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Chapter 1502 Flocking

Chapter 1502 Flocking

Empress Fei Yue added: “The Emperor Seed and Divine Fruit are similar to Emperor’s Fate divinity, but without any rules.”

“En? Why is this happening?”

Qin Nan eyebrows slightly frowned.

If it is to suppress the cultivation level to a level comparable to mortals, and can only attract Platform, can Martial God Thunder Tribulation be introduced, he can understand.

But why are all Cultivators allowed?

You know, now that there are so many heavenly material treasures on Dier Continent, and God’s Divine Fruit is added, the Cultivator of the entire Cang Lan Continent will be rushing.

This seems to be meaningless, after all, everyone is mortal, relying solely on Lu’s Heavenly God and Southern Heaven Gate, is enough to arrange a horrible killing.

In the afterlife, what lord intent are you fighting?

“do not know.”

Empress Fei Yue expressionless: “But let me remind you that one day later, Cultivator is here, and before you leave, you have lost a great opportunity.”

They are also mortals now, and the advantages are not so obvious when they meet other Cultivators.


Qin Nan calmed down and stopped thinking about it and was ready to fly forward.

“Suddenly the cultivation level was all suppressed, it wasn’t really used to it.”

Qin Nan secretly thought, only toes, and floated forward.

Of course, no matter what level Boundary is suppressed, their aura, etc., and their understanding of power, there is still no change.



At this moment, the afterlife of Bronze Mirror, and the news of Empress Fei Yue, were introduced to Lu’s Heavenly God and the others, and to Heaven Defying Union.

The people of the formation camp passed one after another spiritual thought almost at the same time, and gathered all the disciplines.

“Weapons, food, water, and low-level Medicine Pill …” The young Martial Fate Pavilion personally sat down and passed down one after another spiritual thought.

He used to be an ordinary youth, but later got great fortuitous encounter before heaven-defying rose.

“I don’t know, why did the previous adult confess to the world. However, since that is the case, let’s spread the news to the entire Cang Lan.”

Lu’s Heavenly God passed a spiritual thought.

A moment later, while countless Cultivators were still silent in this shocking natural phenomenon, a shocking news came suddenly.

“What? Imperial Seeds and Divine Fruit?”

“After refining, will you be able to self-to prove the emperor and Fengshen?”

“Emperor and Divine Fruit, plus those heavenly material treasures, this Dier Continent, simply is an unprecedented opportunity Ah!”

“Hahaha, I didn’t expect that after the failure of the emperor, I now have a chance!”

Almost all Cultivators are boiling, even the Eastern Region or the Cultivators of the other four continents are no exception.

Because this time is completely different from those inheritance land in the past.

After all, everyone will suppress the cultivation level, only the mortal realm.

Even though the Great Emperor Martial Gods have a great advantage, this advantage will be very small, and each of them has a great opportunity.

Next, both the large and small forces began preparations.

Lots of loose cultivators are also contacting the familiar Fellow Daoist, and are ready to make an alliance.

Time passed by bit by bit. After half a day, in front of Dier Continent, an immense amount of rays of light set off, condensing a huge Immortal Sect.

Dier Continent is wrapped in the World Wall, and it was created by Empress Fei Yue and her previous life. Unless they are shot by Lu’s Heavenly God or Southern Heaven Gate, they cannot be forcibly entered.

Only through this Immortal Sect can he enter safely.

Shua! shua! shua!

At this time, one after another, the rushing sound of emptiness kept ringing, and a series of silhouettes appeared one after another.

The Martial God tools of the major forces, as well as the great big shots, come at the same time.

Seven Luminaries Flying Immortal Sword is hiding in the void, waiting quietly.

Except for some ancient existence, what is still waiting, almost all the giants on the entire continent have arrived.

Almost half a day passed quickly.

The entire Immortal Sect was slightly shaken, and the various restrictions in operation were beginning to retreat toward all around.

Sou! sou! sou!

Unlike before, the breaking sound of one after another is like a series of thunderstorms, one after another appearing in succession.

A statue of Cultivator, transformed into rays of light, like an unprecedented tide of beasts, surging from all directions.

Among these Cultivators, there is also the existence of Martial King Realm.

“So many Cultivator?”

“That’s at least a thousand thousand!”

“What’s more, the Cultivator behind is endless, I’m afraid there are nearly 1000000!”

Even the giants of the major powers can’t help holding a breath of cold air when they see such a shocking scene.

They are the same as Qin Nan before, and they all know that there will be many loose cultivators this time, but they never thought that they were so terrifying.

“The ban on the door is completely open! We are quickly entering it!”

After 2.5 minutes, an ancient being suddenly noticed something and made an amazing howling sound.



At this moment, Cang Lan Continent, extreme south land, a gateway to a mighty shore, stands here, immortal.

This time, the opening of the Dier Continent, even the Southern Heaven Gate’s Spirit, sent a lot of will.


Suddenly, a breeze blew across between Heaven and Earth.

An ancient painting of animal skin, flickering rays of light, flying at a slow speed from a distance.

It is strange that Southern Heaven Gate’s Spirit, without any notice, has no response to the various Killing Formations arranged in this section between Heaven and Earth.

“It’s you! How did you find My Lord and came to this Cang Lan Continent?”

At the deepest part of Southern Heaven Gate, a torn horror body opened his right eye and made a drink.

“Haha, what do you think was the only thing you knew about?”

The ancient paintings of animal skin issued a loud laughter, extremely happy.

“However, after all, you get more than me, even if you die in the end.”

The tone of the ancient paintings of animal skin is more stunned.

“Don’t tell me this, what exactly do you want to do? If you are for …”

War God’s body tone became indifferent.

“Don’t think you are the only one who has always wanted to do that. I know everything that happened there …”

Animal skin ancient painting ill-humored saying.

“I ’m too lazy to tell you more about this. I came here to tell you specifically. The last time he entered Nine Heavens, the birth of Dao Mark aroused the alertness of Antique Taboo.”

The ancient animal skin painting is differently said that when the word “Antique Taboo” appeared, the whole Heaven and Earth seemed to be frozen.

In the right pupil of War God’s body, a Dao Fire flame suddenly burned.

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