

Jiao Zhe sighed in his heart, his face agitated.

“Haha, this fat brother has joined Azure Dragon Sacred Land!” Sima Kong smiled wryly: “When Qin Nan big brother covers me, who am I afraid of?”

In addition to Qin Nan, the ownership of the four Discipline Selection Great Competition has been completely determined.

The two Great Sacred Land players in the audience did not have a tendency to open their fights again. At most, they were just arguing for a certain supreme talent, and they were so noisy. However, because Azure Dragon Sacred Land won Qin Nan, it caused most of the supreme talent. Azure Dragon Sacred Land was given to Flying Upwards Sacred Land.

After all, there needs to be a balance between Two Great Sacred Land.

“Saint Lord !”

Seeing this scene, Qin Nan looked up and looked towards Azure Dragon Saint Lord.

“You come with me!”

Azure Dragon Saint Lord slightly smiled, the sleeve robe fluttered, shrouded Qin Nan’s figure, disappeared.

However, no one knows that above the endless void, since the beginning of the Two Great Sacred Land disciple Selection Great Competition, there is a huge monster, who sees everything in his eyes.

No one found him, neither of the 2 Saint Lords!

It’s the Martial Fate Pavilion!

ps: I’m sorry everyone. I originally planned to break out today, but I’ve been up all night for too long. It should be more than 2 weeks. The recent sudden drop in temperature has caused a cold. It is really too tired. The brain is so thick that it feels drowsy during class during the day. It ca n’t be written. Today there are only 4 more. In the next 2 or 3 days, there will only be 4 or 5 more. After raising it, it will break out again.

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