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After the words fell, on top of the three-color lotus, a bunch of immortal energy floated and became a youth.

The youth looks ordinary, but his a pair of eyes is extraordinary.

When he stared at the eyes of Chen Fenghuo, the latter shivered, as if seeing the All Heavens stars.

Spirit of the celestial poles list stood aside, watching the youth’s pale face, and sighed in his heart.

But soon, Spirit of the celestial poles list, adjusted his mind, he knows the old friend very well, so if things can reach this level, he doesn’t have to feel sad for the old friend.

“Chen Fenghuo, can you?”

Yin Yue slowly Asking Dao.

The atmosphere in the great hall was unexplainably quiet.

The giants of Spirit of the celestial poles, Zihao Heavenly Venerable and so on all looked at it quietly without showing any attitude.

The Item’s Spirit inheritance of the dignified book is destined and sacred, and must not be disturbed in any way.

“Senior, I started to be sensible, and because of practical natural talent, I was left out. I have few friends. I was disgusted with this world. Until one day, I had the first martial skill in my life. That was an ancestral art. Since then, I have opened a new door and entered a whole new world. “

“Each martial skill contains the true meaning and changes that make me fascinated and feel unprecedented fun. So, one day, I want to open, I don’t need to care about the eyes of the world, I slowly cultivate and slowly go Look at all kinds of martial skills, and understand its story, the story behind it. “

“Until one day, I suddenly learned that in this world, there are martial arts Supreme Treasure, the book of closure. Since then, I have the first long-term goal in my life. One day, I saw the book of closure and realized The book’s understanding of martial arts. “

“Seriously, I do n’t really have much interest in cultivation, and I do n’t like to fight and kill. Sometimes, for me, breakthrough Boundary is just to understand higher-level martial arts profound mystery, High martial skills and Cultivation Technique. “

“and so……”

“Now that I am the Item’s Spirit of the book of closure, I have a chance to witness the true meaning of martial arts and see the world’s 10000 1000 methods. How can I refuse?”

Chen Fenghuo said slowly, in the end, his eyes became extremely bright.

His mood now is really, really happy.

“Haha, okay, okay, okay! Starting today, you’re the next Item’s Spirit of the feudal book!”

A rare smile appeared on Yin Yue’s face. This is an inheritance belonging to his oneself.

“Yinyue, congratulations, I found a good Successor!”

Spirit of the celestial poles list, giants such as Heavenly Venerable, etc., were all simultaneously nodded and sent congratulations.

“However, Senior, I have a problem. You said the general outline of the Cultivation Technique. You also want to work with Lin Xiaozhi to improve this Cultivation Technique. What is going on?”

Chen Fenghuo was puzzled.

“This matter…”

Yinyue was about to speak, and at this moment, on the stone tablet on the side, towering red brilliance appeared.

Yinyue immediately turned her head and saw that at the bottom of the stone tablet and at the feet of Qin Nan, there continued to rise in brilliance, an azure color, a blue color, a purple color, and a black.

There are 5 colors of brilliance, reflecting the entire great hall, completely covering the fire of all around the wall.

“Sure enough, isn’t he the most suitable destination person?”

When Yin Yue saw this scene, she was slightly distracted and murmured to herself.

“Not the most suitable destination person?”

Spirit of the celestial poles list, Zihao Heavenly Venerable, and other giants are all simultaneously startled, and I wonder if I heard it wrong.

Chen Fenghuo is even more confused.

However, he was not at all eager to continue asking, but waited quietly.

After more than a dozen breaths, Yinyue reacted, calmed her mind, and re-looked towards Chen Fenghuo, saying: “Presumably Elder Brother Tian them, not at all, tell you all the truth, right? This matter has to start from I started talking before I closed the retreat. “

“Until now, me, Elder Brother Tian, ​​Sacred Martial Arts, and a generation of Powerhouses are all dedicated to promoting the martial arts of the Great Upper Realm. To boast, under what we have done for so many years, the whole The development speed of Great Upper Realm’s martial arts has increased by at least ten times, and it is already in the midst of a deep, non-existent but existing trend. “

“However, just one year before my retreat, a picture suddenly appeared in my mind. Every ten or two hours, this picture would come up. No matter what method I tried, it would keep going. cycle.”

