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Chapter 1503 Crisis

“Oh, what a strange Antique Taboo? What if it wasn’t for my serious injury, I would have tore it up!”

terrifying matchless fighting intent, raging.

The entire Southern Heaven Gate of Nuoda was startled fiercely.

The Southern Heaven Gate’s Spirit located in it just feels like a falling ice cave, covered with cold.

However, it didn’t think much or doubt anything. It only mastered half of the entire Southern Heaven Gate. From the depths of the Southern Heaven Gate, terrifying auras often flowed, making it so.

“Antique Taboo is really nothing. The master behind it is worthy of fear.”

Ancient animal skin painting.

“Extra, I don’t want to talk to you. You better not get involved in this matter, otherwise don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

The will of War God’s body, slowly dissipated, its voice, indifferent.

“Haha, if someone else is afraid of you, you are afraid to make trouble, but what’s the point of threatening me like this?”

There was a big laugh in the ancient animal skin painting. In that painting, it seems that there is an unreal youth. His eyes are opened, his eyes are like the eyes of the Lord without Upper Realm, he passes through the Southern Heaven Gate and stares at the War God body .

“Look at it then, your layout will be meaningless, and my layout can open that—”

At this point, the voice stopped abruptly, and the corners of the mouth of the illusive youth evoked a curving arc.


The entire animal skin ancient painting disappeared in place.

Superfluous, it doesn’t want to talk too much, time will prove everything.



At the same time, on Demigod’s Country, Dier Continent.

Countless Cultivator, like a river crossing, poured into the huge Immortal Sect.

Qin Nan and Empress Fei Yue also traveled more than 5000 miles on this day.

If it is normal, the distance of 5000 miles, I only need to take a few breaths, but now, not only it takes a day, but also within the body has a sense of exhaustion.

The speed of the two people has also slowed down.

“It’s a pity so much heavenly material treasure.”

Qin Nan looked not far away, and was swaying a growing blood-colored spirit flower, unable to help but say.

On this way, these heavenly material treasures he encountered have been no less than 1000, and if he was refining during his heyday, he would also get great benefits.

But there is no if in this world.

He is now a mortal body, the Storage Bag cannot be opened, refining one of them, and his body will be burst.


Suddenly, Qin Nan’s eyes were astonished.

This is because, in his belly, there was a faintly discernable hunger.

This feeling has never been encountered since he became Martial King.

“Monster Beast with 8 heads of Body Tempering Realm is coming.”

Not far from Empress Fei Yue, his steps stopped, his expression did not change in the slightest, and he still looked like a devastatingly beautiful peerless ice sculpture.

Although she has also been suppressed into a mortal person, she is one of the ‘masters’ of this Dier Continent, and she knows everything about this land.

“That’s right, I haven’t eaten Monster Beast in a long time.”

Qin Nan folded a branch and his body was slightly tight.

In this Dier Continent, the suppression of Monster Beast is relatively small, and generally only the Body Tempering Realm.

With his current understanding of power, it is not difficult to slay 8 Body Tempering Monster Beasts.


Suddenly, an invisible wind blew by.

The sky above seemed to be a little brighter and bluer.

“The afterlife has tampered with the entire Heaven and Earth Rule.”

Empress Fei Yue’s eyes were icy blue.

“Can tamper?”

Qin Nan expression was surprised.

The Heaven and Earth Rule has been completely formed, and the next life or the body of a mortal, can you still do this?


Just then, in the woods ahead, one after another growled, a monster Beast with a huge mountain shape, exuding the spirit of one after another Innate, rushing from the front.

The ancient trees of one after another were smashed into pieces.

The slight change of the Heaven and Earth Rule just now is obviously aimed at this group of Monster Beasts, so that their original cultivation level can only be suppressed to Innate Realm, and a Boundary has been improved.

“Heavens Desolation!”

Qin Nan’s expression turned blank, and he quickly reacted. The branches in his hands suddenly flew out, turning into a cold glow.

He didn’t stop at all. He was preemptive, tiptoeed, rushed forward, punched and punched, and rushed into the eyes of the Monster Beast.


A human-like ape like Monster Beast snarled, her hair exploded, and a punch came.


Qin Nan only felt a strong force hit him, shocked his body, backed up by dozens of steps, and barely settled.

Mortal body, and Innate, after all, a full 2 ​​big Boundary.

Although Qin Nan’s understanding of power is profound, he cannot overcome the essential difference.

“Heaven and Earth are sealed!”

Just then, Empress Fei Yue took a step forward.

The void of the entire several several li suddenly blew up one after another, a cold wind.

The 8-headed Innate Realm Monster Beast, as if encountering an extremely horrible existence, simultaneously reveals the color of fear, and the body cannot move at all.

“War God first style!”

Qin Nan seized the opportunity, loudly shouted, and his momentum skyrocketed. He flew an ancient tree directly into the 8-head Monster Beast.


The 8-head Monster Beast soon came back to his senses, roaring again and again, and was about to shoot a beast claw.


The whole tree suddenly exploded and turned into one piece of pieces of shattered wood, whistling away, hitting them, breaking the wound of one after another, causing it to make a cry of one after another.

“7-layer secretly!”

Qin Nan folded a branch again, like a Supreme Bladesman, and chopped forward.


The rapid sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded. A stone shot from the woods at an astonishing speed. Qin Nan figure stopped. When the branch was picked, the stone was cut into pieces.


Qin Nan’s eyes suddenly became extremely sharp.

Empress Fei Yue, not far away, also looked over at expressionless.

The person who shot just now was not in her perception.

“It is worthy of being a robber. They have become mortals and possess such a powerful battle strength.”

A faint melody sounded, and Bronze Mirror’s previous life slowly walked out of the woods.

“Past life? There is a rule between me and the next life. In this Dier Continent, we imperceptible each other. How did you find us?”

Empress Fei Yue expression remains unchanged.

“Your afterlife, the true cultivation level has already surpassed the cognition of you and me. After setting the rules, you will do some minor tampering, of course, without any problems.”

Bronze Mirror lightly said with a smile: “As my next life, you can become the Unparalleled Overlord in the 8,000 Heavenly Immortal domain in just 9 years. I admire it, and I can’t even kill you. “

“It’s just that I’ve been involuntarily.”

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