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Meanwhile, in Immortal Palace.

Spirit of the celestial poles list, Zihao Heavenly Venerable and other giants, towering felt something, looked up.

I just saw that the sky above has begun to change drastically, and various peerless natural phenomena have evolved one after another, as if there is a peerless catastrophe, which is about to come down.

They also saw that the road closure book at the bottom of the cliff, the crash-bang flip of the book page, one after another indescribably large mysterious, were continuously released, affecting this Heaven and Earth.

A brand new aura, will, is coming out of it.

Obviously, Yin Yue has begun to pass Chen Fenghuo.

“You are.”

At this time, Yinyue’s figure evolved from the rays of light on the three-color fairy lotus.

I only saw that his hair had become a pale color, and there were several cracks on the body of rays of light, and it expanded a little bit.

Many people, when they are dying, are unwilling, remorse, relieved, and liberated, but in Yinyin’s body, there is no emotion, but the spirit is full.

In Yinyue’s heart, it does not at all die, it forever exists in the world.

“This time the change of the closure book to Item’s Spirit, coupled with the low self-cultivation level of Beacon, so the origin of the closure book will be greatly damaged. I hope you can help me and stabilize the closure book Hold until Beacon completely grasps the book of closure. “

Yinyue said.

“Well, don’t come here, you don’t need to say this, we will all do it.”

Spirit of the celestial poles list rolled the eyes.

“Yes, Yinyue Senior, the Taoist Book is my Supreme Treasure of the Holy Martial Arts, and it is related to the martial arts of the Great Upper Realm. No matter what the price is, our Holy Martial Arts will definitely stabilize the Taoist Book . “

Zi Hao Heavenly Venerable is also hasty.

“So, thank you.”

Yinyue said with a smile.

Today, perhaps it is the one that laughed the most in its life.

“it’s time to go?”

Spirit of the celestial poles list Asking Dao.

“Well, almost. Elder Brother Tian, ​​you don’t feel sorry for me, 10000000.”

Yin Yue said seriously.

“Fuck, if you come less, who will be sorry for you?”

Spirit of the celestial poles list said angrily.


Spirit of the celestial poles list remembered something, patted the palm, 2 jade cups filled with immortal wine, emerged.

“Before you leave, make a case and have a drink?”

Spirit of the celestial poles list says.

“Uh … then have a drink.”

Yinyue hesitated a little, then nodded agreed, and caught a jade cup.

“Come, take one.”

Spirit of the celestial poles list Toasted, Yinyue also raised the glass.

When I saw the Spirit of the celestial poles list, I drank it, yelled refreshingly, Yinyue palm trembled slightly, then raised her head, and drank it.

Obviously no body, but still feels hot.

Wine is really hard Hah!


Yinyue’s body was completely shattered and turned into rays of light.

The giants stood silently and silently.

At this moment, in color space.

Chen Fenghuo’s body began to change from Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

At the same time, Qin Nan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness also has an amazing scene.

I only saw that his mind, Will, came to an endless darkness, a silhouette with a vague face, shining with golden rays of light, and came step by step from the end of the darkness.


Qin Nan called out tentatively.

The golden silhouette didn’t bother him, but came straight to him, grabbed his shoulder, and slowly spoke: “Looking at all the methods of the Great Upper Realm, without exception, all have changed from the rules. The change, the change of 10000 things, the change of red dust, suddenly came to realize. “

“Any ridiculous idea, a weird idea, or perhaps a deduction, can become a peerless method.”

“Every Cultivator has a method of his own, but he has not yet discovered it, he has not yet realized it, and has not yet deduced it.

“I will not directly teach you the master plan I created. I will guide you to see how I have created this master plan little by little.”

“Don’t let go of every detail, and don’t ignore every thought you have. The master plan I created, you only need to grasp the core truth of it, as for the rest, you belong.”

As soon as the voice fell, the infinite darkness in front of me suddenly changed.

Qin Nan and golden silhouette came to a wasteland together, and then watched, Cultivator flew over, cities were established one after another, and finally formed a Nuo Dynasty.

Later, Qin Nan saw the rise of the dynasty and the decline of the dynasty.

Qin Nan saw the outbreak of war and the end of the war.