“This picture is very incomplete and very vague. I repeatedly comprehend for more than a month before I realized the information contained in it. In the near future, the martial arts of the Great Upper Realm will not know why. Sudden decline. One day, it will even die out. “

Chen Fenghuo was shocked.

Will the martial arts of Great Upper Realm decay? Or even disappeared completely?

How can this be!

The ups and downs of martial arts depends on whether there is an extraordinary genius in this era.

However, in this era, there have been Cang, Zhou Di, Huangfu Jue, Ye Zhaoxian, four peerless Legendary, and then there are geniuses like Ruler and others to create legends.

No matter how you look at it, the intangible trend of martial arts is that they are rolling forward, becoming more prosperous, and being impossible to decline.

“You ca n’t believe it, right? To tell the truth, Elder Brother Tian and I do n’t believe it. However, there is an old saying that is very interesting and flourishing. Looking at the long river of history, many great forces have almost experienced prosperity No one is spared from this process. “

“Although the overall trend of martial arts and the Sect family cannot be confused. The picture, true or false, cannot be determined. But at that moment, I felt my mission.”

“So, I chose to retreat, exhaust my life’s efforts, create a heaven-defying method, and find a destination person with Great Destiny and a very high aptitude. Let him perfect my heaven-defying method, Become a generation of peerless overlords, and one day, make great efforts to turn around, for the martial arts, guarantee and protect of the entire Great Upper Realm! “

When it comes to this, Yin Yue’s pale complexion suddenly turns rosy, and her spirits are full of vitality.

At this moment, Chen Fenghuo suddenly understood Yinyue. This is an incredible person who has become addicted to martial arts.

It’s the same, it will be the Item’s Spirit of the closed book, and it will have that sense of mission because of a picture.

“However, the heaven-defying method is so easy to create? In the process of deduction, I have consumed my Source Strength so much that it has become the current situation, and there is not much time left.”

“The closed book, the most prescriptive.”

“The heaven-defying method I created should have been inherited by the most suitable and most destined person. However, because I don’t have much time, I can only reduce my requirements.

“Now the stone tablet touched by Lin Xiaozhi is called the Monument of Feng Dao. It could have triggered ten light glows, but Lin Xiaozhi only triggered 5 light glows. In other words, Lin Xiaozhi only reached 50 of them. % Is not the most suitable person. “

Yinyue shook the head.

“He is not the most suitable? In this case, Yinyue, you don’t have to worry. Now Chen Fenghuo will take over you and become the next Item’s Spirit. At that time, Shengtian Martial Arts and I will help Chen Fenghuo with all our strength. Then look for the most suitable one, isn’t it OK? “

Spirit of the celestial poles list frowned.

“Elder Brother Tian, ​​as the book’s Item’s Spirit, I can predict when my destined person will appear. However, I can’t predict the person who is the most destined and most suitable for my mission, When will it happen. It could be a year, maybe a decade, or it could be 100, 1000, or even 10000 years! “

“We don’t have to gamble, let alone wait. It is good to be able to meet a 50% agreement, which is quite good.”

“And, after that, we can continue to find the most suitable and suitable person. Now, let Lin Xiaozhi grow up and take on the mission of revitalizing martial arts. After Lin Xiaozhi becomes a peerless Powerhouse, he can also Take on the mission of inheritance and let him find it together. “

“Of course, these things, you don’t tell Lin Xiaozhi.”

Yin Yuetan lightly said with a smile.

“It makes a lot of sense for you to say that. But how do I feel like you have given Lin Xiaozhi a plot against it?”

Spirit of the celestial poles list looking thoughtful.

“Senior, who plots against me?”

At this time, Qin Nan has been detached from that mysterious feeling, and just happened to hear the words of Spirit of the celestial poles list.

Yinyue glanced at the Spirit of the celestial poles list, and the latter immediately gave a haha, saying, “No, nothing, just now we were kidding that’s all here.”

