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Chapter 1300 seventy two

“No need to shoot?”

Tang Qingshan made a move in his hands, and seemed to suspect that he had heard it wrong.

“Well, everything here, let my own come.”

Qin Nan indifferently said, his right arm also shattered and turned into Breaking Heavens Blade.

There are 6 geniuses Martial Emperor, which has made him long silent War Blood, and began to boil again.

“do it yourself?”

Xiao Yunjue, Wan Fenghun, Meng Langxie, etc., and the others, when they heard this sentence, they were all shocked.

You know, Qin Nan faces Blood Runes and Qilin Flame.

Even if they are ordinary Great Emperor 6-layer giants, they might as well compete against them.

Based on Qin Nan’s own cultivation level, playing against two people, isn’t it about bringing about one’s own destruction?

“If you want to come by yourself, then come by yourself, but next time, don’t call me Senior.”

Tang Qingshan expressionless, magic seal in his hand, no longer played.

He knows his Junior Brother very well. Since his oneself has been said, then he must have some confidence and certainty.

“Qin Nan …”

Princess Miaomiao and Gong Yang were curious.

What kind of cards does Qin Nan have on his body so that he can compete against Blood Runes and Qilin Flame?

“Ahem, I will definitely correct it next time.”

Qin Nan gave a low cough.

When he first met Tang Qingshan, he was called Qin Nan. Although they later became brothers, he sometimes got confused.

“Hahaha, Qin Nan, do you want to stand alone against our two people? Then let us see, what means do you have to make you so not to know the immensity of heaven and earth!”

All of a sudden, Blood Runes and Qilin Flame came back to his senses at the same time, laughing, and in their eyes, there was a strong irony.

“Blood God Anger!”

“Chi Fire’s Sword!”

They didn’t have the slightest pause. The 2 horror Emperor Techniques were instantly played. The endless blood light turned into a bloody silhouette, carrying a raging anger, rewarded, and from afar, there was a horrible Fire Sword. , As if to cut through all darkness.

Under these two major attacks, Qin Nan’s body immediately appeared extremely small, just like a ants. With just one tap, it would be crushed and crushed.

“act recklessly.”

Xiao Yunjue, Wan Fenghun, Meng Langxie, and Vast Thunder saw this scene, and the corners of their mouths sneered at the same time.

In their opinion, this Qin Nan must have mastered some hole cards and became arrogant and conceited, thinking that they can compete against Blood Runes alone.

As everyone knows, his behavior is tantamount to striking a stone with an egg, and destroying himself.

“One shot … Heavens Desolation!”

Just at the crucial moment, Qin Nan’s body suddenly moved. The Breaking Heavens Blade in his hand was directly cut out in front of these two terrifying Emperor Techniques.


For a while, a blade of horrible blade aura rose into the sky, and countless desolate’s aura, like the tide of the sky, surged out, and swallowed these two major horror Emperor Techniques.

“this is–“

The faces of Xiao Yunjue, Wan Fenghun, Meng Langxie, and Vast Thunder 4 suddenly showed a shocking look, and they could hardly believe their eyes.

Not just them, Tang Qingshan, Princess Miaomiao, Gong Yang, and Blood Runes, Qilin Flame.

This blade, whether it is aura or power, requires at least the cultivation level of Great Emperor 6-layer to be able to cut it out.

Qin Nan clearly did not urge any secret technique, why was he able to make such an attack?

How did he do this?

“Why? I can’t believe it? Really sorry, until now, I haven’t told you, although I haven’t successfully verified the emperor, but I have already refining Emperor’s Fate!”

Qin Nan step by step moved towards Blood Runes, Qilin Flame came, when his words fell, the 2 imperial intentions within the body Emperor Heart broke out completely!

A dazzling emperor light burst out, soaring into the sky!

Great Emperor 1-layer!

Great Emperor 2-layer!

Great Emperor 3-layer!

It didn’t stop until it reached the point where it was comparable to the Great Emperor 6-layer!

From a distance, now Qin Nan, in this azure color space, is no longer as small as before, even if it is among many geniuses Martial Emperor, it is like a giant, whether it is emperor light or imperial intention. Squeezed all.

“Great … Great Emperor 6-layer?”

Xiao Yunjue, Wan Fenghun, Meng Langxie, Blood Runes, Qilin Flame, and Vast Thunder. Looking at the scene in front of me, there was a Nine Heavens Divine Thunder in their heads, and their bodies shuddered subconsciously.

In any case, they never thought that until now, this ant in their eyes, this Qin Nan, which has no future at all, has already become the emperor!

And it’s still Great Emperor 6-layer!


what is the problem?

At the same time, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain is the deepest.

“Is this the legendary Heavenless Dao Platform?”

“It’s really amazing. Just glance at it, the mind will faintly shake.”

“This time, it really came right. I haven’t moved the cultivation level in this decade. This time will definitely break through.”

The Great Emperor giant, Martial Ancestor Cultivator, looked at the Heavenless Dao Platform in the air, and after a slight loss of mind, simultaneously reacted, and couldn’t help but scream and amaze.


Just listening to a sky-splitting sound, and the other side, the Remnant Nether Old Man, who has been silent all the time, suddenly flew under the Heavenless Dao Platform, watching everyone in the audience, the voice was loud, “Fellow daoist, here, pay 30 Heavenly Absolute Dragon’s Claw to get to the Heavenless Dao Platform. “

The Great Emperor giants present, Martial Ancestor Cultivator, heard this sentence, and said nothing at the moment, turned into a stream of light, paid the dragon claw, and boarded the Platform.

From a distance, it looks like a flood.

“This Heavenless Dao Platform is truly extraordinary, kid, let’s go.”

The worm rarely praised it, and flew over with Sima Kong.

When this dragon and one set foot on the Heavenless Dao Platform, the entire Platform was overcrowded. The Great Emperor giants of various powers and the Martial Ancestor Cultivator were sitting cross-legged, aura calm.

Strands of azure color Profound Light, I do not know where they came from, enveloped them all, so that each of them’s aura seemed to be erased by others and does not exist in this world.

“Tsk tsk, this azure color Profound Light, presumably contains the trace of practice true to Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord. It seems that this God can try the Forbidden Technique, maybe it can give this trace of practice true to Come here to learn … “

The worm thought about it, and looked at Dragon Emperor, Ao Cangtian, and the others in the distance.

Based on its current situation, it is unlikely that you want to forcibly perform the Forbidden Technique. Would you like to show your true body now and let these War Dragons help you?

“Aura of en? Transmission Formation?”

Suddenly, Dragon’s pupil of the worm stunned, and immediately turned to look.

“They are going to do it!”

In one corner, two Mysterious Martial Ancestor Cultivator eyes suddenly opened.

I only saw that in the other corner, the eyes of Zang Xuanyun, Zhuang Qianzhui, Ji Qimei, and Li Qimo suddenly opened, and then on them, a majestic emperor light shone at the same time.

“what happened?”

“Someone here?”

“Is Zang Xuanyun 4 of them?”

The Great Emperor giant sitting on the training field, Martial Ancestor Cultivator, was instantly shocked. When they saw 4 people from Zang Xuanyun, their faces were all sloppy.

They don’t cherish their time and feel it well. What is this for?

“1000 roads and 10000 roads, each connected to the void, ancient magic god, Spirit Sect is open!”

Zang Xuanyun 4 people seemed to be unaware of the crowd’s response, loudly shouted, magic seal hit, within the body that one after another vast emperor’s power, surged out, and poured into the palm of their hands.


For a long time, the brilliance of the sky, like a group of dragons, rushed into the void and constantly walked, condensing into ancient formations one after another.

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