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“Why did you stop?”

The husky voice sounded again.

The mysterious silhouette of the unreal saw Qin Nan’s pause.

“Senior, I’m afraid I can’t open the door.”

There was a grin on Qin Nan’s face.

“Why is this? You obviously have been sealed now … it’s approved, you just need to push gently, nothing else, and this door will break.”

The hoarse voice was full of deep puzzlement.

Qin Nan hearing this, a long sigh in my heart.

Why didn’t he know that he had passed the assessment?

Doesn’t he know that he just needs to push forward slightly?

However, in this space-time tide, how could he possibly reverse it?

“Senior, for some reason, I can’t tell you. I can only stop here and see you again later.”

After giving Qin Nan a salute, he turned and walked backwards.

Mysterious illusory shadow, seeing this scene through the other side, the whole person was stunned.

It was absolutely not expected that Qin Nan really did.

“little friend !”

The tone of the husky voice suddenly increased a lot, saying: “Do you know that you are now participating in the fifth pass of the 10000th World Armed Forces? Did you know that this is the last pass?”

“I might as well tell you an exception, you just need to open this door, you are the first place of the 10000th World Martial Arts Association!”

“What will you get for this first place, don’t you need me to tell you?”

“You have gone through a lot of assessments, and finally reached this step. Now you want to give up?”

By the end, the tone had become very severe.

Qin Nan had a meal.

His fist, clenched tightly.

Sure enough, as he thought, it was the last step …

In the end, Qin Nan didn’t say anything, but slowly let go of his fist, turned around and performed another gift, then left again.

Until the end, his body disappeared into the darkness.

At the same time, Xiao Wuxiang is in the middle.

Spirit of the celestial poles list, Purple Hao Heavenly Venerable, Heart Ruler and other giants, countless Cultivators in the fairy city, are all staring at the scene in the sky in front.

Because they all know that the natural phenomenon of Nine Stars beings is about to come.

They also all know that Lin Xiaozhi has emerged unexpectedly and will reach the top of the list with 10000 1000 glory!

However, just here in an instant, the darkness above the whole little boundary, like the tide, moved towards all directions, fading continuously, allowing the light between Heaven and Earth to be restored again.

Nine of the Purple Gold, and the natural phenomena that disappeared, such as the sun and the moon, the Heaven and Earth turmoil, and so on disappeared.

That wonderful sense of silence suddenly broke.

“How is this going?”

Spirit of the celestial poles list, Zihao Heavenly Venerable, Xinruo Ruler, etc. Screenshots, countless Cultivators in the fairy city, expressions are all stunned.

Isn’t it a natural phenomenon that 9 stars are coming to all beings?

Why did it all disappear at once?


Only Bright Beginning Old Ancestor, see this scene, knowing it.

“It won’t…”

Gu Fe, and Ji Xuan aside, heard the sigh of Old Ancestor, and suddenly a very bad premonition burst into his heart.

It seems to confirm their premonition. On the top of the 3rd Huadao Mountain on the right, Qin Nan’s eyes have been closed tightly and slowly opened.

Qin Nan first glanced at the sight in front of him, and then at a distance. Chen Fenghuo, who was constantly causing mutation, left without saying anything, left Huadao Mountain, and moved towards Xiancheng.

“Lin Xiaozhi, what’s the situation? Isn’t it necessary to cause the natural phenomenon of 9 stars?

Spirit of the celestial poles list, Zi Hao Heavenly Venerable, if the giants like Ruler and others reacted quickly, the figure simultaneously moved, and Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~ came in front of Qin Nan and surrounded Qin Nan. Live, quickly opened the mouth to ask, and spoke very fast.

“9 stars are all natural phenomena?”

Qin Nan hesitated for a moment, then immediately understood and explained: “Seniors, I have not yet broken through at the critical moment. Therefore, I have not been able to trigger the natural phenomenon of 9 stars coming to all beings.”

Spirit of the celestial poles list startled, saying: “That means, you failed?”

I saw Qin Nan nodded, Spirit of the celestial poles list, and then I realized that I reached out to Pats Qin Nan’s shoulders and said, “You do n’t have to be discouraged, you have done a good job. You can be more like this kid on martial arts natural talent , Are still a little stronger. “

Xinruo Ruler said with a smile: “Yeah, Brother Old Lin, your martial arts natural talent is better than me, but that’s the level of those 4 people.”