Qin Nan saw a drop of water that merged into rivers, rivers and rivers, a sea, a seed, a tree, more seeds, and a little bit of forest. When I saw one after another, they piled up into Great Mountain, one after another, forming the mountain range.

Qin Nan also saw that the sea turned into mulberry fields, the forest turned into yellow sand, and the mountain range turned into cracks.

There is no beginning, it ends, it comes again from nothing, it ends, it starts and ends, All Heavens cycle.

“Between Heaven and Earth, eternal power is the strongest power. However, without true eternal power, everything can’t stop the consumption of Space-Time, changes in rules, the turbulence of Heaven and Earth, and people ’s hearts. Change. So, only near-eternal power is powerful. “

The golden voice rang in Qin Nan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Qin Nan seemed to be feeling and thinking.

Next, the silhouette of golden, continue to take this Qin Nan experience.

The rise of Powerhouse, the fall of Powerhouse, the continuation of aspirations, the aspirations of aspirations, as well as love, friendship, and affection.

Regrets, sorrows, joys, confession, emotions, and so on, countless emotions, infinitely magnified, and extremely clear.

Every time you go through, golden silhouette will say a word, bit by bit, and come together.

Qin Nan does not know how long it has passed, and Qin Nan does not know how much he has seen, but the thoughts in his heart have started to become more and more complicated, and they have continued to extend in countless directions.

He seemed to have grasped a point, and it seemed as if he had not grasped it.

Gradually, Qin Nan’s pace slowed. Until the last time, he ignored the golden silhouette and sat up cross-legged.

Every thought, every sentiment, seems to be turned into words, and it is constantly divided into words, and it flows into all directions. Full, they have become a sea of ​​words, surging forward.

Keep growing and breaking apart.

Qin Nan didn’t know. When he stopped, the golden silhouette stopped, sitting cross-legged against him, screaming, explaining mysterious, whether or not Qin Nan heard it.

Time passes by.

unconsciously, 6 months have passed.

During this period, the entire Great Upper Realm, from time to time, wars broke out, and the forces of each and everyone collided with each other.

At the peak of the Heavenly Venerable peak giants, the number of trips to the sky has become more and more frequent.

Until now, Cang who is the focus wherever he goes, Zhou Di, Huangfu Jue, Ye Zhaoxian, are also frequent actions.

For example, Cang and Zhou Di had a big battle and the outcome was unknown. Less than 5 days after this incident, Ye Zhaoxian also fought with Cang, and the outcome was unknown.

For another example, a giant Buddha Dao announced that it had recruited a Direct Disciple, surnamed Bai, whose name was born.

The trajectory of history repeats itself step by step, and no one can change it without any deviation.

Apart from this, in this month, Chen Fenghuo woke up from a deep sleep and completely became the new Item’s Spirit of the Taoist book.

As expected by Yinyue, the aura of the Taoist book itself began to decline sharply. The Spirit of the celestial poles list, as well as the giants of the heavenly martial arts, quickly carried an extremely huge heavenly material treasure, and various other things. Means have been broken into the book of closure.

Chen Fenghuo With the help and guidance of the giants, itself has become a lot stronger, and it has also stabilized the situation of the closed book.

At this point, Chen Fenghuo, just like Qin Nan, has come to feel.

The general outline of this heaven-defying method introduced by Yin Yue was also passed on to him.

Although he couldn’t practice, he had to grasp the truth of it thoroughly, so that he could work with Qin Nan in the later process to develop the first chapter and the second chapter.

Also this month, His Majesty’s 21st Small Immortal Territory’s Dao Lineage, in the Heaven level area of ​​Immortal-Transformation Pond.

Three of the dark Immortal Palaces suddenly shone with brilliance, and three magnificent momentums burst into the air.

After a while, the two sky-splitting sounds started, Ji Xuan and Bright Beginning Old Ancestor descended in front of a palace at the same time.

At present, the look of two people can be described as red light full of face and spirit.

You know, in these 6 months, they are really living like Divine Immortal, no matter what kind of heavenly material treasure, what kind of Cultural Technique they want, as long as it is not extremely difficult, Senyang Dao Lineage almost immediately Just do it.

That 10000 Luo Heavenly Venerable, also came over in person, explained to them the magic of Heavenly Venerable for 3 months, and pointed them to two people.

