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“Lin … Xiaozhi?”

Chen Fenghuo quickly recognized the silhouette.

Above the 10000th World Martial Arts Association, his impression of Lin Xiaozhi was the most profound.

Because at the end of the 10000th World Martial Arts Association, he learned from others that Lin Xiaozhi almost caused the natural phenomenon of 9 stars to be born before him, so he kept Lin Xiaozhi’s name in his heart.

He originally planned to go to Lin Xiaozhi after everything was over and talk about martial arts.

Today, Lin Xiaozhi appears here, presumably because he failed, so every great big shots, find Lin Xiaozhi to try.

“He has come on the ancient road?”

Chen Fenghuo quickly realized the key issues.

He vaguely remembered that it only took him 2 to 3 days for this injury.

How couldn’t it be said that Lin Xiaozhi took only 2 or 3 days to achieve the level he spent a full month to do?

“Are you awake? How is the injury now? Do you need us to help?”

The Spirit of the celestial poles list noticed, looking sideways, smiling at Asking Dao.

“Thanks senior care, Junior’s body is not a big deal now.”

Chen Fenghuo stood up, holding his fists.

“Your boy, don’t be so kind to me.”

Spirit of the celestial poles list, shook the head with a smile, and looked towards Lin Xiaozhi, who was moving towards the wonderful gate step by step, saying, “There is something, I think about it, or I want to tell you The bookkeeper told us that at the time of the 10000th World Martial Arts Examination, the little boy Lin Xiaozhi could trigger a natural phenomenon of beings of 9 stars by just a slight push. However, this boy suddenly did not know why. Flinched. “

Chen Fenghuo expression startled.

This means that the first place should have been Lin Xiaozhi?

The Spirit of the celestial poles list continued: “Is this result a bit, hit you?”

Chen Fenghuo came back to his senses, shook the head, seriously: “Senior, seriously, this fact has not hit me, and in this world, if there are more martial arts natural talents than me, there are more and more people Then I’m a little bit happy. “

He is a mortal, how can he not care about the first place?

However, he would not feel that this first place must belong to him.

His current martial arts natural talent is not as good as Lin Xiaozhi’s words, then he will work harder to make his understanding of martial arts deeper.

Of course, the most important point of Chen Fenghuo has not been mentioned.

The closed book until now is an extremely divine being in his heart.

He has not been able to help the Taoist Book, and his heart has always been very ashamed. If Lin Xiaozhi can help the Taoist Book and resolve the immediate crisis, it is undoubtedly the best.

“If you can think that way, then I can rest assured. However, I don’t know now whether this kid can succeed, let’s wait here together.”

Spirit of the celestial poles list has a deeper smile on his face.

Although Chen Fenghuo failed, in his mind, Chen Fenghuo had been taken very seriously.

“Okay, Senior!”

Time passes by.

With the attention of many giants and Chen Fenghuo, Qin Nan is stepping forward on that ancient road.

Three hours later, Qin Nan arrived in front of that wonderful large facade.

The feeling of Qin Nan in the heart is almost the same as that of Chen Fenghuo’s heart at that time, so soon, Qin Nan raised his palm, reached into the door, and put the Dao Talisman text, Ancient [古] Characters, textures, etc. have been taken out one after another.

The whole process was extremely smooth. In less than 2.5 minutes, everything on the entire wonderful door had been taken away, leaving only the last Symbol that looked like the word “life”.

“It’s a critical moment!”

Spirit of the celestial poles list, Zihao Heavenly Venerable and other giants, their hearts are simultaneously tight.

Chen Fenghuo couldn’t help but clenched his fists.

Qin Nan also seemed to feel the wonder of this Symbol. He paused for a few moments before reaching out to him.

The entire Space-Time, at this moment, seemed to slow down.

Qin Nan’s arm, every inch forward, everyone present was extremely clear.

Throughout the process, nothing happened, nothing was different.

However, just when Qin Nan’s palm was only an inch away from this Mysterious Symbol, a mysterious invisible force suddenly burst out from above, making Qin Nan unable to move forward in the slightest.


