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Chapter 1504 Taboo Cultivation Technique

Tone barely fell, Bronze Mirror shot in the previous life.

I only saw that her figure was like the same Sword Dao Grandmaster, one step at a time. When she killed Qin Nan, she had already had a skyless shadow of sword.

“After the recovery of spiritual wisdom, the cultivation level of the previous life has also increased?”

A thought flashed through Qin Nan’s mind, his figure flashed, and his fist exploded.

“Sword shadow Light dream, a sword like a dream, a sword like light, a phantasmagor is false—”

The mutter incantations in Bronze Mirror’s previous life, the momentum of the whole person, soaring, every sword that is cut is like a thunderbolt.

“Cross the Heavens Strikes!”

Qin Nan loudly shouted, across a sword shadow, countless punches, superimposed together.

Although his cultivation level has been completely suppressed, the various techniques he has mastered can now also play found mystery.


The 8 Innate Realm Monster Beasts suddenly responded, their eyes locked on Qin Nan, each and everyone’s claws, like a large net, hanging down.

“Past life can manipulate these Monster Beasts?”

Qin Nan was tense to the extreme, feeling a sense of crisis.

Roar! roar! roar!

However, this is far from over, and in the woods not far away, one growl after another, cut through Nuoda’s sky.

The entire ground trembled immediately.

Even though Qin Nan didn’t see anything, he could feel that there was Monster Beast of the Innate Realm Realm, one after another, coming from all directions.

At least 20 heads!


Empress Fei Yue shot at this moment, his figure was so empty, his body shone with faintly discernable immortal glow, and he took a picture of it below.

Even as a mortal, her power is unmatched.

“Fei Yue, no matter what kind of killing you do, you can’t kill me at all.”

Bronze Mirror had no fear in the previous life. The aura on her body suddenly rose again and cut out a dream-like word light.

Except for Qin Nan, as long as the person who killed her is strong, her cultivation level will be stronger than that person.


There was a loud noise and countless vigor, and it rolled to 4 sides.

The ancient trees of one after another were all smashed into pieces, and turned into sky sawdust.

The previous life of Bronze Mirror was naturally unscathed, but the 8-head Monster Beast surrounded by Qin Nan all around was too late to escape, and all were shattered into shatters.

“Qin Nan, go west!”

Empress Fei Yue sound transmission In the ear, Qin Nan turned away without any hesitation.

At this time, a huge shadow of a beast also emerged from the several li.

“Fell into a trap!”

There was a light glow flashing in the beautiful eyes of Bronze Mirror in the previous life, and she was just about to make a shot. After stopping Qin Nan, she felt something. She was stiff and looked up.


Empress Fei Yue coldly.

The meaning of the icy killing that had already circulated between Heaven and Earth actually converged and formed a glacial light, just like the sword of Martial Sovereign, straight down.

“Between dreams, Myriad Laws is nothing!”

Bronze Mirror’s previous life suddenly shot, a light glow, soaring into the sky.

Hong long!

There was a crack in the ground after one after another, and countless pounds of aura swarmed into all directions.

The swarms of Innate Realm Monster Beasts were all horrified and afraid to move.

Although they obey the orders of Bronze Mirror’s previous lives, they also have their own spiritual wisdom, which will be affected by instinct.

Empress Fei Yue coldly glanced, no longer shot, turned into an ice light, and floated forward.

“Give me chase!”

Bronze Mirror’s previous life was loudly shouted, like the voice of the prince, all the fear in this group of Monster Beasts.

The whole earth shuddered again, and Monster Beast at the end seemed like a huge torrent, rolling down.

In front of it, Qin Nan glanced back, expression slightly dignified.

Although he and Bronze Mirror now have the lead, they have limited speed, so they can escape if they don’t have a place to hide, sooner or later.

So now, how to reverse the situation?

“Qin Nan, jump into the big pit ahead.”

After a few ten breaths, Empress Fei Yue suddenly coldly said.


Qin Nan froze slightly, but the big pit of the several feet was right in front of him.


When his shape fell, the bottom of the stone pit broke apart, and his shape fell quickly.

Empress Fei Yue followed closely. When she was submerged in it, the land around all seemed to have life, but it was moved towards the big pit, and after a few breaths, it was completely sealed.

“Didn’t expect, I have such a wrist in the afterlife, and left such a means in advance.” Bronze Mirror exudes a gleam in the eyes of previous lives, and then shouted: “Break it all out.”

Head to head Innate Monster Beast, rushing one after another, the beast claws re-photographed.

At this moment, under the big pit.

Qin Nan’s body changed again and again, and then all the power of falling was removed and he landed safely.

“How can there be a valley below this big pit?”

Qin Nan looked up, looked at everything all around, and his face was astonished.

“Don’t ask, don’t ask, it can only hold up to 2.5 minutes.”

Empress Fei Yue’s gown fluttered and landed silently, saying coldly, as if in her eyes, to explain to Qin Nan more, it was a waste,

“Now this place is at least a few thousand thousand li away from that Platform. If all Innate Monster Beasts are going to chase us during this period, we will never be able to reach it.”

“Also, all Cultivators of Cang Lan Continent have come over.”

Rao is Qin Nan’s good temper, and she can’t stand her attitude. She lost 30% of her face and said, “Dare to ask Master Fei Yue, how do you go next?”

Empress Fei Yue thinly frowned and stopped.

Obviously, from the current situation, it is difficult for them to reach smoothly.

Moreover, on the Dier Continent, the means of quietly arranging are very limited.

“Since we are on the same boat now, no matter how cold your character is, you should tell me everything else.”

Qin Nan calmed down when she saw that she was silent.

“Not necessary, a waste of time.”

Empress Fei Yue didn’t even look at him, his tone was still cold, and Qin Nan was not taken lightly.

“I have a solution, but a condition.”

However, Empress Fei Yue’s next sentence caught Qin Nan’s attention.

“any solution?”

Qin Nan was curious.

“3 叩 9 worship, recognize me as a teacher.”

Empress Fei Yue turned around, a pair of beautiful eyes in blue color, without any emotion, looking at Qin Nan, saying: “I teach you Three Lives Cultivation, let you summon your past, present and afterlife.”

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