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Chapter 1515 Emperor’s List Secrets

The aura burst instantly and turned into numerous golden lines, interwoven into a huge formation.

All Cultivator’s eyes looked up instinctively.

I only saw that the formation was working and Princess Miaomiao’s figure emerged from it.

At this moment, she wore a gold silk dress with snow-like skin and dreamy eyes. The immortal energy surrounding her made her look no longer like a queen, but a Fairy.

“Princess Miaomiao?”

For most Cultivators, expression is choked.

“Is this the Ten Spirits Immortal Physique?” What did Bronze Mirror find in the afterlife, looked towards Empress Fei Yue with a little shock, “You found an Immortal Spirit Clan clansman on this continent?”

Empress Fei Yue was dancing beside the snow and ignored.

“Spirit has a soul, the soul is invisible, the mystery of the ten, 10000 souls are all dead!”

In front of the eyes, Princess Miaomiao formed a seal of the god secret technique in her hands. Behind her, she suddenly shone with a dazzling light, condensing into an illusionless silhouette.

This silhouette is the true king of 10000 spirits.


The 10000 Heaven and Earth Spiritual Items that were spotized by the afterlife of Bronze Mirror, simultaneously made a roar, and a special runes were suspended in their eyes.

“Myriad Things Transforms Into Spirits Immortal Scripture.”

Bronze Mirror’s afterlife magic seal quickly came out, playing 4 mysterious lights, submerging the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Item within the body of 4 Martial King Realm.

By now, she can’t keep other spiritual objects.

“The spirits obey orders. Those who are hostile to Qin Nan will always kills without mercy!”

Princess Miaomiao seems to be the same as the 10000 King of Spirits, and speaks at the same time, with an invisible majesty.


The 10000 Heaven and Earth Spiritual Items all spoke human’s words and shot one after another. They slapped Monster Beast and slammed them to death. They hit one direction, Southern Heaven Divine Land, and so on, and hit one after another. attack.

“What’s going on? Princess Miaomiao controls these Heaven and Earth Spiritual Items?”

In all Cultivator’s eyes, there was a shock of shock.

Although Princess Miaomiao is Lost Herb Garden princess, and she has also obtained a diversity, but she has not yet become a Martial God. How can she now have such incredible power?

“How is this going!”

Headly giants such as Heavenly Capital Martial God, Monster God Restricted Area’s Lord, and so on, their faces changed dramatically.

They did not expect that an inconspicuous figure could achieve such a level in this time of Great War.

“Eastern Region helps, princess controls the spirit, so Heaven Defying Union has the absolute upper hand Ah!”

Killing God Restricted Area and other powerful giants, their hearts shake.

In some people’s eyes, there is even a touch of joy.

In such a situation, with Qin Nan’s current cultivation level, presumably with no difficulty, Martial God Thunder Tribulation can be attracted.

“What are you guys doing at Heaven Defying Union? Now in a spurt of energy, destroy all Southern Heaven Divine Land!”

Martial Fate Pavilion Youth and the others, Yang Tian sent shouting loudly.

All Cultivators in Heaven Defying Union reacted immediately, and morale skyrocketed.

In contrast, Southern Heaven Divine Land and other powerful Cultivators, their faces began to pale and their bodies were subconsciously regressing.

Facing such a Heaven Defying Union, they can’t beat it at all!

“Lu’s Heavenly God, Southern Heaven Gate, God List, Emperor’s List, you are now ascended into the spirit, and together with previous lives, stop Qin Nan.”

The tone of Bronze Mirror’s afterlife is still indifferent.

“it is good!”

Lu’s Heavenly God Four Great Tycoons, flashed in shape, actually merged with the 4 Martial King Realm creatures that are still under the control of the afterlife within the body.

“You are here at exactly the same time. Today, you will beheaded your will, and you will be beheaded after you have sealed God!”

Qin Nan fighting intent is surging, the sword is empty.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The war was triggered again, with countless explosions, like endless Heavenly Thunder, blasting on this land.

One after another, Cultivator, falling down one after another, bloodshed the battlefield.

The Cultivators, who had been fanned by Lu’s Heavenly God, had a fear in their hearts and quickly retreated from the battlefield.

This also caused the lineup of forces such as Southern Heaven Divine Land to become even weaker.

“Heavens Desolation!”

Qin Nan’s body flickered, cut out with one stroke, countless Heavens Desolation’s Aura, destroyed all the branches of one after another, shrouded the towering tree and shattered it.

“Southern Heaven Magic Seal!”

Will of Southern Heaven Gate, raised his big hand, formed a terrifying magic seal, and suddenly took a picture.

Lu’s Heavenly God and God List two people, respectively, performed a terrifying killing from two sides, and came in pinch.

Under this set of killings, even the peak of Martial Grandmaster Realm can be destroyed.


Qin Nan was cut out with a single blade, and the terrifying blade aura directly killed their Three Great Giants’ killing. The residual energy even shook their three people.

“Cross the Heavens Strikes!”

Qin Nan stays in shape, crosses the void, and descends before Bronze Mirror.

Destruction’s Intent also has the meaning of War God. At the same time, they gathered together, turned into the strongest sword, and cut off.

“World Extinguishing Magic Sword Scripture!”

The momentum of Bronze Mirror’s previous life has climbed to the extreme, and all the powers have converged and turned into a Supreme sword.


The terrifying energy raged, making the void tremble.

The sharp glow of Breaking Heavens Blade finally tore off this Supreme sword intent and cut it on the body of the previous life of Bronze Mirror.

“Qin Nan … many thanks.”

Bronze Mirror had no pain in the past, but a relief on his face.

She was also the Unparalleled Overlord in the 9 Heavenly Immortal domain during her lifetime. After falling, she was bound by the power of Three Lives Tribulation to kill her own afterlife.

After all, she was unwilling.


Soon, her figure turned into a rays of light.

The Golden Seal of Qin Nan within the body also spread a one after another crack, and finally turned into nothingness.

“Princess, Crystal, come on stage!”

After Qin Nan slightly nodded, he transmitted 2 spiritual thoughts, and his body moved towards the Lawless Platform deep in the sky.

By now, no one can stop him.

“Qin Nan, don’t you think about it!”

Along with this shouted voice, Emperor’s List broke out at an alarming speed, killing Qin Nan.

“Destruction of–“

Qin Nan turned and was ready to fight back.

“Qin Nan, I’ve been helping you, you have to be careful, the afterlife and Lu’s Heavenly God and Southern Heaven Gate have secretly arranged a big picture.”

At this crucial moment, Emperor’s List deliberately showed a kind smile on his face, and sent a spiritual thought to Qin Nan’s mind.

It can’t just watch Qin Nan fail, it wants Qin Nan to truly seal the gods, and finally fight against Lu’s Heavenly God, Southern Heaven Gate, and God List. It will sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits.


Qin Nan expression stunned, and then punched, strikes on Emperor’s List’s chest, making the latter scream, and slammed into the ground.

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