Such a scene is like a shocking Divine Thunder, in the Spirit of the celestial poles list, Zi Hao Heavenly Venerable and other giants, and Chen Fenghuo’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, blasting away.

“Lost … failed?”

Everyone ’s expression changed drastically.

what happened?

Why did Lin Xiaozhi fail?

could it be that, that destined person, and someone else?

However, only Lin Xiaozhi and Chen Fenghuo have the same level of martial arts natural talent!

Among others, including Ruler of Heart, their martial arts natural talent is simply not comparable to these two people.

How could it be the destined person of the book of closure?

For a moment, their thoughts became extremely confused, and the emotions in their hearts did not know how to describe them.

But, at this moment.

Qin Nan, reached out again.

He seemed to repeat Chen Fenghuo’s trajectory. The first time he failed, he tried again.

It was only a short time before the giants who were present had not fully reacted to the time of Kulai. At this time, the palm of Qin Nan did not encounter any obstacles, and fell completely on the runes of the word “命”.

Qin Nan pulled back, the word ‘life’ runes, and dissipated on his own.

The whole door is gone!


All the people present looked at this scene stupidly.

The next moment, a phenomenal natural phenomenon happened.

I only saw that the entire ancient road was broken and no longer existed.

The closed book, which has been quietly there, seems to be completely awakens from the ancient slumber. From the wordless page, towering erupted a bright light, bursting into the clouds.

缥缈 Mysterious singing began to ring through the entire Small World.

A solemn, solemn, solemn atmosphere swept through every corner at an incredible speed.

Then, at the top of the sky, an ancient Immortal Palace slowly evolved. After about three breaths, the true appearance of this Immortal Palace appeared in front of everyone.

This Immortal Palace has only one layer, more than 1000 feet high, and more than 10000 wide. It is built with some kind of red envy. On the pillar, there are countless Ancient [Ancient] Character Like all mysterious between this Heaven and Earth.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

The closed door slowly opened.

A seemingly ancient aura disappeared immediately from this red wood Immortal Palace, sweeping the four sides.

Qin Nan’s body, also at this moment, was pulled by a wonderful force and came to this door.

“Is it successful?”

Almost everyone present couldn’t believe their eyes.

Rao is a list of dignified Spirit of the celestial poles, but also failed to respond quickly.

They really did not expect that after the first failure, the second time would be successful, and such a big change occurred!

“Destined person, come in, I’ve been waiting for you.”

An ancient husky voice sounded from inside the palace.

Each word sounds like a tens of thousands of years of dust, and it will give people a sense of space-time impact.

This is the Item’s Spirit of the Road Book!

It’s already awakens over.

“Yinyue, is it really your kid?”

The Spirit of the celestial poles list reacted with surprise.

“Appliance … Is Item’s Spirit really awakens?”

Zihao Heavenly Venerable and other giants came back to his senses. The joy in my heart can no longer be described by words.

“Elder Brother Tian, ​​it’s really me. This time, I’m bothering you to take care of me, so just follow him and come in together.”

Yin Yue’s voice also had a touch of joy. After going through the Space-Time transformation, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, when I woke up again, I could still see acquaintances, even if it was as fresh as water I will feel it.

“hahaha, good!”

Spirit of the celestial poles list laughed heartily, just go forward.

Zi Hao Heavenly Venerable and other giants responded quickly, followed closely from behind.

“Before … Senior, can I also go in with it? Senior, although Junior is not your destination person, until now, Junior is to you …”

Chen Fenghuo came back to his senses, probes asking.

He was also rare, and began to be nervous, excited, and alas.

Before he finished speaking, Yinyue’s voice floated from it: “Chen Fenghuo, of course you can come in, you have to come in.”

Chen Fenghuo immediately felt a joy in his heart and said, “Thanks Senior!”

Because of this joy, Chen Fenghuo didn’t realize that Yin Yue knew his name.

Moreover, this sentence seems to have other meanings.

Immediately, Qin Nan waited for this entire group to enter the red wood Immortal Palace.

At the moment of entering the palace, almost everyone seemed to be flicked a little, and there was a feeling of hard to describe.

All I saw was the vastness of the entire Immortal Palace.

On the two sides of the wall, a candlelight made of the blood of the ancient Dragon Beast is slowly burning.

