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Chapter 1520: Sad Song

At this moment, Cang Lan Continent, Demigod’s Country.

In the air, numerous silhouettes emerged one after another.

The aura they distributed suddenly began to skyrocket, and some reached the realm of Martial Venerable, some reached the realm of Great Emperor, and even the realm of Martial God Realm.

Basically everyone except Lu’s Heavenly God and Martial Fate Pavilion was teleported.

“What happened in the end?”

Everyone stabilised, expression still stunned.

Especially Cultivator, who is all around the battlefield, has doubts about each and everyone in his mind.

What did Southern Heaven Gate do?

How could their bodies be forced out of the Dier Continent?

“Did Qin Nan succeed?”

Suddenly, these Cultivators all reacted suddenly, their gazes looking towards the vast continent suspended in the depths of the sky.

In contrast, whether Qin Nan is a god or not, this is the most important thing!

They all remember that Princess Miaomiao resolved the Murderous intention for Qin Nan, leaving only the last ten Dao Tribulation shadows.

Today, is Qin Nan removed by Southern Heaven Gate’s last resort, or is it successful?

“Qin Nan, you must die there!”

Monster God Restricted Area’s Lord and other Headmaster-level beings clenched their fists and kept cursing in their hearts.

At this moment, Dier Continent, where the battlefield is.

“How can there be a Great Emperor cultivation level?”

Dragon Emperor, Tang Qingshan, etc., as well as giants such as Martial Fate Pavilion, were shocked, and complexion changes became pale.

After the Southern Heaven Gate has the Great Emperor cultivation level, who can stop it?

“Qin Nan, didn’t you think about it? Although you can only maintain thirty breaths, the situation of the Great Emperor is enough to use some means. You must die under my hands today!”

The Southern Heaven Gate murderous aura is monstrous. With a large grasp, there are thousands of dao intent ambitions emerging, condensing into a demon shadow, killing Qin Nan.

The remaining ten Dao Tribulation shadows roared skyward, and the momentum soared. Similarly, the emperor light bloomed and moved towards this demon shadow.

“Rising Flowers Jade Immortal True Tower!”

Between this electro-optic flint, Empress Fei Yue has already reacted. The magic seal is knotted, and a huge fairy tower up to hundred zhang bursts out from the huge hole broken by Dier Continent.

These ten Dao Tribulation films are not the opponents of Southern Heaven Gate at all, they will be forcibly confronted and they will be destroyed in an instant.

She has to stop and let Qin Nan do the last Thunder Tribulation!

“Empress Fei Yue, more than 9 years ago, I only mastered 3 major immortal intents, but now I have mastered 6 major immortal intents! This move of yours has no effect on us and cannot stop me at all.”

The Southern Heaven Gate is so imposing that it shines with a full Six Roads immortal glow, and finally turns into a dark hand, crosses the void, and grabs upward.

Hong long!

Countless voids, crumbling.

terrifying storm of strength, rolled to all directions.

The shape of Southern Heaven Gate is like a towering Great Mountain.

“Qin Nan, this is where you end up against me, let me die!”

The Southern Heaven Gate shouted like thunder and stunned 8 parties. It strode across and exhibited a world-wide Divine Technique. It actually avoided the shadow of the ten Dao Tribulation and came to the other side of Qin Nan.


In his eyes, blue color flames, numerous martial arts intents, and six immortal intents all condensed on its arms.

In the end, it turned into a punch, and struck across the void.

Instead of continuing to deal with Thunder Tribulation, it has to kill Qin Nan directly and end everything!

“Everything is over–“

Martial Fate Pavilion, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord, and the others, the soul is trembling.

They wanted to stop it, but they didn’t have the strength at all. They couldn’t even fly to Qin Nan to stop him.

“Supreme True Law-“

Empress Fei Yue’s face frosty, and the magic seal kept coming out.

“Southern Heaven Gate!”

Qin Nan felt countless chills in his heart, and he was in danger like never before, but his will has not been suppressed, but has become more magnificent.

Even if it is body dies and Dao disappears, he will fight to the last minute and do his best.

“Southern Heaven Gate, the person covered by this Princess, even if you, can’t prevent him from being a god!”

Just at the crucial moment, Princess Miaomiao stepped out, blocking directly in front of Qin Nan.

Only to see, in her body, there were countless false flames burning.

The momentum of her body is also constantly rising, soaring.

She sacrificed the source Source strength of herself.

“Incarnate 10000 spirits, soul souls are unparalleled!”

The saint light on Princess Miaomiao suddenly became extremely dazzling, as if it had become the true 10000 Holy Spirit, with the power of 10000 Spirit, shot with a palm.

With a loud noise, 2 killing moves, and annihilation became nothingness.

Princess Miaomiao’s lovable body, as if hit by a divine hammer, is alive, with only a faint trace left, and it will dissipate at any time.


Qin Nan complexion changed.

“Any ants, can still block me, but this second move, can you still block?”

Southern Heaven Gate sneered, countless martial arts intent, swept again, condensed into an ancient azure-colored gun, killed in isolation.

This shot was lightning fast, so that everyone could only see a light glow flashing past.

“Qin Nan, watch out!”

At this moment, Princess Miaomiao, who was dying, suddenly burst out with a powerful invisible force, forcing Qin Nan beyond the several li.

However, Qin Nan was pushed away, but she couldn’t avoid it anymore.

“No -“

Qin Nan’s pupils shrank into needles.

However, he had no power to stop the gun.


Space-Time seems to be slowing down. At this moment, everyone can see clearly that Princess Miaomiao’s chest was directly penetrated by this shot.

Countless drops of blood that shined on the saint light spilled into the void.

Blossoming petals of 5 colors and 6 colors emerged and flickered.

“Little … South … Xiao Nan …”

Princess Miaomiao pretty face Pale, beautiful eyes Looking at Qin Nan in the distance, she noticed something, and forcibly smiled at the corner of her mouth: “I … I’ll take a step … you … must … seal …”

The last word of God, and a lot of words in her heart, she had not yet spoken, and her last weak vitality within the body was completely extinguished.

The light of Holy Spirit on her body faded away a little bit, becoming cold and dying.

“Princess Miaomiao … dead?”

Dragon Emperor, Tang Qingshan, and Martial Fate Pavilion and the others all froze.

Even Empress Fei Yue, her cold blue eyes, fluctuated a bit.

“Male … princess?”

Qin Nan watched this scene. In his mind, it seemed that a Supreme Divine Thunder had been split and turned into a blank.

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