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Chapter 1519 To Become A Lord

Anyone who feels uneasy at her Boundary is a very accurate omen.

This will mean that one of her next actions will cause amazing changes and cause great harm to her.

“Interesting, is about to deal with Qin Nan, and there is such an omen.”

Bronze Mirror’s face in the afterlife showed a faint smile, and there was a ray of light in beautiful eyes.

Her interest now was completely hooked.

Anyway, no matter what to do next, she was attracted by the Three Lives Tribulation force. No matter how serious the injury was, it would not affect her deity.

At the same time, under the eyes of countless people.

Qin Nan’s body looks like a dragon into the sea, without any hindrance, chopping that one after another silhouette into pieces.

The divine light blooming on him is also increasing, as if there is a too Ancient God flower, which is about to bloom.

“There are more than 500 Dao Tribulation movies!”

All Cultivators present were holding their breath subconsciously.

“Qin Nan, today you must die here!”

Lu’s Heavenly God clenched his fists, even if he knew the whole plan, but his heart now hung up, a little nervous.

Once Qin Nan is sealed, his plot can no longer be hidden.

If he had no luck, it would even cause him to lose all his preparations for 10000 years.

“Miaomiao, look at Southern Heaven Gate.”

Empress Fei Yue spread a spiritual thought, and there are more and more snowflakes flying around.

Her heart is very clear. Once someone who surpasses heaven-defying is about to ascending immortal, unexpected changes will occur.

“There are more than 80 Dao Tribulation movies left!”

At this moment, the entire Space-Time seemed to slow down.

Every breath, every moment, becomes extremely long, people can clearly feel the ebbing of time.

Princess Miaomiao pretty face is tight, Holy Spirit Physique, working secretly.

If something really happens, even if she is seriously injured, you have to fight for Qin Nan’s last few breaths.

“Southern Heaven Gate, do it!”

Finally, Bronze Mirror shot, and jade hand formed a magic seal that each and everyone could call ‘taboo’ at an extremely amazing speed.

On her body, there were countless immortal light lines.


On Southern Heaven Gate, countless Venerable forces have also bloomed.

“Hugh think!”

The bodies of Empress Fei Yue and Princess Miaomiao moved almost at the same time, and they displayed amazing means to kill two people.

Not only that, the army of immortals other than Cang Lan Continent also operated a taboo method.

“Past life, it’s too late. Before long, the formation had been arranged.”

Bronze Mirror is faintly smiled in the afterlife.

I only saw that behind the Southern Heaven Gate, several thousand thousand roads of light like the ancient dragon’s light pattern shone, and were scattered in the void, intertwined into a horrible formation.

“Lu’s Heavenly God and God List’s formation of Qin Nan’s to arrange? Why don’t I notice the slightest?”

Empress Fei Yue figure stopped.

“The taboo in the early days, the boundless ancient way, Yin-Yang world law, all beings listen—”

The expression of Bronze Mirror’s afterlife gradually became serious. Her voice, like the sound of Grand Dao, even rang in everyone’s heart.

“Wu Guigui, taking the blood as the source and the source as the sacrifice–“

The Southern Heaven Gate spit out a drop of blood essence, used the ancient Forbidden Technique passed on to it in the next life, and even started to sacrifice the Source Strength of itself.

With all his might, he climbed up again, and countless blue lights also gathered in front of it.

“Qin Nan, I will destroy your Thunder Tribulation now!”

Southern Heaven Gate shouted, the horrific killings had already formed, and moved towards the remaining robbery.

These tribulations, in response, aura skyrocketed and shot again and again.

However, under this killing move, they actually seem slightly smaller.

“Holy Spirit Immortal Physique!”

Behind Princess Miaomiao, an ancient illusory shadow emerged again, grabbed it with a big hand, and caught a strand of strength from the spiritual object below, and broke into the princess within the body.

Aura of Princess Miaomiao has also been improved.

Even if you can’t compete with this killing move, you can avoid all the ghost images from being destroyed.

Hong long!

All Cultivator saw, Princess Miaomiao’s lovable body, back and forth, a drop of blood spilled from the corners of the mouth, aura also fell a lot.

The tragic shadows of each and everyone are constantly destroyed.

However, there are only ten remaining.

“Stop Southern Heaven Gate!”

The minds of all people were shocked by fiercely, and the faces of Martial Fate Pavilion and the others were even more happy.


Qin Nan complexion changed.

“Don’t worry about me, slay God!”

Princess Miaomiao held her body and shouted loudly.

“Destruction War Blade!”

Qin Nan’s face changed slightly, and finally he gritted his teeth, all his strength, all broke out, and turned into the strongest blade glow, moved towards the remaining shadow mask.

“Hu, it hurts this princess. After you ’ve been detained this time, if you don’t help this princess get some wine, this princess will never spare you.”

Princess Miaomiao gently relaxed, a pair of beautiful eyes, looking at the back of Qin Nan.

In the past, Qin Nan self-to prove the emperor, she was unable to do anything, and now this time, she is god-defying, and she finally helped Qin Nan resolve the final murderous intention.

“Miaomiao, their killing–“

Empress Fei Yue, however, noticed something. It was the first time that the delicate cheeks of Xuanbing in 10000 changed slightly.

“Dao-Defying, big heaven-defying round!”

Bronze Mirror’s last taboo magic seal was completely formed.

This moment, a shocking scene happened.

At the feet of all Cultivator at the scene, as well as at the feet of Cultivator elsewhere in the Dier Continent, a formula suddenly emerged, an invisible force that tightly wrapped their bodies.


The countless Cultivators who are not yet on the battlefield are all confused, wondering what happened.

“The power of beings, blessing to me!”

Southern Heaven Gate also roared.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Countless formations, all work.

Each Cultivator’s body was taken by invisible forces, took away a little strength, and turned into a beam of lights, submerged into the formation under the feet of Southern Heaven Gate.

Not only that, the formation continued to run, all the Cultivators had not yet responded, and their figures were also passed out of the Dier Continent and returned to the Cang Lan Continent.

There are only a few people in the entire Dier Continent.

After their strength was taken away, they were weaker than mortals and could not stay on this Dier Continent.

As for the Southern Heaven Gate, its aura is like the archaic Great Peng with open wings. It broke open the yoke of one after another, shook it up, and in a blink of an eye, opened a vast emperor’s prestige.

“this is–“

Empress Fei Yue Ice Snow Hitomi shrinks.

By now, she had fully understood.

In the afterlife, Emperor Fruit and Divine Seed were created and attracted countless Cultivators to come, in order to exert a taboo method at the critical moment to absorb the power of all beings.

Suppressing cultivation level to mortal Boundary is not to avoid causing huge damage at all, but to want to absorb smoothly.

After all, if you are not mortal, you can resist blocking.

But how are these taboos used in the afterlife?

“Fei Yue, I’m afraid you don’t know yet, I am about to become a Lord.”

In the afterlife, a faint smile appeared on the face again, and the last 4 words were like the thunder of ancient God.

“Great … Great Emperor?”

Qin Nan and Princess Miaomiao are both expression startled.

Even Tang Qingshan and the others in retreat were shocked.

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