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“Mind Ruler … Is this unsuccessful?”

Cultivators in the fairy city, seeing this situation, all understood it, can not help but brush in a cold breath of air.

This is like Ruler Ah!

Just a little bit short of it, you can catch up with those 4 people Ah!

With his martial arts natural talent, none of these 9 stars are able to trigger the natural phenomenon of all beings. Then what kind of martial arts natural talent is needed for this natural phenomenon to be able to do it?

“Chen Fenghuo and Lin Xiaozhi haven’t responded yet!”

“The two of them don’t know if they can cause a natural phenomenon!”

“It’s really hard to say now, even Ruler has failed!”

Every Cultivator couldn’t help but speak.

Inexplicably, their hearts were a little bit nervous.

Standing on the other side of Heavenly Venerable, Zihao shook his body and came to Xinruo Ruler. He laughed, “Isn’t my heart unwilling?”

Xinruo took a look at him, stopped, and looked towards Chen Fenghuo and Qin Nan, saying, “Is it only Chen Fenghuo and Lin Xiaozhi that can pass through that door?”

Zihao Heavenly Venerable shook his head and said, “Lin Xiaozhi’s martial arts natural talent, although very powerful, is also a little worse. For this fifth pass assessment, only Chen Fenghuo can succeed.”

If Ruler reached out and rubbed his eyebrows, he said, “To be honest, there is nothing unwilling, it must be false. On the contrary, my heart is very wronged. You Old Guys, this move used this time, very It ’s pretty good. It successfully hit me and inspired my fighting spirit. “

Zi Hao Heavenly Venerable reached out to Pats with the heart of Ruler’s shoulder, and said, “It’s good for you to realize this early. How about, should you go to that place now?”

Talking, Zihao Heavenly Venerable took out one piece of Token.

He had persuaded Xinruo Ruler to visit the place more than once before, but Xinruo Ruler until now had high self-esteem and thought it was completely unnecessary.

Today’s words …

If Ruler reached out and took the Token, snorted, he said, “You old guys, this time against the plot, I definitely want to go there. In any case, I can’t do this for nothing.”

“However, it is not urgent.”

“I want to see the final results of this assessment.”

Even if he had already guessed it, he had to see it with his own eyes.

At the same time, in front of that big facade of Mysterious.

Qin Nan is still in the Ancient [Ancient] Character sea, constantly shuttle.

His immense immersion was gradually restored.

Qin Nan was caught in a mysterious and mysterious state. He didn’t think about going to eyes opened or see everything all around, but he knew that the feeling now makes him more comfortable than ever.

Every time he extends the hand, he holds an Ancient [Ancient] Character, just like he once held himself, and for a while, he is no longer just one of the founder mystery.

Qin Nan’s mind is still constantly replying.

I do n’t know how long it has passed, every time he holds an Ancient [Ancient] Character, he understands the found mystery, Will, etc. contained in this Ancient [Ancient] Character, which of his Asking Dao Technique belongs to him, Which killing move.

Gradually, he began to realize that he didn’t understand the mysterious implicated in each and everyone Ancient [古] Character on the door, but was watching everything he had.

He doesn’t know why it is like this.

However, he felt happy at heart.

Time passed and another day passed.

If Ruler’s failure fails, all Cultivator in the whole fairy city will undoubtedly cast a faint shadow on the heart.

Before, they swept away one after another’s gaze. Now, their gazes are basically gathered on the 2 Huadao Mountains, and only the remaining 2 people.

The words of conversation between them also became a lot less.

The fiery atmosphere is gone.

In addition to them, even the giants such as Spirit of the celestial poles list and Zihao Heavenly Venerable are the same.

Even if they think that with Chen Fenghuo’s martial arts natural talent, coupled with the reaction of the previous book of closure, Chen Fenghuo must inevitably trigger the natural phenomenon of 9 stars.

However, before the real results came out, they were a little bit stingy.

10000 If Chen Fenghuo didn’t …

Suddenly, Spirit of the celestial poles list, Zihao Heavenly Venerable, Heart Ruler, and all Cultivators in the fairy city, what they found almost at the same time, Hitomi shrinks slightly.

I only saw Chen Fenghuo, who was always unaware of the ancient waves, and the towering of her body shone bright purple light.

