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Chapter 1200 23 escaped to live another day

Qin Nan’s scalp was instantly numb, and my heart was filled with countless chills!

Under this giant finger, he is like an ant. As long as the giant finger falls, he can easily crush him into a crush!

“War God first style!”

“Martial Tree released, Destruction Domain!”

Qin Nan’s fighting intent soared to the extreme!

One Destruction Martial Tree, 6 War God Trees, rising at the same time!

On the 7 Martial Trees, a majestic black light suddenly moved towards all around!

Hong long!

Between the electric light and the flint, the huge broken sky finger fell directly and hit the Destruction Domain. In less than 3 breaths, the Destruction Domain was broken. 7 Martial Trees were also forcibly returned to Qin Nan. Within the body!

The remaining finger force continues to surge!

However, Qin Nan had already prepared, and his left arm was already raised, blocking his chest!


Just listening to a loud noise, the whole void, it just shattered, countless rays of light, moved towards all around spread out!


The Great Emperor of Southern Heaven Divine Land has a slightly raised eyebrow!

“Heavens Desolation Blade Technique!”

Just hearing a long howl, Qin Nan jumped out of countless rays of light and cut out heavens-frightening!

“Not dead yet? The formidable power of this blade is also very powerful, but under the Great Emperor, everything is an ant …”

Southern Heaven Divine Land’s Great Emperor giant was a little surprised, but soon came back to his senses, shots a finger, a huge storm, swept out instantly!

This move is called Swipe!

These storms are not ordinary winds, but three mysterious winds!

Even if it is as strong as Heavens Desolation Blade Technique, it is also smashed by these storms in an instant!

However, Qin Nan saw this scene without any disappointment.

All I saw was a illusive flower crawling up above his chest, and when not too much, he quickly covered his whole body!


Qin Nan’s body disappeared in an instant, and it appeared 100 miles away!


Princess Miaomiao loudly shouts, two people are ready to fly to the other side!

This is the end of Qin Nan’s plan. Princess Miaomiao, while taking advantage of the chaos, left in advance to make plans in advance to prepare for the Great Emperor hunt!

After all, Princess Miaomiao’s current cultivation level is also Martial Ancestor peak, and it is an extraordinary Martial Ancestor peak!

“Haha, people from Lost Herb Garden, right? Your concealment technique is indeed extremely mysterious, but I am a dignified Profound Wind Great Emperor, mastering the power of the wind, your body, I have discovered …”

All I could hear was a laugh, and it suddenly sounded!

I only saw Profound Wind Great Emperor stride forward and turned his hands over, in an instant, 100 storms, covering all directions, moved towards two people!

The entire Heaven and Earth has become dim!

Both Qin Nan and Princess Miaomiao’s faces changed slightly!

“Born by nature, 10000 things call, use my body to cross your body!”

However, Princess Miaomiao, in less than an instant, reacted, the magic seal formed, blossoming petals, blooming again on Qin Nan and her body, the figure of the two people disappeared again!

Until 50 li away, ten ancient trees exploded, and the silhouettes of Qin Nan and Princess Miaomiao emerged!

“There is still a little bit of capability, but you are still far behind, the sky is empty!”

Profound Wind Great Emperor didn’t move, but his emperor light skyrocketed, and two people shots a finger, an extremely mysterious wind that blew out of the void, circled the circle for more than 50 miles!

“Not good, blocked!”

Princess Miaomiao pretty face changes!

The trick she just made can’t be performed now!


At this moment, the attack of Profound Wind Great Emperor came again, and the entire sky was dark for it. A ray of rays of light, moved towards Princess Miaomiao and Qin Nan, swallowed up, like an ancient Heavenly Dragon, swooping in. Then, opened a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl!

“Destruction Domain!”

Qin Nan was ready to release Destruction Domain, raise his left arm and Breaking Heavens Blade, and stand in front of Princess Miaomiao!

Suddenly, mutation regenerates, and in this rays of light, there is an unreal horror ghost, moved towards Qin Nan fiercely tearing and biting down!

“Hahaha, Qin Nan, your left arm must have hidden a great secret, and can withstand powerful attacks, right? I have seen through this for a long time, and my hit is for your soul … “

Profound Wind Great Emperor laughed and stood up!

As a Great Emperor giant, he obviously has great confidence in this attack!

However, when Qin Nan heard this, he was indifferent, but turned his lips again!

I saw this illusive horror ghost, rushed into Qin Nan’s moment, and only heard a silent roar, ringing between Heaven and Earth, this horror ghost was shook into a cloud of smoke and dissipated the sky!

