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Chapter 1300 70 Platform Open

At this moment, all the faces of Cultivator in the audience are startled.

Obviously, they did not expect that at this time, someone actually helped Qin Nan.


The faces of Xiao Yunjue, Wan Fenghun, Meng Langxie, and the others all changed, and they turned around and looked at each other, but when they saw the three silhouettes, they all froze.

These 3 silhouettes are simply Princess Miaomiao, Tang Qingshan, and Gong Yang who are accepting inheritance.

“You three of you are receiving the inheritance of one of the ten heavenly astral secret buried treasures. If you are now helping Qin Nan, then these inheritances will be abandoned as your own.”

Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said.

“Princess, you don’t have to–“

Qin Nan came back quickly to his senses and immediately prepared to say no.

Ten 2 heavenly astral secret buried treasure inheritance, each one is extraordinary, if accepted, it will have great benefits for itself.

He didn’t want to let Princess Miaomiao 3 lose such a good opportunity because of himself.

“Then give up.”

Unexpectedly, before Qin Nan’s words were finished, Princess Miaomiao, Tang Qingshan, and Gong Yang’s faces did not show any hesitation, and the figure walked directly from the altar, step by step, without any trace hesitate.

十 2 heavenly astral secret buried treasure inheritance

Even if they had heaven-defying inheritance again, they wouldn’t just watch as Qin Nan was jointly oppressed by a group of genius Martial Emperor.

“Did you give up?”

All the Cultivators in the audience saw this scene with an incredible color on their faces.

You know, this simple move not only gave up the precious 2 heavenly astral secret buried treasure, but also hosted giants such as Xiao Yunjue, Meng Langxie, Wan Fenghun, and so on.

“They three …”

Dragon Emperor, Nine Tails Monster Emperor, and Ao Cangtian were all silent at the same time.

Princess Miaomiao’s decisive move brought an invisible shock to their hearts.

At the time, at the Dragon Emperor Institution, Qin Nan was so resolute to them, exposed everything to himself, and swept the genius of Three Great Influences.

But in the end, they didn’t help Qin Nan like Princess Miaomiao them.

“Yo, Qin Nan’s popularity is pretty good?”

The worm twisted dragon’s beard, the original fury, slowly retreated.

When there is such a crisis, there is such a group of people who are willing to help, this feeling is really good.

“Princess, in my opinion, you don’t need to do this, do you? Don’t worry, Qin Nan is your friend, and we will never hurt him.”

Xiao Yunjue’s body became stiff, and soon came back to his senses, barely said with a smile.

Originally, he dared to attack Qin Nan because he saw Princess Miaomiao in inheritance and was unable to help Qin Nan, but he did not expect that Princess Miaomiao was willing to pay so much for Qin Nan.

“Follow this princess with this princess.” Princess Miaomiao rolled her eyes, turned her head and looked towards Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord. “Senior, please play Independent Space.”


Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord took a deep look at her and Tang Qingshan and Gong Yang, raised his palms, and shot a finger in the air.


Just listening to a deafening loud noise, countless azure light, like an ancient giant dragon with a head, dangled from the vault of heaven, and in the blink of an eye, an azure color space with a length of 300 li was formed. .

This azure color space is extremely mysterious, even if the existence of Great Emperor peak, using spiritual thought, it is impossible to spy into it.

“Now pick the Battle of Successor, and it’s officially started in 5 minutes.” Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord stands crossing the hands behind the back, differently said: “Let’s go up.”

“you guys……”

Qin Nan did not move, just watching Princess Miaomiao, Tang Qingshan, and Gong Yang.

His intention was not to let their three people intervene.

However, I don’t know why, after seeing their three people stand up without any hesitation, there is a soft place in his heart, as if deeply touched.

“What are you still thinking about? You … won’t look down on this Princess, right? This Princess can tell you that although this Princess cultivation level only has Martial Ancestor peak, but the true strength is not as many times stronger than you. . “

Princess Miaomiao looked at Qin Nan suspiciously.

“Qin Nan, don’t worry, it won’t drag your hind legs.”

Gong Yang is also faintly smiled, he said.

“I didn’t doubt your strength, just for a moment … that’s all, let’s go.”

Qin Nan said half of it, stopped, shook the head, toeded a little, turned into a towering blade glow, submerged into the azure color space.

When he was alone, he was already fearless.

There are still three close friends who are helping each other. What enemies are invincible in this world?

“Xiao Yunjue, what should we do?”

Meng Langxie looked at Qin Nan’s back, and the complexion changes were gloomy.

He wasn’t worried that he couldn’t defeat the Qin Nan 4 people, but he shot against Qin Nan and the others, which would cause princess aversion.

“Wan Fenghun, Blood Runes, Qilin Flame, Vast Thunder, Meng Langxie and I can’t take a shot at princess. Will you stop him then, and then Meng Langxie and I will suppress Qin Nan, you will be beheaded.”

“If this is the case, how will it be very grateful?”

Xiao Yunjue’s eyes flashed through swift glow, sound transmission said.

The sense of crisis that Qin Nan brought him was too great. Even if it would cause princess to be disgusted, he would take this opportunity to remove it today.

“it is good.”

Wan Fenghun, Blood Runes, Qilin Flame, Vast Thunder thought for a moment, and then nodded to agree.

As long as Qin Nan is dead and the boat has become a boat, how angry Princess Miaomiao is, she will not be irreconcilable with a dead person.

Immediately after that, the silhouette of the six of them turned into Six Roads dazzling rays of light in the public eye, and fell into the azure color space.

The battle for Successor begins.

“Didn’t expect this Qin Nan, so popular.”

“Yeah, Princess Miaomiao, Tang Qingshan, Gong Yang, but for him, the sacrifice is not small.”

“However, then? Qin Nan must still lose.”

“Well, Princess Miaomiao doesn’t talk about it. Gong Yang and Qin Nan only have the cultivation level of Martial Ancestor. Facing the 6 talented Martial Emperor, they are not opponents at all.”

The giants, Cultivators, simultaneously came back to his senses, could not help but speak.

None of them are bullish on Qin Nan 4.

“Fellow daoist, please be quiet.” Suddenly, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord spoke, just listening to him continue: “This time everyone, except for Successor, ten 2 heavenly astral secret buried treasure, or for Heavenless Dao Platform. “

As soon as this word came out, all the Cultivators present were in the heart, and looked around.

“Since Successor has begun to choose, don’t delay any time now …” There was a hint of fascination in the eyes of Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord, and he said, “Open the Heavenless Dao Platform.”

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