As a result, Bright Beginning Old Ancestor reached the Ruler peak, and the battle strength skyrocketed. Although Ji Xuan’s cultivation level has not been broken through, the method of deduction he majored in has reached a higher level, and the battle strength has been greatly improved.

“En? Gu Fe, you Smelly Brat, what are you doing, don’t hurry up!”

After waiting for a few ten breaths, Ji Xuan couldn’t help shouting without seeing any movement in the palace in front of him.

“Come here, come on, Ah!”

Gu Fe’s voice came out of the palace, and after ten more breaths, the door slowly opened, and I saw a young man with short golden hair, carrying two good-looking women, and walked out of it. come out.

This golden short-haired youth is exactly the human figure evolved by Gu Fe.

In these 6 months, with the support of Senyang Dao Lineage, the horror of its Bloodline was completely demonstrated. In less than 4 months, he was promoted from the major World’s Sacred Area, Asking Dao Land. For Heavenly Venerable, Lord Realm.

Coupled with this more than a month of practice, it has become the Powerhouse of the Lord Realm middle-stage.

“Fuck!! Isn’t this the granddaughter of 10000 Heavenly Venerable?”

Ji Xuan saw the woman at Heavenly Immortal on the left side of Gu Fe, and couldn’t help but swear.

“What are you talking about? It’s your sibling now!”

Gu Fe said resolutely.

“… Gu Fe, tell me, how many have you lied to in the past six months?”

Bright Beginning Old Ancestor also twitched at the corner of his mouth.

“Hey hey hey, Bright Beginning Senior, what are you talking about? We are all three people who love each other and love each other sincerely. Where can there be any deception? You say, right?”

Gu Fe looked towards the 2 women around her, and did not forget to secretly give Bright Beginning Old Ancestor sound transmission: “Senior, not much, now there are seventeen-eighteen.”

“Gu Fe big brother is right.”

The two women didn’t know it. Both had Xia Fei’s cheeks, with a shameful look. Ji Xuan was jealous and burning.

“Okay, you guys can! Come on, no bullshit, let’s go to the first Small Immortal Territory.”

Bright Beginning Old Ancestor is completely speechless and shifts the topic.

“Will you go now? Not waiting for Brother Lin?”

Gu Fe Asking Dao.

“Little Brother Lin doesn’t know how long it will take, but now he gives him sound transmission. There is no response at all. I asked a Heavenly Venerable from Shengtian Martial Arts. The other person only said 5 words, and there was a fortune.

Ji Xuan said.

“Well then, let’s go by ourselves!”

Gu Fe shook the head, facing the woman next to me, Qingqing me and me, tired and crooked for a while, then kept up with Ji Xuan and Bright Beginning Old Ancestor.

“Fairy of the First Small Immortal Territory, I’m Gu Fe here!”

Three people left, and after receiving news from Dao Lineage of Senyang, the Powerhouses up and down were all pleasantly surprised.

Time passed, a month later.

Holy martial arts, the land of Mysterious.

Qin Nan, who has been completely motionless, started to react a little bit.

First, a golden light like a dragon, wrapped around his body, and then the ancient golden text of each and everyone, with his body as the center, spreading rapidly to all directions.

Those countless thoughts, countless auras, and after the initial dispersion, they began to collide again and again, like one after another meteor, colliding together and setting off a heavenly flame.

In the end, Qin Nan caught a ray of flames to stand out from the masses among the numerous waves of fire.

The moment the flame fell into his hands, the towering skyrocketed, and it instantly turned into a fire that swept the entire world.

“This … is Datong Tianjue?”

Qin Nan’s eyes opened, shocked.

What kind of power is this between Heaven and Earth, close to eternal power?

If anyone asks, someone will think that it should be the power of fate.

Yes, it is indeed the power of destiny, because destiny exists everywhere, everywhere, and everything can be reduced to destiny.

Some people still think that it should be the power of Space-Time.

Not bad, because Space-Time exists wherever you are.

Some people also think that it should be the Strength of Source.

This is not wrong, because the origin is the beginning of everything. If World exists, it must exist.

But what about fate, Space-Time, or the origin, or even something else?

With this, can we grasp this near-eternal power?

Datong Tianjue did just that.

The essence of its general outline is how people become the source.

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