Under this firelight, everyone can see that in the middle of the palace, there is a pair of Eight Trigrams patterns, and every stripe road is glowing with a ray of wonderful rays of light.

Above the pattern, a lotus flower hovered quietly.

This lotus is different from the commonly seen fairy lotus. It has only three petals, which are cyan, blue, and purple. The various patterns on it are clearly visible.

Apart from this, the root of this lotus flower has turned into a black, exuding a death Qi, forming a very sharp contrast with the anger exuding from the flowers and leaves.

“En? Yinyue, you are–“

Spirit of the celestial poles list, the problem was discovered instantly, and his face changed immediately.

“Elder Brother Tian, ​​these things, I’ll talk about it later. Destined person, I don’t know your name?”

Yinyue is facing Qin Nan Asking Dao.

“Junior Lin Xiaozhi, met Senior.”

Qin Nan quickly saluted.

“Lin Xiaozhi, Lin Xiaozhi …”

Yinyue whispered a few times and sighed softly, and then said, “Lin little friend, I want to thank you for waking me up from my deep sleep. Now, I have one more thing, I want you to help, I don’t know Is it okay? “

Qin Nan didn’t think about it, simple saying: “Senior, there is something, despite the command, as long as I can do it, I will not quit.”

Qin Nan is not a fool. From the condition of this lotus and the lost self-control of the Spirit of the celestial poles list just now, he already guessed something in his heart.

“Oh, actually, it’s very simple, you just need to put your palm on this stone tablet.”

Yinyue faintly smiled, on the 3-petal lotus, all burst out with a light glow.

Under the intersection of blue, blue, and purple, but for a long time, a tall ten zhang with a width of about one foot, covered with various mottled stone tablets, slowly emerged and fell to the ground.

“it is good.”

Qin Nan didn’t ask much, stepped forward, and put his hand on the stone tablet.

Suddenly, a sense of extremely profound mystery shrouded Qin Nan’s whole body, making Qin Nan’s heart completely sink into it.

Everything in the palace was isolated from him.

“Yinyue, you—”

Spirit of the celestial poles list stared at the 3-petal lotus with a gloomy face.

“Elder Brother Tian, ​​as you can see, I haven’t been long away from the soul flew away and scattered.”

Yinyue said.


Chen Fenghuo, Zihao Heavenly Venerable, and other giants, their faces changed immediately.

Item’s Spirit of the book of closure, is it going to fall?

“Is there any way I can help you?”

Spirit of the celestial poles list said solemnly.

“Elder Brother Tian, ​​my Source Strength has been damaged, there is no other way. You don’t have to be sad, it’s all fatal.”

Yin Yuedan said lightly with a smile: “even more how, I have used it for so many years, I have successfully created the general outline of the Cultivation Technique, and I don’t have much regret in my heart.”

Chen Fenghuo startled, General Cultivation Technique? What Cultivation Technique?

Just as he wondered, a ray of light fell on him.

“Chen Fenghuo, although you are not the destination person created by my Cultivation Technique, but you are my destination person. This is why you can trigger 9 stars to all beings, and why you can see that door.”

Yinyue said resolutely: “After I pass the general outline of the Cultivation Technique to Lin little friend, I will completely die. But if the book is closed, Item’s Spirit will be lost. It will be reduced to a Dao Item in 1 years. “

“I want to ask you, would you like to take over from me and become the Item’s Spirit of the book?”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone’s face was all wrong.

“Appliance … Item’s Spirit? Me?”

Chen Fenghuo pointed at himself, his face was incredible.

“Yes, it’s you, and it’s only you who can take over from me and become the Item’s Spirit of the feudal book.”

Yinyue said, “Of course, you don’t have to worry about it. After you become the Item’s Spirit of the Taoist book, you will not lose your freedom. You can still continue to practice and pursue your own martial arts.”

“However, after becoming Item’s Spirit, there will definitely be some restrictions.”

“Also, I don’t hide from you. If you become the Item’s Spirit of the feudal book, you must complete my unfinished wish for me, help Lin Xiaozhi, and work with him to create the Cultivation Technique completely. . “

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