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Chapter 1516

“Bronze Mirror, Emperor’s List told me just now that they have a layout in the afterlife.”

Qin Nan spread a spiritual thought and glanced at the Emperor’s List will on the ground.

Suddenly, he forgot to pull it off.

However, he did not have a good impression of Emperor’s List. This time he suddenly showed his favor to him, and the latter certainly had a plan.

“The true cultivation level of the afterlife is far beyond me, and by then only counter soldiers with arms, and water with earth weir.”

Empress Fei Yue expressionlessly said.


Qin Nan nodded, flashed in shape, completely stepped on the Lawless Platform deep in the sky.

The moment he fell, the sound of peng peng kept ringing.

Although his current cultivation level is still in the Martial King realm, Heaven and Earth Rules like ‘People named Qin Nan must not attract Martial God Thunder Tribulation’ are gone.

“Divine power works, Heavenly Tribulation is here!”

In the eyes, I could only hear Qin Nan loudly shouted. The power of Martial God within his body was like boiling water, boiling.


Suddenly, the Grand Dao rule of hunted thousand li was trembling violently.

Countless world’s strength, like Tianhe, raged from all directions.

In that void, terrifying storms, flames, thunderbolt, snow and other natural phenomena were born, sweeping out.

Martial God Thunder Tribulation is just the beginning, it has brought this piece of Heaven and Earth, and it has changed completely!

“this is–“

“Qin Nan is in Transcending Tribulation?”

“Can he Transcending Tribulation on Platform?”

Most Cultivators have shocked faces.

They all know that Qin Nan got the diversity and was blocked by the Heaven and Earth Rule. It couldn’t attract Thunder Tribulation at all, but didn’t know at all that this Dier Continent’s Platform could make him Transcending Tribulation!

Even the giants such as Killing God Restricted Area did not know it.

“Finally brought in Martial God Thunder Tribulation!”

Giants such as Martial Fate Pavilion, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord, and the Cultivators of Heaven Defying Union became excited, holding their fists tightly subconsciously.

In contrast, giants such as Heavenly Capital Martial God, Monster God Restricted Area’s Lord, and so on, have turned pale and shivered.

If Qin Nan succeeds in closing down God, will there still be a way for them, those people?

Under the attention of 10000, Princess Miaomiao’s figure, and the death crystal in the distance, suddenly burst into the air and fell onto the training field.

“Qin Nan, urge Dao Mark.”

After Empress Fei Yue passed on a spiritual thought, she dazzled the Grand Dao light with her hands, forming an ancient magic seal with each and everyone.

Qin Nan turned on immediately, and his body also flashed azure-gold light.

“En? This child actually reached Dao Boundary?”

Bronze Mirror saw this scene in the afterlife, and based on her insights, she could not help but startled look in her eyes.

“Grand Dao resonates, Heaven and Earth is chaos! I am the Lord, Source Strength, listen to my order-“

When Empress Fei Yue jade hand shot, countless mysterious golden runes immediately appeared on the Lawless Platform.

The light of Grand Dao on her and Qin Nan suddenly received an invisible suction, all sucked into the runes.

Hong long!

Everyone’s ears rang a heavens-frightening blast, and immediately saw the sky above, breaking a huge black hole that was more than 50000 miles long.

From the middle deep place of the hole, one after another presented as a golden-ura of dragon-form, constantly flying out, and falling into the training field of Nuoda.

In an instant, all kinds of vitality and all kinds of power, like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, were born one after another.

In less than half the time, this Platform has become an unprecedented practice holy land, and any fortuitous encounter on Cang Lan Continent cannot match it.

“Those … could it be that is Source Strength?”

All giants can hardly believe their eyes.

This is Source Strength. Cang Lan Continent’s most powerful force. If they can get one, it will be a huge opportunity for them.

Now Empress Fei Yue has called out thousands!

“so that’s how it is.”

Qin Nan’s eyes flashed a divine glow.

He brought in Martial God Thunder Tribulation, which made Grand Dao rules into chaos. In addition, he and Bronze Mirror’s Dao Mark, and Bronze Mirror, one of the landlords of the Dier Continent, could attract these Source Strength.

“Qin Nan, put Divine Fruit and Emperor Seed into Miaomiao and Crystal with the body respectively. Now you two people, with Source Strength, refining everything, you can prove Emperor’s transformation.”

Empress Fei Yue sound transmission saying, Qin Nan reacted immediately, and put 3 Divine Fruit and 3 Emperor Seeds into Princess Miaomiao and Death Crystal respectively.


At this moment, two people’s bodies are blooming at the same time, one after another Dimang and Divine Light, extremely dazzling, like two sundials rising up.

It stands to reason that with such a huge power, Princess Miaomiao can directly seal the god, and the death crystal can also be transformed into a god.

Especially the former, within the body has a divinity that has not yet been refining.

It’s just that their two people are now unstable, and it’s not good to directly seal the God 100. It’s better to take this opportunity to use Source Strength to remove the rules contained in diversity and conduct self-to prove the emperor!

Even if you can’t become the first emperor of 10000, like Qin Nan, it must be a level of heaven-defying Great Emperor.

“This could it be that–“

Many giants came up with an amazing idea.

The pupils of giants such as Lu’s Heavenly God, Southern Heaven Gate, and God List have even shrunk fiercely.

“Source Strength is very strong and can support more Cultivator.”

Qin Nan glanced at it, instead of rushing to bring in the Thunder Tribulation, but looked towards below, shouted: “Dragon Emperor Senior, Senior Brother, Brother Yang, Dragon Tiger, Sima Kong, you come to absorb Source Strength.”

After speaking, he reached out with great hands and caught the five people from the ground.

Their within the body, and also have diversity, have not yet been refining.


The Dragon Emperor, Tang Qingshan, and Sima Kong were all stunned, and they never expected that they would get such a huge fortune.

“Time is tight, you self-to prove the emperor, and the rest will wait until the end.”

Qin Nan began.

“it is good!”

The Dragon Emperor, Tang Qingshan, and Sima Kong five people reacted quickly, nodded, sitting cross-legged, inhaling Source Strength into the body.

At the last moment, Tang Qingshan and Gong Yang glanced at the giants in Killing God Restricted Area and Nine Characters Ancient Sea.

Although he didn’t speak, the meaning was already obvious.

When they wanted to help Qin Nan, they were stopped by these giants.

But now, Qin Nan not only has no blame, but also gave them a great fortune.

You may have your persistence and philosophy, but among them is Life and Death Friends.

Until now, they are all blessed and shared, and it is difficult to share.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

But for a long time, there are 5 second only to Princess Miaomiao and the dazzling light of death crystal, blooming on this Platform, swinging endless emperor’s prestige.

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