Qin Nan said, “Well, I’m fine. There are still friends waiting for me, I’ll pass first.”

After speaking, he moved towards Xiancheng and flew over.

Spirit of the celestial poles list Looking at his back, he said with emotion: “didn’t expect, all have come to that step, and the result has failed. In this case, it is not that his martial arts natural talent is insufficient It’s just that there is a slight gap between him and the book of closure. “

Zi Hao Heavenly Venerable and other giants are also full of emotion.

“Yeah, he passed Chen Fenghuo before.”

“It’s a shame, I thought that at this time, both of them could cause 2 stars to come to all beings.”

Spirit of the celestial poles list I glanced at the crowd and looked towards Ruler, said with a smile: “How’s it? Chen Fenghuo still refuses to accept Qi? This time 10000 Before the beginning of the World Armed Forces, this first place is It will only be his, you are impossibly stronger than him. “

Ruler hearing this, curl one’s lip, didn’t speak.

Indeed, he was convinced of Chen Fenghuo.

At this moment, in the fairy city.

The many Cultivators also responded.

“Lin Xiaozhi failed?”

“Fuck !, have they reached that point, have they all failed?”

“Is this 9-star natural phenomenon so difficult to trigger?”

“In this way, can Chen Fenghuo cause such natural phenomena?”

The sound of the entire city exploded immediately.

Many people’s faces have the color of regret.

But more, there is still a hint of worry.

They have no relationship with Chen Fenghuo, but for some reason, they are unfathomable mystery. I hope Chen Fenghuo can do that step.

Qin Nan quickly came to Gu Fe and Ji Xuan. The former snorted and jumped over his shoulder, his eyes glowed, and said, “Lin brother, you are too powerful this time, even if you are dignified. You have been compared! Your martial arts natural talent is enough to rank among the top ten Ah in the Great Upper Realm! “

Ji Xuan is nodded again and again: “Yes, Little Brother Lin, this time you are in the limelight Ah! I can brag outside now, I am the brother of Lin Xiaozhi! Hey, think of that picture, I think there is more surface.”

Qin Nan looked at the two people, didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and said, “You two are coming, so obvious flattery, when you can’t see it? Rest assured, I’m fine, no need to comfort me I.”

Ji Xuan shook the head, looking at his eyes, seriously: “Little Brother Lin, don’t get me wrong, this is really not flattering you. But, this time, you are really quite amazing. Don’t give yourself pressure It’s too big, and if you look down occasionally, you know how good you are. “

Qin Nan was speechless for a while, eventually pats Ji Xuan’s shoulder.

Just then, there was a commotion in the whole city.


“Chen Fenghuo is the same as Lin Xiaozhi!”

“I don’t know if Chen Fenghuo can become Ah!”

When Qin Nan and the others heard the sound, his gaze was also subconscious.

I only saw that Chen Fenghuo is the same as Qin Nan. All the illusory shadows behind it have been shattered and transformed into nearly 1000000 ancient Immortal [仙] Characters, which spreads to the whole Heaven and Earth.

That strange sense of quiet came again.

The whole little boundary, the darkness strikes again, and finally makes Between Heaven and Earth a dark, lightless color.

“coming soon!”

Spirit of the celestial poles list, Zihao Heavenly Venerable and other giants, this time is also holding their breath.

With what Lin Xiaozhi did just now, they are quite embarrassed now.

Time, at this moment, seems to have become extremely slow.

The current breath is the same as the 1000 breath in equivalent to normally.

All Cultivators in this between Heaven and Earth, only felt a long time before they saw that at the end of that infinite darkness, the first starlight appeared.


Everyone’s heart shook violently.

Qin Nan stared at the starlight, and expression froze slightly.

Immediately afterwards, 2nd starlight, third starlight, came out one after another.

At first, the speed was very slow, but as more and more starlights appeared, the speed at which other starlights came out also became faster and faster.

After a hundred breaths, the entire small skyless sky became bright.

The gentle rays of light shine on every inch of the earth and on every Cultivator.

Everyone’s mind seemed to have an illusion. At this moment, they are not in a Small World, but they are pulled under an unprecedented empire Star River, witnessing all the stars in the Great Upper Realm. .


An incomparable gigantic explosion sounded throughout the Great Upper Realm.

An incomparable ancient book of Mysterious, once again emerged between Heaven and Earth, and suddenly released ten thousand zhang rays of light from it, moving towards that fairy city.

