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“What a terrible natural phenomenon!”

Among the fairy cities, even the giants who reached the Ruler Boundary were shocked by this scene.

Those Nine Heavens Supreme, Unparalleled Overlord, etc., not to mention, if it is not for the transcendent city where they are located, they will probably be hit hard.

Just at this moment, all of the Cultivators suddenly felt inexplicably quiet.

The sight of heaven falls and earth rends now seems to have nothing to do with them, as if they were isolated from the world.

All the Cultivators, if they felt it, simultaneously looked up and looked towards the back of the more than 50 Huadao Mountains.

I only saw that in the chaos of rays of light, a long to reach Mysterious book with a count of 10000 feet and a width of over 9000 feet, slowly rose up.

On top of it, it seemed to shroud the power of All Heavens World, making it extremely vague and unable to see its true content at all.

However, any Cultivator can feel that in this book, there are endless mysterious, even if they have spent their entire lives, they can’t snoop all of them.

This is the book of closure.

It is just that its deity is buried in the depths of this world of Small World by giants such as Zihao Heavenly Venerable. What appears now is just a ray of will.


Soon, all Cultivator’s ears heard the sound of one after another turning the pages.

This kind of sound is very loud, but it doesn’t shake your ears. Instead, it flows like a spring, clear and pleasing, soothing.

All the Cultivators, unconsciously, were a little immersed in the sound, and after a few ten breaths, they suddenly found that there was an additional 1000 to 10000 white light halo above the entire fairy city.

The size of their fists is extremely light, like snowflakes, wafting and floating down.

“this is……”

All the Cultivators were stunned, until each and everyone light halo drifted into their bodies, their minds were immediately shaken, a feeling of extremely warmth, wrapped their souls.

Not only that, their thinking suddenly became extremely clear, and various intermittent auras flashed by.

“This is the opportunity that caused the natural phenomenon, and the Taoist book gave!”

The whole fairy city suddenly boiled again.

Even some of the giants of Ruler Boundary haven’t avoided it.

Because this opportunity is much bigger than they thought!

Just the flash of each and everyone in their minds. If they catch one of them, the harvest they get will be unimaginable. Moreover, even if they are not grasped now, these thoughts and ideas will be deeply imprinted in their bodies.

After that, there will be some breakthrough, maybe we can seize this opportunity again!

“This just triggers the Heaven and Earth turmoil, and can trigger such a natural phenomenon. If they all caused the natural phenomenon of the Nine Stars, then what kind of chance will the Taoist Book bring down?”

All Cultivator’s hearts are fiery.

On the other side, the Spirit of the celestial poles list saw this scene, and was slightly satisfied, saying: “This is the real attention of 10000 people. Every Cultivator participating in this assessment expects them to be able to trigger 9 stars. . “

Zihao Heavenly Venerable said cheerfully: “Elder Brother Tian, ​​what you said is wrong, what are they called? It is clear that there is only Chen Fenghuo alone. We just started doing so much, not just for Chen Fenghuo.”

Spirit of the celestial poles list slanted him, and said, “Do n’t tell me blindly, could it be that I would n’t let Xinruo and Lin Xiaozhi reach that level? But, this thing is doomed , I have no other way. “

“This time, you can only let Xinruo and Lin Xiaozhi feel aggrieved, and accompany Chen Fenghuo once.”

Having said that, the Spirit of the celestial poles list reminded me of something, and was a little entangled: “Yes, there is one thing, I have always wanted to ask you. Chen Fenghuo, this guy is all right, but his temper is too thin What will you do then, and change him? “

Zihao Heavenly Venerable pondered for a while and said, “Well, find an opportunity in the future to let him contact the 4 people …”

At the same time, Chen Fenghuo, Ruorin Qin Nan, and Qin Nan.

When they took the last step at the same time, this endless darkness suddenly changed greatly, Heaven and Earth turning upside down!

I just saw that in front of them, an extremely wide and straight azure color slate road appeared with faint brilliance, engraved with mysterious lines.

At its end, a bronze door stands.

This door is up to Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth, and it is 330 30 feet wide. The middle part is pulled by a dragon-form. On the two sides of the door frame, each and everyone is vigorous [Ancient] Character.

