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Chapter 1300 70 A Spiritual Heart

“Open now?”

At this moment, in addition to the prestigious Great Emperor giants in the major forces, even the Cultivator of Martial Ancestor Realm’s eyes were bright.

Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Successor, 2 1 heavenly astral secret buried treasure, etc., they have no chance, but this Heavenless Dao Platform, everyone can board it.

After all, 30 Heavenly Absolute Dragon’s Claws are still easy to obtain.

“Are you finally opening it?”

Zang Xuanyun, Zhuang Qianzhui, Ji Qimei, Li Qimo, the four geniuses Martial Emperor who have not been involved in any storm, have an ancient runes in their palms, flashing a faint rays of light.

Everything, everything is ready.

“Stare at them.”

In the corner, the 2 Mysterious incomparable Martial Ancestor Realm Cultivator opened their eyes slowly, and sent a spiritual thought to the place where Jiang Kongzhou was.

“There is a way to the sky, Heaven and Earth is empty, and the flower of Azure Lotus is not in the world!”

“Heavenless Dao Platform … on!”

Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord seems to be unaware of anything, loudly shouted, and the ancient magic seal of each and everyone is constantly in his hands, opening up the terror of one after another.


Suddenly, a strange tremor sounded throughout Heaven and Earth, as if there were countless peerless Supreme Treasure, all echoed together.

“this is–“

At the moment, the giants who had the Great Emperor 8-layer or higher cultivation level seemed to be aware of something extremely extraordinary at this moment, and Hitomi simultaneously shrank.


I only saw that in the depth of the sky, there seemed to be a peerless blade glow, dropping from the sky, which cut the entire Heaven and Earth apart, and from that huge crack, a long to reach 3000 feet, 4 The square shape shines countless azure lights, just like a blooming Azure Lotus Platform, slowly flying out.

For a while, everything seemed to disappear. Only this Azure Lotus Platform, quietly suspended, has survived forever.

This is a detachment.

In short, it no longer belongs to Cang Lan Continent’s rules, it already belongs to an independent existence, except for Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord, no one can suppress it without using force.

At this time, in mid-air, in the piece of azure color space.

“Is this the Heavenless Dao Platform?”

Qin Nan, Princess Miaomiao and the opposite Xiao Yunjue, Wan Fenghun, etc., and the others, felt what they were almost at the same time, and looked up.

“A curious feeling …”

Qin Nan looked down towards his palm.

Although he didn’t see the true content of Heavenless Dao Platform, the Mysterious will that sent out made him feel relaxed all over him.

As if in this endless darkness, I saw the second flame.

Although weak, it is not alone.


Xiao Yunjue and the others naturally didn’t have such feelings, and soon came back to his senses, and drank loudly.

“Qin Nan, die!”

The bodies of Meng Langxie and Wan Fenghun move at the same time. The boundless Murderous Aura and soul energy rise into the sky. The 2 peerless Emperor Techniques have evolved into terrifying killing moves, moving from left to right, moving towards Qin Nan. Come.

As soon as they shot, there was no reservation.

Not to mention Martial Ancestor peak Cultivator, even the ordinary Great Emperor 4-layer must fall.

“Only you two, dare to kill first?”

Tang Qingshan’s eyes were instantly cold, a black hair dancing with the wind, and the black blade in his hand also bloomed a dazzling red glow, like an ancient red Great Mountain, before Qin Nan.

Although he didn’t obtain the ten heavenly astral secret buried treasure, he also learned a lot, which made him a lot more cultivation level.

“Qin Nan, no one can save you today!”

Xiao Yunjue, Blood Runes, Qilin Flame, and Vast Thunder 4 are also waiting for opportunity. They actually stepped out of a mysterious 4 person formation and directly avoided Tang Qingshan. They replaced Qin Nan, Princess Miaomiao, and Gong Yang. , Forcibly locked.

This formation is the 4 Shenmen array, and everything in the array cannot be escaped from it, which is extremely overbearing.

“Xiao Yunjue, let this Princess teach me today, how powerful the Young Master of the Monster God Restricted Area is.”

Princess Miaomiao’s face did not change at all, and the magic seal stunned, one after another. The power of pure and inspiring spiritual medicine rose up in her body.

“This road does not work.”

Gong Yang looked at a statue among Vast Thunder, faintly smiled, and dantian, and began to break apart gently. His momentum as a whole became extraordinary.


Suddenly, one after another deafening explosion sounded, and countless different Emperor Technique rays of light also began to shine.

“Hahaha, Qin Nan, after all, there are only 3 people on your side to help you, and the situation cannot be changed at all!”

Blood Runes and Qilin Flame, laughing at the same time.

On the bodies of two people, endless blood glow spreads and billows, like a distant ancient blood ancestor, a distant ancient fire ancestor, moved towards Qin Nan to kill.

“wishful thinking.”

Princess Miaomiao smiled coldly, jade hand stretched out, shots a finger, blossoming ancient immortal flowers, blooming in the air, and in a flash, all the figures of Blood Runes and Qilin Flame were involved.

“Monster God sword.”

Xiao Yunjue was no surprise. Instead, the magic seal stunned, and countless vast Monster Qis came together and evolved into a whole body of dark gold, like countless Divine Dragon twine-like horrible swords, moved towards Qin Nan.

“Gong Yang!”

Princess Miaomiao magic seal.


Gong Yang’s eyes golden light suddenly burst and burst into a scream.

I only saw that the magic seal shot by Princess Miaomiao seemed to be blessing by a powerful force. It instantly rose by several hundred times and turned into a magic seal Great Mountain. It shook the entire horror sword forcibly.

“Didn’t expect, you two people have such strength, but sorry, you have fallen into a trap.”

Vast Thunder, who had not yet spoken, suddenly tickled.


The Blood Runes and Qilin Flame trapped in the flowers of Heavenly Immortal, the blood light and flames on their bodies began to skyrocket, and they immediately broke out of the blockade.

“Hugh thinking -“

Princess Miaomiao was ready to hit the magic seal again, but halfway through, her face suddenly flickered.

Because she found that her attack could not be hit.

“Princess, I’m really sorry. When my Monster God was cut out with a sword, the opponent of your two people can only be me, and can’t attack others.”

Xiao Yunjue lightly said with a smile.

Although this ability is a bit useless, sometimes it is still very effective.

“Really? Qingshan Senior Brother!”

Princess Miaomiao expression is unchanged, but shouted towards the front.

“Tang Qingshan?”

Xiao Yunjue, Vast Thunder, Blood Runes, Qilin Flame, etc. and the others, expressions are started at the same time.

Faced with the attacks of Meng Langxie and Wan Fenghun, Tang Qingshan can help Qin Nan?

“Kill the seal—”

Among Tang Qingshan’s eyes, two blood glows suddenly climbed up, an ancient magic seal began to emerge.

Until now, he has a Forbidden Technique, which cannot be played.

But at this time, after realizing some, he can barely urge.

Even though it hurts him a lot, but to kill these thieves in front of him, that’s fine.

“Senior, don’t shoot!”

Suddenly, a drink sounded.

Until now, Qin Nan, regarded as a thorn by Xiao Yunjue and the others, and protected by Tang Qingshan’s 3 people, a horrifying momentum slowly opened on him.

Today, his cultivation level does not need to be covered.

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