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Chapter 1518 Buddhist Immortal Shadow

The horrifying Thunder Dragon, suspended void, and a pair of icy dragon’s pupils suddenly stared at the Southern Heaven Gate, making the latter’s figure suddenly freeze, and countless chills in his heart.


Infinite energy, whistling, a beast claw like the Great Mountain, with a sudden anger, snapped, and smashed the lance into a shatter.

“Not good !”

Southern Heaven Gate complexion changed.

as everyone knows, after the birth of Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation, whoever shots to the crossing tribulation will be regarded as the enemy by Thunder Tribulation.

“Qin Nan’s Martial God Thunder Tribulation is here!”

Many of the giants below expressed their expressions, and their hearts were all lightly relaxed.

Although they can no longer understand the clash between Mysterious afterlife and Lord Empress Fei Yue, they now know a little bit.

After the Thunder Tribulation, Qin Nan was no longer in danger.

Except for Thunder Tribulation itself, others want to slay Qin Nan, almost impossible.


At this time, mutation regenerates.

On the platform, the Dragon Emperor, Dragon Tiger, Sima Kong, Tang Qingshan, and Death Crystal’s within the body seem to have some power and have completely transformed.

The divine light and emperor light blooming on them seem to be a Divine Sword, and cut into the sky at the same time.

Countless world’s strength is coming again.

Especially the latter four, the world’s strength they attracted even surpassed the Dragon Emperor.

“They are about to be named Martial God, proving to be the emperor of themselves?”

All the Cultivators present were shocked in their hearts and could hardly be described in words.

When there is a strong rise in the infinite darkness, there will be more and more flames burning.

This is the so-called new era.


Suddenly, the horrifying Thunder Dragon roared skyward, and the momentum directly covered Dragon Emperor and the others. Its scales, like the peerless treasures, began to spread out numerous cracks.

“this is–“

Rao is Empress Fei Yue and her afterlife, and her expression is also lightly startled.

With their eyesight, they can naturally see that the terror of Thunder Dragon can only be attracted when they are promoted to Human God.

Qin Nan surpasses Four Extreme Boundary and has Dao Mark. It is normal to do this.

But how has Thunder Tribulation changed?

Hong long!

But in a breath, the entire Thunder Dragon broke down completely, shaking the earth.

The immense immortal light, shining without any sign, expelled all darkness.

One after another Wearing a fairy armor, a silhouette of the tall and mighty shore, like a 10000 flowers blooming, appeared in the air.

These silhouette auras are like humans and monsters, like devil, like god. They are very strange. Their cultivation level is also up and down, sometimes Martial God, sometimes Great Emperor.

It wasn’t until the very end that Martial King was finalized, comparable to Qin Nan.

“What is this Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation?”

Even so, all Cultivators were trembling in their voices, and their eyes were full of fear.

On these weird silhouettes, they felt an essential repression.

As if they were Huang level 10-Rank Martial Spirit, facing Heaven level 10-Rank Martial Spirit.

“Like a demon, like devil, like god, could it be that is the Buddha Immortal Shadow Thunder Tribulation?”

Empress Fei Yue and her afterlife, as well as Lu’s Heavenly God in the distance, showed startled look in their eyes, especially the latter, which was extremely shocked.

Although the Buddha Immortal Shadow Thunder Tribulation in front of it does not have a full 1% of its formidable power, this tribulation can only be elicited when it is promoted from Earth God to Heavenly God.

They have never seen a great Emperor who could lead him out when he was promoted to Martial God.

“Even if you have mastered Dao Boundary thoroughly, you can’t do it at all. Could it be that in this child’s within the body, Lord Fire was born? Then his previous life, how couldn’t it be-“

In the heart of the afterlife, there was a wave of waves, and a pair of beautiful eyes revealed the color of surprise.

The degree of interest in this Three Lives Tribulation completely exceeded her expectations. Didn’t expect this crossing tribulation, which has such an amazing identity.


Count 10000 silhouettes, lock Qin Nan, simultaneously long howling.

The huge murderous aura is like the ancient Tianhe, which lost its restraint, and rolls down in anger.

“Destruction War Blade!”

Qin Nan jumped up, fighting intent like a rainbow.

On him, scarlet golden armor, fatly discernible, the sword in his hand, buzzing constantly, seemed extremely excited.

At this moment, in the eyes of countless people, although Qin Nan only has the cultivation level of Martial King Realm, his momentum is like a War God.

boom! boom! boom!

The battle was triggered, one strange silhouette after another, chopped into pieces by the sword.

After the breakdown of each silhouette, in Divine Light within Qin Nan within the body.

The dive power of his within the body, like breaking through layers of seals, has changed a little bit, and constantly strengthened.

“I thought what would happen to your Thunder Tribulation. Didn’t expect it is just a group of Martial King Realm! There is no need to use such a method, I can smash your Thunder Tribulation now, so that you can’t be godless! “

God List reacted, sneaked, Venerable’s power was released, condensed into one after another killing move, and moved towards that one after another weird silhouette.

Shatter Thunder Tribulation before killing Qin Nan!


Bronze Mirror complexion slightly changed in the afterlife.

However, at this time, it was already late.

The hundreds of strange silhouettes in the fight with Qin Nan turned his head suddenly, his face seemed to show a wiping smile, and he was so imposing that he shot up to the Martial Venerable peak and punched.

Buddhist Immortal Shadow Thunder Tribulation, just like the previous lives of Qin Nan and Bronze Mirror.

They will only be consistent with the crossing tribulation and maintain the cultivation level. If anyone shoots at them, their cultivation level will be comparable to the enemy.

This is true even for the Powerhouse facing Heavenly God Realm.

“you guys–“

God List As soon as Hitomi shrank, and he had time to respond, he was swallowed up by this sky-fisting shadow, making a scream, and his body collapsed into nothingness.

“You are still so stupid, if it is so easy to deal with, how could you conspired so long in secret–“

The Emperor List’s Spirit not far away did not hide his disdain in his eyes.

Over the years, although it has teamed up with God List, its deep in one’s heart still looks down on God List and wants to devour the latter all the time.

It was just that the words in his heart were not finished, but he suddenly noticed something, turned his head, and saw the residual energy, unbiased, and rushed towards it.

There was another scream, Emperor’s List will be in a sluggish state, and it turned into nothingness.


Bronze Mirror saw this scene in the afterlife, shook the head, and passed a spiritual thought to the Southern Heaven Gate.


After doing all this, suddenly she was frowned.

Just moments ago, there was no warning in her heart, and a feeling of restlessness rose.

How is this going?

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