At first glance, it is mediocre. It is not comparable to the Black Tortoise gate of God that Qin Nan has seen, and so on, but when you look at it, you can feel a large indescribable word. Heavy.

This kind of thickness is caused by the accumulation of infinite mysterious, not in the general sense.


Just then, a white, unreal silhouette came down.

“This door can be the initial door, which means Gate of Many Wonders. If you can break this door, you can explore the magic. If you can’t break it, there is no hope for life.”

white Unreal silhouette speaks, hoarse.

“If you want to break the door, whatever method you use, you can.”

After saying this, the white illusory silhouette disappeared, and shadowless disappeared.

“Broken gate?”

Qin Nan eyebrow raised.

Obviously, if you want to use force to break the door forcibly, it is almost impossible.

The assessment of this fifth pass is martial arts natural talent. In other words, if you want to break the door, you must finally find the direction and rely on martial arts natural talent.

Qin Nan had an idea for a moment, fluttered, came to the door, and sat cross-legged.

All his Mind Strength, like a large net, shrouded over this door.

Time passed little by little, and after about an hour passed, Qin Nan’s eyes slowly opened.

He was trying the previous method just now, but without a little effect, he could not feel any mysterious feeling from this door.

That is to say, this door is unusual, but with his martial arts natural talent, he will not feel a little bit sporadic.

“Since you can’t feel it, you must only watch it.”

Qin Nan immediately turned into a virtual pupil, staring at the vigorous Ancient Character.

These Ancient [Ancient] Characters are very scribbled, and may be derived from antiquity time. Qin Nan can barely understand two of them.

However, this does not matter. If the mysterious word is in these words, then it does not make sense to understand the superficial meaning, because every stroke and every stroke is no longer meant to be expressed. What does it mean, but it carries a kind of will, a kind of found mystery.


After about 2.5 minutes, Qin Nan’s eyes flashed a rays of light.

He saw a trace of mysterious from inside each and everyone Ancient [古] Character.

Immediately, Qin Nan was totally absorbed and completely absorbed.

Time passes by.

Unconsciously, the mysterious trajectory that Qin Nan saw from that line became more and more.

Until breaking through a certain critical point, these mysterious trajectories, like the laws of Grand Dao, envelop his whole body up and down, making him all over the body, there is a kind of hard to describe warmth.

Gradually, Qin Nan, just like in the vague sense before, his mind was completely unconsciously immersed in it, and there was no trace of thought.

At this moment, Qin Nan didn’t even know that the ancient [Ancient] Characters on this bronze gate seemed to have come alive from the ancient times, but actually fell off the gate a little bit and floated away. Joined within the body of Qin Nan.

Until the last Ancient [Ancient] Character floated down, Qin Nan’s body actually stood up instinctively, and his hands formed one after another magic seal.


But for a long time, Immortal Upper Demon True Arts, War Dao Immortal Manual, Vault Universe Highest Desolate True Scripture, etc. Asking Dao Techniques mastered by Qin Nan, they were simultaneously operated and released one after another amazing will, all the darkness around , Also made a photo of 5 colors and 6 colors.


Qin Nan’s body began to act on his own.

Release his understanding of the major Asking Dao Techniques, as well as the killing moves he mastered.

When he exhibited his last move, an extremely wonderful scene took place. All the styles of his will that he released had undergone an unprecedented transformation, which turned into the ancient and incomparable rays of light text of each and everyone, Up and down, flying around.

From a distance, Qin Nan now seems to be staying in a sea of ​​words.

“Grand Dao, meaning invisible!”

“I have seen mountains and mountains, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, and one day, I have some insights!”

“The Tao is the word, one stroke, one stroke, one stroke, one stroke, one stroke, and one stroke, all of which can carry the meaning! This is also the highest mystery of the book of closure.

“You can see the beauty of the Ancient [Ancient] Character on this door, which means that you have received the recognition of the Gate of the Beginning! If you want to crack this door, you can only see your own way and see your own. Everything … “

A hoarse voice sounded.