Yinyue looked towards Qin Nan, said with a smile: “Lin Xiaozhi, you and Chen Fenghuo, stand on the three-color lotus.”

Qin Nan and Chen Fenghuo looked at each other and walked forward.

Now Chen Fenghuo knows everything, but in Qin Nan’s mind, he doesn’t understand anything. The only thing he can feel is that he awakened Yinyue, presumably Yinyue will prepare a very good chance for him.

After the two people had settled, the three-colored fairy lotus burst into a dazzling light, engulfing them.

Qin Nan two people only felt a moment of change before their eyes. After a few breaths, everything in their eyes changed dramatically.

Now they are in a colorful space, isolating everything in the great hall.

Yinyue put on a robe full of Ancient [Ancient] Character, sitting cross-legged in front of them, solemn appearance, not angry.

“Chen Fenghuo, in the name of the first Item’s Spirit of the feudal book, I promise you to become the second Item’s Spirit of the feudal book! You sit cross-legged, guard your heart, and accept the inheritance!”

Yinyue said, word by word.

“Item’s Spirit?”

Qin Nan expression startled.

“Disciple, thanks Master!”

When Chen Fenghuo expression was positive, he bowed three times in a row, then sat up on his knees, breathing evenly.


A vast light burst from the color space and hit Chen Fenghuo’s body, setting off waves of shock.

A mysterious inheritance began.

“Lin Xiaozhi, I slept there for no other reason, just wholeheartedly, to create a Cultivation Technique. However, for so many years, I have only created the general outline of it. You are the person of the book Now, I want to teach you the outline of this Cultivation Technique. Would you like? “

Yinyue opens the mouth to ask.

“Cultivation Technique general outline?”

Qin Nan expression was shocked.

He absolutely didn’t expect that Yin Yue would give him such a great opportunity!

You know, this is Item’s Spirit Ah of the book of closure.

It took so long to create a general outline of the Cultivation Technique, and from this it can be imagined how terrifying and amazing this Cultivation Technique is.

“Senior, this—”

Qin Nan quickly opened his fist.

“Xiaozhi, you can rest assured that I will teach you all my life’s work, and I will be conditional.”

“First, you will have to complete this Cultivation Technique with Chen Fenghuo in the future.”

“Second, when you become a peerless Powerhouse, after you have real ability, you must keep the trend of martial arts in Great Upper Realm completely at heart. If the trend of martial arts starts to decline, then you must take the initiative and reverse This situation. “

“Third, I will pass you the magic arts of the stone tablet. When you meet someone who can make the magic arts vibrate and trigger ten light glows, you will pass on this Cultural Technique to him.”

“Are you willing?”

Yin Yue looked at his eyes, slowly Asking Dao.

Qin Nan expression startled.

It looks as if three conditions were proposed, but if you think about it, these are not conditions at all.

Needless to say the first two items, Qin Nan will do it by himself. In the third item, Yinyue is purely trying to give it her inheritance.

If you meet the right person, of course Qin Nan is also willing to inherit for the next generation.

“Lin Xiaozhi, the most prescriptive word in the closure book, you are the destined person of this Cultivation Technique, no one can learn it except you. Now my life essence has been exhausted and will soon dissipate between Heaven and Earth, you Just treat me once, okay? “

Yin Yue’s tone became a bit heavy.

“Senior, you are serious! You are willing to teach me the general outline of the self-created method. To me, it is really a huge opportunity! It is not me who is helping you, but you are helping me. “

Qin Nan quickly arched and said, “Senior, you can rest assured. I promised all the 3 points you raised. As long as I can do it, I will do it, and I swear now-“

Before he finished speaking, Yin Yue’s face showed a faint smile, saying: “You don’t need to swear, you are the person of this Cultivation Technique. As long as you promise, it is enough, I believe you . “

“Xiaozhi, after getting this method, I hope it can help you, let you grow into a generation of invincible Heavenly Venerable, and even become the world of Supreme Heavenly Venerable in the legend, and create infinite Legendary.”

“You, like my disciple, sit cross-legged and guard your heart and soul, and now I will pass on this great skill to you.”

At this moment, the wheel of fate is rolling.

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