Not only that, there are 99 illusory shadows of incomparable magnificent shores. At the same time, they are condensed behind him. Someone plays the piano, some people play the flute, all kinds of sounds, simultaneously resounds, and they form a wonderful fairy song. The whole turmoil, almost cracked between Heaven and Earth, looks extraordinarily bright, like the light from the darkness.

“This natural phenomenon … he succeeded!”

The Spirit of the celestial poles list took the lead in responding, and couldn’t help but send out a deafening laughter, ringing through millions of li.

“We did not look away!”

Zihao Heavenly Venerable and other giants are also pleasantly surprised.

“Chen Fenghuo … Are you going to succeed?”

For many Cultivators in the fairy city, the words of the Spirit of the celestial poles list are undoubtedly in an invisible flame, burning in their hearts.

After a few breaths, they reacted and cheered.

“Fuck!! How did Chen Fenghuo succeed?”

There are only two people’s expressions that don’t look good, that is Gu Fe and Ji Xuan.

After finishing the assessment, they watched Qin Nan step by step trigger the sun and the moon together, and then caused great turbulence in Heaven and Earth. Their a man and a beast can be said to be quite excited.

In their opinion, Lin Xiaozhi is the man who wants to reach the summit!

However, now that Chen Fenghuo has triggered a reaction, Qin Nan has no response …

“You two, you don’t have to do this. There are some changes that I can’t tell you. But as long as you know, Lin Xiaozhi’s martial arts natural talent is definitely not worse than Chen Fenghuo.”

Bright Beginning Old Ancestor on the side advised.

“Old Ancestor said that, no matter what, the martial arts natural talent of Little Brother Lin has already surpassed Ruler. Hey, this is placed in the genius of the Great Upper Realm, which is all Top Existence, and Zhou Di, Cang them, belong to the same level. “

Ji Xuan responded, with a glorious look.

If you think about it, their requirements for Lin Xiaozhi are too high.

It can be so great now.

However, at this moment, mutation suddenly rises!

I only saw the towering Qin Nan’s body, which had been blooming with Purple Gold. It was like a gigantic sea, rushed into the sky, and contaminated Heaven’s Heaven and Earth into Purple. One piece of gold.

Not only that, but the sound of one after another shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ sounded, a silhouette of a respectable shore, one after another, emerged behind him.

Unlike Chen Fenghuo, behind Qin Nan, there are a total of 101 respectable silhouettes!

They are like the silhouettes of the great shore behind Chen Fenghuo. Some people play the piano, some people play the flute, and they become a wonderful fairy music.

However, any Cultivator present can feel it. The rays of light caused by Qin Nan and the sound of fairy music are beyond Chen Fenghuo!

Now, Qin Nan is the most striking existence between Heaven and Earth.


“Lin Xiaozhi reacted too!”

“This reaction is even more violent than Chen Fenghuo!”

“The two of them are going to cause the natural phenomenon of 2 stars coming to life!”

In the fairy city, all the Cultivators were completely shocked.

They originally thought that Lin Xiaozhi couldn’t do this step, but now, the surprise brought to them by Lin Xiaozhi is too great.


Ji Xuan and Gu Fe burst into swearing and stared at almost the same time.

Immediately afterwards, both of them became extremely excited.

Not only that, for the giants like Spirit of the celestial poles list, Purple Hao Heavenly Venerable, etc., it seemed as if there was a thunderous thunder, which struck them in their Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“How can this be?”

Spirit of the celestial poles list, Zihao Heavenly Venerable, and other giants, all widened their eyes, shook their faces, and couldn’t believe it.

Lin Xiaozhi, has reached such a point?

Moreover, it seems to be stronger than Chen Fenghuo’s?

Lin Xiaozhi has such terrible martial arts natural talent?

could it be that, is that actually Lin Xiaozhi?

At this moment, 10000 people are watching.

More and more illusory shadows of the great shore descended on Between Heaven and Earth, struck the peerless fairy music, and resounded through every corner of the whole little boundary.

When the purple glow triggered by Chen Fenghuo transformed into the Gold of Purple Gold, the rays of light released from Qin Nan had completely transformed into the color of red gold, just like an ancient day, rising slowly between Heaven and Earth .