This is War God’s Spirit!


Qin Nan waved Breaking Heavens Blade!

The sharp blade light tore the wind that day!

“Take me as my body!”

Princess Miaomiao At this moment, the magic seal comes out, and the petals rise again, enclosing two people into it and disappearing in place!


Profound Wind Great Emperor saw this scene, revealing shocking look in his eyes!

How is this going?

Can’t he hurt Qin Nan’s body with one blow?

And what kind of knife was that, that actually cut off the wind that blocked magic power?


Profound Wind Great Emperor reacted, sweeping the infinite mysterious wind, crossing the void, and hunting away again!

In an instant, on this vast land, only Qin Nan and Princess Miaomiao can be seen to cooperate with each other to exert their mutual strength to the extreme and constantly compete with Profound Wind Great Emperor!

Rao is so, two people are also retired!

The power of Great Emperor, so scary!

“There is a mountain ahead with a terrible prohibition. Even the Great Emperor must not break in. We have to break into this …”

Princess Miaomiao sound transmission says!


Qin Nan also directly transmitted sound, and two people quickly reached a consensus!

“Want to escape into the mountains? Southern Heaven’s Aura, blessing me, heavenly wind, destroying heaven extinguishing earth!”

There was a sneer in Profound Wind Great Emperor’s heart, then loudly shouted, one after another Southern Heaven’s Aura, appeared on his palm, in an instant, 2 horrifying storms, carried through Heaven and Earth, swept down, swallowed up The land is like the calamity of the world!

“10000 tree immortals!”

Princess Miaomiao magic seal comes out instantly!

I can see the countless green light on the earth, the sequel came, and in the blink of an eye, a huge green tree was formed, rooted in the sky, and sprinkled countless branches, like an ancient giant city, blocking two people In front of you, this storm is forcibly blocked!

“This killing move has just begun …”

Profound Wind Great Emperor is completely indifferent, the magic seal comes out!

However, at this moment, Qin Nan’s body suddenly moved and flew out!

“9 Martial Trees, Heavens Desolation Blade Technique!”

With a shouted, Breaking Heavens Blade in Qin Nan’s hands cut out a piece of ridiculous ancient blade qi from ancient times. Not only that, 9 Martial Trees floating around, flying together!

2 decisively powerful forces, at this moment, from this ground, soar into the sky, as if to destroy All Heavens!

This is Qin Nan’s strongest blow, and their plan!

If you want to retreat, you must attack first!


Profound Wind Great Emperor expression

9 Martial Trees?

Isn’t this guy 7 Martial Trees?

“Wind God’s Wrath!”

Rao is Profound Wind Great Emperor. At this moment, I also felt a strong crisis. In an instant, a powerful Emperor Technique started to run, and numerous winds gathered in front of him, converging into a mysterious wind master. Martial Ancestor’s Tree, fiercely shoot!

Hong long!

As if 10000 ancient Space-Time, turbulent for it!


Qin Nan loudly shouted!

Princess Miaomiao had long been prepared, the Forbidden Technique was released, the figure of two people disappeared in place, and entered the deepest part of the mountain range!

“I don’t want to escape!”

Profound Wind Great Emperor expression

He dignified a Great Emperor giant. If these two people were to run away in his front of one’s eyes, then he passed on, how couldn’t it be laughable?

However, when he reached out with his big hand, in this Great Mountain, there was a terrible aura, awakens!

Profound Wind Great Emperor suddenly as if was struck by lightening, a chill, rising in his heart!

Upper Profound Mystical Place is no better than Lower Profound Mystical Place!

There are so many places about about one li, they ca n’t break into this great Emperor giant!

“That won’t let you go for nothing, the soul of Wind God, kill!”

Profound Wind Great Emperor suddenly opened his mouth, spit out a blood essence, and the blood essence turned into an illusive silhouette, submerged into this mountain!

This attack is different from the previous attack. Even the horrible profound mystery in this Great Mountain will not be blocked by this!

“Huh, aura disappears quickly Ah! But I, the soul of the Phoenix God, will find you and take you away …”

Profound Wind Great Emperor looked at the Great Mountain in front of his eyes, and his eyes still revealed the shame, coldly snorted, with a flick of sleeve, teaching void, and left directly!

Although he couldn’t tear the two ants in front of himself, which made him quite unhappy, but fortunately, the two ants had to die, otherwise, he would really be depressed!

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