Each light glow is condensed into a Mysterious ancient symbol Symbol in the mid-air, flying into the inside of the body of each Cultivator.

All of a sudden, all Cultivator boiled.


“Chen Fenghuo succeeded!”

“Hahaha, he did it!”

“10000 World Martial Arts Number One Person, he is 10000 World Martial Arts Number One Person!”

Countless shouts, simultaneously resounded, gathered together, breaking through the clouds.


Spirits of the celestial poles list, Zihao Heavenly Venerable and other giants couldn’t help laughing, the laughter was like thunder.

The stones in their hearts finally landed completely!

This time, for them, is not just a first place for the 10000th World Martial Arts Association.

Only Qin Nan, only feeling between Heaven and Earth, was silent.

Somehow, he couldn’t hear any sound now.

In his eyes now, only Chen Fenghuo, who is far away from the first Huadao Mountain.

At this moment, Chen Fenghuo can be said to be rays of light ten thousand zhang, 10000 1000 honors, set in one body.

After the end of the 10000th World Martial Arts Conference, the name of Chen Fenghuo will inevitably reverberate throughout the Great Upper Realm, attracting countless people.

Qin Nan, for these rays of light, these honors, and these praises, in fact until now, he is not particularly fancy.

What he enjoyed was the enthusiasm of fighting against others in the competition.

Is invincibility pleasant?

After invincible, there is only infinite taste and loneliness.

Invincibility brings a sense of accomplishment to Cultivator, and other senses of honor, etc. I am afraid that there is only a moment of invincible achievement.

But just for this moment, in the last ages, countless people are rushing.

“Did I … be defeated once?”

Qin Nan gradually came back to his senses, secretly said in one’s heart.

“I do, too, knowing clearly that the first place of the 10000th World Armed Forces at this time can only be Chen Fenghuo. Now that I have come here to participate, I still have to struggle with this issue.”

Qin Nan laughed and shook the head.

He was no longer the an ignorant person of that year, so he quickly adjusted the emotion of itself.

“What I want to change is not the past, it should be the future.”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart.

In the eyes, a flame rekindled.

At the same time, the entire little Wujie is in a state of turmoil and carnival.

Chen Fenghuo, who has been keeping his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes.

He looked at the scene in front of him, his expression slightly faint.

After so many years of bitterness, it seems that at this moment, it has real value.

His father, the brother who betrayed him, and the woman who loved him …

From now on, his fate will be completely rewritten.

“Congratulations, kid!”

“Little friend, congratulations!”

At this time, the Spirit of the celestial poles list, Zihao Heavenly Venerable, and other giants all came to him simultaneously, congratulating them all.

“Thank you Senior.”

Chen Fenghuo stood up and quickly saluted.

“Hahaha, today is your day, so don’t come with us!”

Spirit of the celestial poles list laughed.

“Chen little friend, come with me now.”

Said Heavenly Venerable.


Chen Fenghuo immediately stepped forward and stood beside Zihao Heavenly Venerable.

“You fellow daoist!”

Zi Hao Heavenly Venerable looked towards the direction of the fairy city, and spoke loudly, the sound became extremely loud and deafening.

“As Sect Lord of the Holy Martial Arts, I hereby announce that the first place of the 10000th World Martial Arts Association is Chen Fenghuo!”

As Zihao Heavenly Venerable’s voice fell, all kinds of cheering sounded again.

“As for second place, third place, they will be announced one after another in the remaining 2 days!”

Zihao Heavenly Venerable said here, smiled lightly, and said, “I have to say that this 10000th World Armed Forces is more intense and exciting than the previous ones, even if it is old fogey. 100 feeling. “

“So, for this session, let’s make an exception! Tonight, host a wine feast in the Dragon Tiger Palace of Sacred Martial Arts! At that time, I will bring out some of the wines that Elder owns and treat them well. Everyone, thank you all for coming to my heavenly martial arts and participating in this 10000th World Martial Arts! “

As soon as the words came out, the sound of cheer was even more enthusiastic.

At this point, the 10000th World Martial Arts Association has come to an end.

However, other Cultivators did not notice that the giants such as Spirit of the celestial poles list, Zihao Heavenly Venerable, and their eyes met together.

For the other Cultivators, the 10000th World Armed Forces is over. For them, this is just the beginning.

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