When Chen Fenghuo attracted 666 Zunwei’s illusory shadow, the Qin Nan’s illusory shadow behind him had reached the Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

When the rays of light of Chen Fenghuo transformed into the color of red gold, which triggered Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth and the illusory shadow, all the illusory shadows behind Qin Nan were shattered and turned into an ancient Immortal [仙] Character , Like a peerless snow, drifted across the entire Heaven and Earth.

In the end, a sense of stillness emerged from the whole little infinity, and it appeared to all people’s hearts.

Nine Purple Golds caused by their two people, as well as various horrible natural phenomena such as the sun and the moon, the Heaven and Earth turbulence, and so on, all dissipated under a wonderful power. Nothingness.

The whole little boundary has become quiet, and the needle drop is audible.

At this time, the entire small unbounded sky also began to gradually darken. After only about ten breaths, the sky was completely reduced to darkness. There were only one mountain and one mountain. Fairy City, flashing their rays of light.

“Nine stars are the natural phenomenon of beings … it is coming!”

Spirit of the celestial poles list, giants such as Heavenly Venerable, ca n’t help but suck in a cold breath of air.

This 9 star is a natural phenomenon of all beings, who caused it first, simply is clear at a glance!

“Hahaha, you old guys, are you dumbfounded now?”

Seeing this, Ruler couldn’t help laughing.

“Really … absolutely did not expect Ah!”

Spirit of the celestial poles list, Zihao Heavenly Venerable and other giants, now the inner shock cannot be described in words.

It wasn’t until after a while, Spirit of the celestial poles list, Zihao Heavenly Venerable, and other giants, and then they reacted and looked at each other.

They all saw a touch of fervent expression from the eyes of each other!

What kind of martial arts natural talent Chen Fenghuo is, they know best!

Today, Lin Xiaozhi’s martial arts natural talent is even better than him. What does this mean?

This means that Lin Xiaozhi’s martial arts natural talent has reached the level of those 4 people!

Do not!

More accurately!

Lin Xiaozhi’s martial arts natural talent is better than Zhou Di, Huangfu Jue, and Lin Zhaoxian.

The most important thing is that if Lin Xiaozhi gets baptism in the book of closure, then—

Meanwhile, Mysterious front facade.

Qin Nan’s mind, he is completely awakens.

The corner of his mouth smiled, neither fast nor slow, step by step, and each and everyone Ancient [古] Character, gave them one after another into his palm.

Now he as a whole has an unprecedented sense of relaxation, without any pressure, and without anything else.

The only thing he has is the martial arts accumulated in his current life.

The most difficult thing in a person’s life is to fully recognize himself.

Qin Nan doesn’t know if he is now recognizing himself, but Qin Nan knows very well that he is recognizing his martial arts now.

For him, this assessment is no longer an assessment, but a huge opportunity.

Such an opportunity, I am afraid, he will never come across in his lifetime.

Qin Nan stepped forward, holding each and everyone Ancient [古] Characters one after another.

I don’t know how long it has passed, Qin Nan took away the ancient [Ancient] Character, leaving only the last ten.



Soon, Qin Nan took the last one.

In an instant, an amazing scene happened. The entire bronze door began to tremble violently, and one after another cracks emerged one after another.

Eventually, the cracked face covered the whole body.

Although it didn’t break by itself, the current situation seems to require him to push the door gently to succeed.

“Little friend, congratulations.”

The husky voice remembered again.

“Thanks Senior.”

Qin Nan bowed to nothingness.

Until now, he didn’t know who the Master of this hoarse voice was.

“I don’t know what World will be after this door?”

Qin Nan thought about it, so he moved forward step by step, approached the gate, and reached out and nudged gently.

However, just in an instant, an incomparable force, and the power of Mysterious, suddenly descended, wrapped around him, making his body unable to move at all.

“this is……”

Qin Nan’s pupils shrank immediately.

Strength of Space-Time?

Strength of Space-Time?

“Is it possible that, has it reached the final stage of this assessment?”

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Qin Nan, a single thought head emerged immediately.

Heavenly Saint Calendar, 2 1000 years and 3 years, Saint Martial Arts 10000 World Martial Arts Association, winner, Chen Fenghuo.

It won’t be others.

History cannot be changed.

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