Qin Nan was in that mysterious and mysterious feeling, he didn’t listen to it at all, but he instinctively walked in the ocean of words, feeling the familiarity and the found mystery.

Time passes, one day later.

During the assessment of the fifth pass, there were only three Huadao mountains, namely Chen Fenghuo, Xinruru, Qin Nan.

The rest of the Cultivators who participated in the assessment, after all, failed to impact the level of the sun and the moon, and they have failed.

At this moment, the aura of the three people is all peaceful, and in this chaotic and turbulent period between Heaven and Earth, it looks very noticeable.

All Cultivators didn’t feel so boring, no one left, and their eyes swept away almost every ten breaths, waiting for the results.

“Look, there’s a reaction to Ruler’s heart!”

Suddenly, a Cultivator called.

These short words are like a heavens-frightening thunder blast, which caught the eyes of other Cultivators.

I just saw that the heart of Ruler’s body trembled slightly, a kind of faintly discernable chaotic azure light, which was faintly discernible on him.


Suddenly, a torrent of weather erupted from the heart of Ruler and burst into the sky.

An immense amount of will was also released, soaring into the sky, it seemed that everything that would block him would be broken into pieces.


At this moment, a heavy bell sounded.

An incredible scene happened.

I only saw countless lines of 5 colors and 6 colors converging, forming a horrible Great Mountain with the speed of thunder, and moved towards the heart if Ruler crushed away.

Various sounds also sounded.

Even though the Cultivators in the fairy city are far away and are not on site, they can still feel the terrifying matchless repressive power from this Great Mountain.

“break for me !”

Ruler’s heart roared through the sky.

His whole body, one after another exploded, and blood 4 splashed.

The will he released has multiplied, as if it were too Ancient God, like the peerless Divine Blade, and so on, hitting this horrible Great Mountain.


Heaven and Earth trembled, astral wind rolled wildly.

The entire horrible Great Mountain was not affected in the slightest, and it was extremely ruthless to crush the heart like Ruler’s will. However, if Ruler knows nothing and keeps releasing, it seems that he will die with this terrifying Great Mountain.


At this time, the Spirit of the celestial poles list suddenly gave a scream, and the sound almost rang through the whole little boundary, full of majestic majesty: “If the heart, everything is a foregone conclusion, why are you still so persistent? You could it be that still not seeing yourself? “

All the Cultivators in the fairy city were dumbfounded.

this is……

what happened?

However, precisely because of this sentence, the heart of Ruler’s body shivered violently.

His constant release of Will froze.

Until a few ten breaths elapsed, all the will he released released all of his within the body.

In the same way, the horrible Great Mountain disappeared and the peace was restored.

Giants such as Spirit of the celestial poles list and Purple Hao Heavenly Venerable, see this scene, are relaxed.

The Cultivators present did not know what was happening just now, but they were very clear.

If this guy in my heart cannot accept the end of the door that he cannot break, he wants to use his own strength to break the door.

However, that gate, no matter how powerful it is, cannot be broken at all.

Instead, it will be backlashed.

If Miner Ruler doesn’t listen to their advice, then Miner Ruler is very likely to be hit hard, even cultivation deviation.

“How is it, kid, are you all right?”

The Spirit of the celestial poles list fluttered, and came to the front of Xinruo Ruler, unhappy with Asking Dao.

If Ruler’s eyelids moved, his eyes opened, and he glanced at Chen Fenghuo, who was immersed in feelings, and Qin Nan’s silhouette, twitched his lips. “What is this nonsense? You say me Is it all right? Can you accept it instead? “

Spirit of the celestial poles list, listening to him in a normal tone, can’t help but say with a smile: “Your kid doesn’t have to be discouraged, your kid is always very proud and has made you suffer some setbacks, that is also very good.”

Ruler rolled the eyes, saying, “Old Guy, are you okay already? So, this time I purposely asked me to come here, just to hit me, right?”

Spirit of the celestial poles list nodded with admiration.


If Ruler had a gesture in mind, he got up and flew away from Huadao Daoshan.

However, the Spirit of the celestial poles list, as well as other Cultivators, did not see that the hands in the ruler’s sleeves were shaking slightly.

I don’t know if it was impacted or unwilling.

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