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Chapter 1369: Never Alone

Although most of the Cultivator present did not get 330 Heavenly Absolute Dragon’s Claws, at this moment, they are extremely concerned.

Dignified the existence of one of the 6 restricted areas, picking Successor is not a trivial matter.

It is no exaggeration to say that after the Successor decision, even the situation in the entire Demigod’s Country will change greatly.

“This time, we received 330 Heavenly Absolute Dragon’s Claw people: Xiao Yunjue, Wan Fenghun, Meng Langxie, and Qin Nan. I ask you, would you like to be my Successor?”

Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord seemed to see the doubts of these people and did not wait long before speaking again.

“Qin Nan has 330 Heavenly Absolute Dragon’s Claw?”

“Fuck !, I remember he wasn’t involved with Ah at all!”

“This guy’s luck is too heaven-defying, right? 8-Rank, with his own, can get so many Heavenly Absolute Dragon’s Claw!”

Everyone in the audience heard these words, and their faces immediately moved.

You know, even if Qin Nan surpasses the martial arts rules, the cultivation level is only Martial Ancestor peak. Even more how he started with 8-Rank and did not even participate in the transaction.

If it is not that the last rule has changed, then the Successor of Source Dao Heavenly Mountain is directly Qin Nan, and Xiao Yunjue 3 people have no chance at all.

“This guy……”

Blood Runes, Qilin Flame, Vast Thunder, and the others, as well as giants such as Falling Sound Great Emperor, Nine Tunes Great Emperor, etc., complexion changes are slightly difficult to look at.

Why Qin Nan has so many Heavenly Absolute Dragon’s Claw, they know best.

“How about it?”

Xiao Yunjue, Wan Fenghun, and Meng Langxie 3 people, glanced at Qin Nan, and the corners of their mouths simultaneously sneered.

Since they have the opportunity to participate, the successor must be theirs this time.

“Junior is willing.”

Qin Nan expression didn’t change at all. Ignoring everyone’s eyes, he stepped forward and clenched his fists.

“Sure enough, the group of people at Southern Heaven Gate did not compete for this Successor, but headed for the Heavenless Dao Platform.”

Among the crowd, there were these two Mysterious Martial Ancestor Cultivators, and after glanced at Zang Xuanyun and the others one after another, they originally planned to exchange the action of Heavenly Absolute Dragon’s Claw and stopped.

As for Qin Nan and the others, they were ignored.

They would have paid attention to it as usual, but today the situation is completely different.

Because on the Heavenless Dao Platform, something more shocking than the Source Dao Heavenly Mountain Successor pick will happen.

“The rules for selecting Successor this time are very simple. I will open an Independent Space for you to fight. Before the fight, each of you can invite a Cultivator below the Great Emperor 5-layer to come and help. Qin Nan can Pick three. “

“The time of this fight is 5 minutes. If anyone is suppressed for more than 5 minutes, he will be regarded as a failure and he will not be able to fight again. The winner will be the Successor.”

Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord said here, a slight pause, added a sentence: “Of course, after the end, you can also board the Heavenless Dao Platform.”

This sentence was specifically addressed to Qin Nan.

“Play directly, can you invite the Great Emperor to help?”

The whole Cultivator was stunned, and then complexion changes became weird.

They were still feeling the Qin Nan’s luck, what heaven-defying, and now the situation changed immediately.

Under this rule, there is no doubt that Xiao Yunjue 3 people will have huge advantages.

As for Qin Nan, although 3 people can be invited to help, Qin Nan itself has insufficient cultivation level, and it is very difficult to defeat Xiao Yunjue 3.

“Haha, Xiao Fellow daoist, let me help you.”

“10000 fellow daoist, let me help you …”

“Meng fellow daoist …”

At this moment, Blood Runes took the lead to make a loud laugh, and immediately walked out with Qilin Flame and Vast Thunder two people, looking towards Xiao Yunjue.

Their three people originally thought that before the end of the selection of Successor, there was no chance to start with Qin Nan, but it turned out that the opportunity came so soon.

“So very good.”

Xiao Yunjue 3 Everyone’s mouth is a tick.

The purpose of Blood Runes 3 people, they are naturally clear.

In this case, it is better to start with Successor and work together to dismiss Qin Nan.

As for the location of Successor, they depend on the ability.

“Oh, Qin Nan, didn’t expect the retribution to come so fast?” Wan Fenghun looked towards Qin Nan, coldly smiled, then looked towards the audience, and shouted: “Seniors, fellow daoist, I am with this person, irreconcilable, Look forward to you, don’t help each other. “

“If anyone helps him, he is against me.”

“And I……”

Giants such as Falling Sound Great Emperor, Nine Tunes Great Emperor, etc., also immediately stood out.

Not only that, Xiao Yunjue, Meng Langxie, Blood Runes, Qilin Flame, Vast Thunder, the five young heads of the clan, although they didn’t say anything, their eyes were all cold at the same time, sweeping towards the audience, among them The meaning is self-evident.

They want to make Qin Nan without a chance.

“Qin Nan is completely done now.”

“Yeah, didn’t expect he offended so many giants.”

“With such a huge lineup, no one would be willing to help him.”

“As the matter is, things must be reversed. Qin Nan’s luck is too good. Now bad luck is also normal.”

The giants and Cultivators in the audience saw the look of pity in their eyes.

Regarding Qin Nan’s deeds, they were all very clear. Didn’t expect that after the failure of the emperor, now he finally had a chance to skyrocket, but now it is going to be ruined, which is a pity.

“Qin Nan …”

Among the crowd, the faces of Dragon Emperor, Nine Tails Monster Emperor, and Ao Cangtian simultaneously changed.

However, their steps have not yet been taken, and no action has been taken.

“Are these guys united to bully people?”

Sima Kong’s face suddenly showed anger.

“Shit !, a group of Great Emperor, dare to shout so!”

The bug is mad at the angry dragon’s beard. If it hasn’t recovered yet, it’s probably going to blaze, slaughter all sides.

“No problem.”

Qin Nan shook the head at two people, watching the irony in the eyes of Xiao Yunjue, Meng Langxie, Wan Fenghun, Blood Runes, and the others, and his face remained unchanged.

A group of people united to suppress him?

Xiao Yunjue, Meng Langxie, Wan Fenghun, and Blood Runes together?

All these things made his situation extremely dangerous, but—

So why not?

If you ca n’t even make it through this little level, then what emperor is you talking about?

“Qin Nan, don’t you ask for help?”

Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord seems to be unaware of the current crisis, but is asking differently.

“No, I’ll be alone.”

Qin Nan shook his head.

“He actually caught up?”

In the eyes of all the giants and loose cultivators, there is a startled look in their eyes.

Anyone can see that Xiao Yunjue and the others have now joined together to arrange an inescapable net.

Qin Nan’s continued participation is nothing more than death. It is meaningless.

“Hahaha, it is Fellow Daoist Qin Nan. You are the only one who dares to fight! In this case, let us see today. What kind of ability is your 7 Martial Trees!”

Xiao Yunjue, Meng Langxie, Wan Fenghun, etc. and the others, at this time, all laughed, and in their eyes, a strong sense of irony was revealed.

“Okay, start the Successor now–“

Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord raised his palm and was ready to play an Independent Space.

However, before his word for ‘war’ was spoken, mutation emerged.


“Who said he was … alone?”

I only saw 3 silhouettes on the ancient altars, and stood up resolutely, with countless rays of light, which then trembled.

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