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Chapter 1501 Are Mortal

Chapter 1501 Are Mortal


An extremely bright rays of light erupted from the island, submerged into the depth of the sky, and reflected the entire Demigod’s Country into a day.

In all Cultivator’s minds, a feeling of hard to describe instantly rose.

“This Dier Continent has been completely formed, and the confrontation in it must have ended.”

On the entire Cang Lan Continent, as long as the cultivation level reaches the existence of the Martial God Realm, I immediately understand the found mystery.

“I don’t know what’s going on inside.”

The Martial Fate Pavilion youth and the others, their fists clenched slightly.

It’s not just them, giants like Lu’s Heavenly God and Southern Heaven Gate, as well as the major ancient beings, and so are they, holding their breath.

Is this horrible confrontation Empress Fei Yue, the master of Dier Continent, or the mysterious silhouette?


However, the whole mutation has just begun.

Only to see, Demigod’s Country countless voids, began to tremble violently, and from that island, suddenly one after another pure and eye-catching immortal light fell on each ground.

Even the sect place of Southern Heaven Divine Land, and the sect place of other forces, Ancient Clan, restricted area, are no exception.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, in that island, an incomparable suction erupted, so that every deep place, there was one after another world’s spiritual medicines, and a supreme sleeping Supreme Treasure was sucked into it.

From a distance, you can see countless rays of light to stand out from the masses, which rise into the air together, like the All Heavens stars called out, the scene is grand and shocking.

“That’s Scarlet Dragon Crying Blood Tree!”

“Isn’t that Three Nether Spirit Spring Flower?”

“This could it be that is Eight Gods Entering Prison Chart for antiquity times?”

“What’s going on? How come there are so many Supreme Treasures all sucked out?”

The countless Cultivators, even the ancient beings, are simultaneously moving, and they can hardly believe their eyes.

Each light is a valuable heavenly material treasure, as well as pieces of formidable power Emperor Item and Divine Item formation diagram.

There are even some that exist only in ancient legends and have not been seen by anyone.

“Could it be that throughout the entire Demigod’s Country, those heavenly material treasures that have not yet been obtained have now been absorbed into this island?”

An astonishing idea quickly rose from the minds of many Cultivators, causing them to suck in a cold breath of air and numb their scalp.

If this is the case, then the so-called Dier Continent will become an unprecedented peerless place for the entire Cang Lan Continent.

Every place will be full of heavenly material treasures.

Even for Martial God and Great Emperor Powerhouse, as long as some can be harvested, it is a big opportunity.

If the cultivation level is less than Martial God or Great Emperor, it will be a heavenly creation, heaven-defying changes the fate.

At the same time, Dier Continent.

During these 5 days, Qin Nan watched the confrontation between Empress Fei Yue and the afterlife, and watched the formation of the last one after another Heaven and Earth Rule. He had a great insight in his heart.

Now, as if he came to a huge portal, as long as he pushed away, he could break through to a new Boundary.

“I don’t know who has the upper hand between Bronze Mirror and her afterlife-“

Qin Nan flashed a thought in his head and opened his eyes.

The level of confrontation between these two people and Boundary is not completely detectable by him now, so he is not clear about this confrontation.

Just by looking at it, he was taken aback.

I only saw countless ways of aura amazing, rays of light shining bright, like an unprecedented rainstorm, falling from the vault of heaven.

Even his side, there were several heavenly material treasures, exuding amazing spiritual energy.


Before Qin Nan thought about it, his face suddenly changed slightly.

I only saw, from that meditation, layers of Heaven and Earth Rule, like a big net, covering his body.

He was comparable to the Divine power of Martial God 7-layer, and a powerful flesh body. He was immediately bound by layers, and soon fell to the Great Emperor peak, Martial Ancestor peak, and finally all were sealed.

Not only that, his soul was also softly trembled.

One after another, the invisible shackles came one after another, suppressing the 4-layer realm he had mastered by 80%.

In other words, the current Qin Nan is no different from a mundane mortal.


Qin Nan froze completely.

“What are you still doing? Time is short, we have to find the Platform quickly.”

A cold voice sounded in his ear.

Qin Nan turned his head subconsciously, and he saw a woman not far from him, standing in an azure color gown with black hair, skin like snow, blue eyes, and cold expression.

Although she is dressed as Scholar and she has a faintly discernable Unparalleled Overlord aura on her body, she still feels devastatingly beautiful and amazing the whole world.

Rao is Qin Nan and can’t help but be slightly lost.

“Are you … Bronze Mirror?”

Qin Nan came back a little bit, not bear ask.

Although he had seen her Avatar more than once, and he had also seen the deity, but there was always an invisible force hanging over her, and she had never seen her.

Empress Fei Yue just looked at him coldly without saying a word.

She would never answer such a stupid question.

“You have also been suppressed into a mortal? What exactly happened in it?”

Qin Nan also realized the superfluity of this question, and just wanted to change the subject, and suddenly realized what was happening, complexion changed.

With the cultivation level of Bronze Mirror, will it be suppressed?

“The cultivation level in the afterlife is beyond my expectations. However, despite the many means I prepared, she could not defeat me, but she could not defeat me.”

Empress Fei Yue coldly said: “It is meaningless to continue fighting, so we have formulated the Heaven and Earth Rule together.”

“From now on, all Cultivators and cultivation levels of Dier Continent will become mortals.”

When Qin Nan heard this, he instantly understood the meaning.

If you are both mortal, it is easy to separate the winners and losers, and it will not cause other bad results.

“These treasures—”

Qin Nan continues Asking Dao.

“Dier Continent, speaking from a certain perspective, still belongs to Cang Lan Continent. It was born completely, and of course will attract countless heavenly material treasures.”

Empress Fei Yue’s expression did not change at all. “Other rules, needless to say, the most important are the 3 rules formulated this time.”

“First, you can only bring in the Martial God Thunder Tribulation if you board the Platform at the deepest part of the Dier Continent.”

“2, one day later, all Cultivators can board the Dier Continent.”

“3, Dier Continent will conceive 8 Emperor species and 3 Divine Fruit.”

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