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Chapter 1517 Thorough Tribulation

Chapter 1517

Especially Dragon Emperor, an emperor’s prestige, quickly transformed into a mighty god, overwhelming the other 5 people and the death crystal.

“Dragon Emperor Senior once hosted Emperor’s Fate, within the body has been bound by the invisible rules on Emperor’s Fate, and can no longer become the emperor of myself.”

Qin Nan saw this scene, shoots a finger, and put an azure-gold light into Dragon Emperor’s body.

With the light of Grand Dao, plus Source Strength, Dragon Emperor can minimize the rules brought by the Emperor’s Fate.

At that time, the rules on the divinity will be peeled off. After the god is sealed, it can also become a Martial God with a higher boundary, which is far superior to other Martial Gods in Cang Lan Continent.

“Princess Miaomiao, Tang Qingshan them, could it be that is self-to prove the emperor?”

“That piece of lacquer black liquid crystal, what divine object is, there is a life aura inside, and it is also the emperor!”

“Crystals are also emperors? Except for Dragon Emperor, they are all becoming emperors of themselves?”

At this moment, all the giants, seeing the clues in it, set off a stormy sea in their hearts.

Qin Nan successfully attracted Thunder Tribulation, and immediately became the first god of ancient 10000. The other 6 people also have to self-to prove the emperor.

Could it be that everything in Cang Lan Continent would be completely overturned?


The faces of Lu’s Heavenly God, Southern Heaven Gate, and God List were instantly ugly.

They absolutely didn’t expect that such a shock would happen. How could they couldn’t it be that after destroying Qin Nan, they had to find a way to destroy all of them?

“Rest assured, even a few others, even self-to prove the emperor, will not be able to reach Four Extreme Boundary, and will not become the first emperor of 10000, without any threat.”

The next life of Bronze Mirror seems to see through the minds of three people, sound transmission indifferently said: “Now immediately start as planned, as long as you destroy Qin Nan, your fears and threats will be disappeared.”

The words fell, and her hands immediately formed the ancient magic seal, and the bright Grand Dao light shone on her body.

“Just destroy Qin Nan?”

Lu’s Heavenly God, Southern Heaven Gate, and God List reacted, their hearts were relaxed, their eyes became extremely cold, and they stared at Qin Nan.

Their hands also began to form a mysterious magic seal.

“In the previous life, you forgot a little bit. You can attract Source Strength. I am one of the masters of the second continent world. Although I miss the best time, I can also attract some.”

Bronze Mirror Indifferently said, shoots a finger, put one after another golden talisman seal, and the light of Grand Dao into the within of the body of Lu’s Heavenly God Three Great Giants.

Suddenly, strands of Source Energy floated out of the gap and fell into the within the body of Southern Heaven Gate and God List.


The momentum of 2 great big shots, like breaking the invisible shackles of one after another, has skyrocketed, and in a blink, it has reached the level of the Martial Venerable Realm.

The afterlife has run more powerful means, so that they can use Source Strength directly to break free of the rules!

It’s just that the Source Strength integrated into the Dier Continent was originally used by the Southern Heaven Gate giants, so she couldn’t blessing on herself.

As for Emperor’s List, it was ignored.

This means of heaven-defying can only help two people.

“Wu … Martial Venerable?”

All Cultivators, both physically and mentally, couldn’t believe their perception at all.

“Qin Nan, die!”

Lu’s Heavenly God, Southern Heaven Gate, God List, shouted like thunder, strode across, and came directly to the top of the training field. The body swayed the vast force of Venerable like sea, condensing terrifying killing move.

Martial Venerable, which is 3 full Boundary above Martial King.

Thunder Tribulation has not yet taken shape and cannot be resisted.

As for Qin Nan, facing the attack of 2 giant Venerable, it cannot be blocked at all, and it will be destroyed instantly.

“Just 2 Martial Venerables, and also want to kill Qin Nan?”

Empress Fei Yue indifferent said, and gave an order.

Hong long!

The entire Dier Continent was caught in a terrifying explosion.

In the sky above, a huge gap up to ten ten thousand li appeared, and countless crystal lights emerged from it.

A ray of immortal energy of incomparable purity, through this gap, straddled over, immersed in Princess Miaomiao’s within the body.

Even if it is just a ray, Princess Miaomiao’s momentum is rising continuously, breaking one after another rule, and reaching the point of Martial Venerable peak.

Apart from this, within her body, countless white radiances bloomed.

She transformed from Ten Spirits Immortal Physique into Holy Spirit Immortal Physique in a short time!

Although Empress Fei Yue cannot achieve the same level as the afterlife, she has an army of immortals besides Cang Lan Continent.

Using countless immortal strength, casting the Forbidden Technique, plus the speciality of Princess Miaomiao Ten Spirits Immortal Physique, can just make her transform.

“Holy Spirit Mysterious Change!”

Princess Miaomiao’s eyes opened, the magic seal came out, and numerous saint lights rose into the sky, submerged in the hundreds of spiritual objects below.


The number of 100 spiritual objects, rising from the sky, even broke free from the rules, reached the Martial Venerable Realm world, turned into a light glow, and killed the Southern Heaven Gate and God List.

Their devotion and spiritual energy are very powerful, but only under the suppression of the Dier Continent rule, only Innate, or Martial King.

Now if you get blessing from Holy Spirit, you can awaken spiritual energy and break away from the rules, just like Southern Heaven Gate, they get blessing from Source Strength.

“Zhuo Lost Herb Garden princess, at the critical moment, dare to stop us 3 times 5 times!”

Southern Heaven Gate and God List are both expressions of anger, constantly changing shape, playing one after another peerless technique, and smashing the Holy Spirit on the head.

Their Martial Venerable Realm world is far from being comparable to these Heaven and Earth Spiritual Items!


In the battlefield, whether it is the ordinary Cultivator or the existence of the Giant level, they are completely stunned.

The confrontation in this battle has completely exceeded their cognition.

“Qin Nan, you still can’t escape!”

The Southern Heaven Gate destroyed ten Martial Venerable Realm spiritual objects in a row, throwing a horrific spear, moved towards Qin Nan, and came through.


Princess Miaomiao pretty face changes.

Empress Fei Yue’s expression is still cold, like ice sculpture.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Just between this flash of light, one after another deafening explosion, simultaneously sounded.

At this moment, it seems that there is a Heaven Covering Demon Hand, which came from ancient times and shrouded on the Dier Continent, so that the sky of several thousand thousand li rounded into darkness.

Immediately after, countless roads of thunderbolt flashing immortal light, irrespective of where they came out, gathered together, gradually condensing into a horrible Thunder Dragon with a length of 100,000 zhang.

In an instant, the world-defining aura swept out, making both the Heaven and Earth Rule and the martial arts rules, etc., into a chaos.

Qin Nan’s Martial God Thunder Tribulation is here!

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