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Chapter 1521

At this moment, he seemed to have lost his soul, like a puppet, and he walked up to Princess Miaomiao and hugged her tightly.

“Princess … princess … princess …”

He lost focus in his eyes, trying to wake her up like a magic wand, repeating repeatedly, turning a blind eye to the coldness and silence.

The entire Dier Continent, at this time, seemed to be silent.

Between Heaven and Earth, spreading one after another sadness.

“You are as stupid as Demon Hair of that year. For the sake of being an ant, you are still out of control.” Southern Heaven Gate overlooked Qin Nan, with a hint of irony in my eyes: “I might as well tell you that after I kill you, I will Killed the entire Lost Herb Garden! “

An ant-like existence, daring to block it 3 times and 5 times, has stirred its killing.

“Southern Heaven Gate, don’t waste time, quickly kill Qin Nan!”

The afterlife of Bronze Mirror and Lu’s Heavenly God shouted loudly. As for the death of Princess Miaomiao, they were ignored by them.

“Qin Nan, let’s die!”

The Southern Heaven Gate reacted, countless blue lights, countless wills, burst out at the same time, once again condensed into a terrible great spear, killed across the air.

“Qin Nan-“

The youths of Martial Fate Pavilion, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord, and the others, their faces simultaneously changed dramatically.

However, at this time, mutation emerged!

I just saw that in Qin Nan’s within the body, a majestic and intangible force, I do not know where it came from, raging.


With a bang, this stalk is enough to smash the horror great spear of the Great Emperor peak giant. It seems to be trapped in a chaotic quagmire, and it cannot move forward in the slightest.

“what happened?”

At this moment, everyone was holding back.

Even with the insights of Bronze Mirror’s afterlife, she had no idea why Qin Nan within the body suddenly emerged such a powerful force.

Only Empress Fei Yue, thinly frowned.

Could it be that that All Immortals shot 5th?

But if it was, why didn’t it get shot earlier?

“Qin Nan, didn’t expect in you within the body, and such powerful powers, but you are still dying today, Nan Heavenly Immortal sword, kill me!”

Southern Heaven Gate came back to his senses, sighed loudly, 6 immortal intents emerged, merged with other powers, and turned into an unreal sword with a length of hundred zhang, shattering the void and chopping under.

This sword is its strongest killing move today, and it is more than enough to kill a Martial God 1-layer.


A heavens-frightening loud noise, a rainbow-like sword intent, rolled in all directions.

The next moment, everyone’s face showed a startled look.

Because the tip of this sword can’t move even when it is less than an inch away from Qin Nan.


At this time, Qin Nan, like a magic wand, seemed to have completely accepted the fact that he was not calling, his body was shaking, and his eyes suddenly turned into a red blood.

His whole body, if attacked by blood, turned all over his body into a scarlet color.

Immediately afterwards, the majestic Murderous Aura burst out, hitting the entire Heaven and Earth, causing Heaven and Earth to tremble slightly.

“this is–“

Empress Fei Yue and her afterlife were simultaneously startled.

“You all have to die for me!”

Qin Nan roared to the sky, a blood hair, dancing without wind, in his within the body, as if with a layer of invisible seal opened, an incomparable force of terror, gushing out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, the entire Dier Continent seemed to explode countless channels of Divine Thunder.

The vast sky and land turned into a scarlet blood, and the terrifying killing intent flooded every inch of the place, like an endless hell.

Princess Miaomiao’s death stirred Qin Nan’s unprecedented anger.


“What power is this?”

The eyes of Southern Heaven Gate, Lu’s Heavenly God, Martial Fate Pavilion, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord, and the others all revealed their shocking colors.

Even for the afterlife of Bronze Mirror and Empress Fei Yue.

At this time, Qin Nan, in their eyes, is no different from a world-class demon!

The most important thing is, why is Dier Continent’s Heaven and Earth Rule free of any repression and restraint for the current Qin Nan?


Angry roar, the martial arts rule of Million li, Heaven and Earth Rule, directly turned into a chaos, no longer exists.

Qin Nan strode a step, Heaven and Earth shook, Breaking Heavens Blade in his hand, and cut off directly towards Southern Heaven Gate!


The power of this blade is too horrible. With the horror of Southern Heaven Gate, he didn’t dare to shoot. He just watched this blade and cut it on him.


The terrible screams tore the clouds.

This blade not only shattered its body, but also kept it from dissipating immediately, and was enveloped by a heart-wrenching pain, and it was better to die.

Immediately afterwards, there was another Supreme blood glow, which straddled the void and beheaded at Lu’s Heavenly God.


2nd screamed again and again.

Lu’s Heavenly God is covered with blood, without the vitality, but he is still not dead, cannibalized by pain, looks at his body, and is cut into two and a half.

“He’s crazy, and awakens his sleeping power within the body!”

After all, Bronze Mirror’s afterlife is about to become a Lord. She reacted quickly, without any trace, using a powerful method to make her shape disappear instantly in place, rushing to the huge gap in the depth of the sky.

Just return to Cang Lan Continent and her cultivation level will return to a strong level.

If it is still not Qin Nan’s opponent, then at worst she completely broke the cultivation level, shattered the entire Cang Lan Continent, and everyone died together!

In this way, she can be considered to have completed Three Lives Tribulation.

However, at the next moment, her figure suddenly froze.

The light in the corner of her eyes saw that the endless blood glow fell behind her, and a pair of worldly pupils stared at her deadly.

“No wonder it makes me uneasy. Didn’t expect the power of you within the body to reach such a level-“

Bronze Mirror calms down in the afterlife, lightly said with a smile.


A blood punch, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. In general, strikes over her chest, opened her body, forcibly opened a huge hole.


Rao is the afterlife of Bronze Mirror. She was hit by this huge pain and couldn’t help but suck in a cold breath of air, but her face quickly forcibly smiled: “Oh, you killed me, it doesn’t make any sense , Has no effect on my deity. After my deity awakens, I will check and find out your— “

She now has an unprecedented interest in Qin Nan.

However, before she had finished speaking, she saw that a smug smile appeared on Qin Nan’s face, and he had the terrifying power of within the body, soaring again.

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