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Chapter 1224 Wang Zhao

After Profound Wind Great Emperor left, among the nameless mountain peaks.

Qin Nan and Princess Miaomiao, at the same time, felt something, stopped, looked at each other, and after a few breaths, they laughed at the same time. The tense atmosphere was completely absent.

“Hu, this Profound Wind Great Emperor is quite fierce, and almost scared this Princess.”

Princess Miaomiao held out a fair jade hand and stroked her chest.

“Profound Wind Great Emperor is amazing.”

Qin Nan nodded.

Although he will become stronger and stronger, and there is no Mysterious Golden Seal, and Princess Miaomiao has not used the most powerful hole card. He can safely escape without relying on the mountains, but he has to admit that the power of Profound Wind Great Emperor is beyond that. Took his imagination.

Originally in the eyes of Qin Nan, relying on the Emperor’s Fate emperor is a false emperor, and the battle strength will not be too scary.

But now, Qin Nan fully understands that even false emperor also has emperor’s power, which is not comparable to Martial Ancestor Realm Cultivator.

“I have Bronze Mirror to defend the Sea of ​​Consciousness, War God’s Spirit to defend the soul, my left arm resists all attacks, and my defense is already very powerful, but my lethality is much worse. I may be able to hurt the Great Emperor 1-layer, but I cannot Hurt the Great Emperor 2-layer … “

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart.

If he wants to smash the Great Emperor 2-layer giant with his current cultivation level, his lethality must be improved even more terrifying.

Of course, if his ideas were passed on to Demigod’s Country, I’m afraid it would attract countless cursing from Cultivator.

Being able to escape the hunt of the dignified Great Emperor 2-layer giant is already heavens-frightening.

Qin Nan now wants to use Martial Ancestor Realm to attack the giant of the Great Emperor 2-layer.

Looking at the entire Cang Lan road, countless heroes and countless geniuses, even the three geniuses that have surpassed the rules of martial arts, cannot be achieved at all.

The disparity between Great Emperor and Martial Ancestor, like Heaven and Earth, is completely unmeasurable.

“Qin Nannan, this mountain is very Mysterious, and it still helped us once. Why not accompany me to take a deeper look?” Princess Miaomiao 眼 露 crafty.


Qin Nan nodded agreed.

Now continue to look for Heavens Profound Sacred Fruit, there is no other clue, might as well explore this mountain range.

Then Qin Nan two people, moved towards the depths of the mountain range.

With deepening, Rao is Qin Nan, and also surprised.

Because on this way, Princess Miaomiao discovered many heavenly material treasures, all of which are very rare and of great value.

This is the case before it has reached the depths. What will it look like in the depths?

Suddenly, Qin Nan’s steps stopped abruptly, and a shocking look appeared in his eyes.

Because the ring in his hand actually shone with a light glow.

This light glow is completely different from the rays of light that came across Cang Lan’s Tree’s Map before. It is more solid and rich.

“What’s wrong?” Princess Miaomiao Asking Dao.

“His …” Qin Nan took a deep breath, and said, “Deep down the mountain, there are fragments of Cang Lan’s Tree that I particularly want.”

Rao is Qin Nan. At this moment, he can’t keep calm, eyes are hot, heart Bang! Bang! Bang! Speed ​​up.

When he came to this Ancient Battlefield, except for searching for Heavens Profound Sacred Fruit, he never thought about looking for the fragments of Cang Lan’s Tree.

Now, such an opportunity has come.

“Is there a fragment of Cang Lan’s Tree?”

Princess Miaomiao hearing this.

As Successor of Lost Herb Garden, she knows Cang Lan’s Tree very well.

If you carefully trace the traces, in ancient times, there was a 1000-10000 relationship between their Lost Herb Garden and Cang Lan’s Tree.

“Tsk tsk, how did you know that there are fragments of Cang Lan’s Tree, could it be that is this ring?”

Just then, a voice came from the woods.


Qin Nan and Princess Miaomiao faced each other at the same time.

Being in this wood without being noticed by them is obviously extraordinary.

“Qin Nan, meet again.”

Only one sigh, one silhouette, emerged.

The comer is a young man, born with a pair of peach eyes, flowing water, fascinating, and his face is also very fair, like white jade, wearing azure clothes, it makes people feel unusually beautiful.

“You could it be that … Ugly Crow Daoist?”

Qin Nan looked closely for a moment, and his eyes started to reveal a startled look.

The man in front of him looked exactly like the aura emanating from Ugly Crow Daoist.

It ’s just that Ugly Crow Daoist, is n’t she a woman, how can she become a man now?

“Look at me with such eyes, this Uncle surnamed Wang is called, is a pure man, called Young Master Wang, you can also call me Wang Ye!”

Wang Zhao had a slight jump on his forehead.

Qin Nan’s eyes reminded him of memories like nightmares.

It was 5 days ago that 亘 Ancient Battlefield had not yet been opened. Wang Zhao learned of a secret technique and was planning to sneak into 亘 Ancient Battlefield in advance. As a result, he was blocked by Ugly Crow Daoist. Angrily, Wang Zhao took Ugly Crow. Daoist was ashes.

As a result, who can think of it? It seems that it was because of the bad taste of a giant that year that Ugly Crow Daoist became the Envoy of Ancient Battlefield, letting it issue 50 ancient maps every 100 years, and let Cultivator who came here participate.

As soon as Ugly Crow Daoist died, without Envoy, this touched the Mysterious power left by that giant in Ancient Battlefield, and then forcibly knocked Wang Zhao into the within the body of Ugly Crow Daoist, and turned into a glamorous woman To issue ancient maps.

As for ‘sharing good nights together’, it was because Wang Zhao was too embarrassed that he deliberately spoke out and teased these Cultivators.

“Well, this guy is a little strange, not human …”

Princess Miaomiao looking thoughtful.

“You are not a person, neither your family is a person!” Wang Zhao turned black and suddenly thought of something, took a deep breath, coldly said: “I will not talk nonsense with you, I am Cang Lan’s Tree Successor, Wang Zhao! Qin Nan You gave me all the fragments of Cang Lan’s Tree and the treasures from Lower Profound Mystical Place! “

Qin Nan’s ancient map was also deliberately issued by Wang Zhao as Ugly Crow Daoist.

The first is temptation, and the second is to give Qin Nan a real treasure map, and let Qin Nan help him to search for treasure, and he will capture it one-time.

At this point, Qin Nan flashed rays of light in his eyes.

Cang Lan’s Tree’s Successor. Cang Lan’s tree spirit was mentioned once before. Didn’t expect now.

This also completely resolved Qin Nan’s mind.

“Well, you want to rob?”

The corner of Princess Miaomiao’s mouth evokes a beautiful arc.

Although this guy looks ugly, this courage is not small.

“Oh, do n’t use beauty to attract this Uncle. This Uncle hates women the most! Qin Nan, I tell you, others are afraid of you 7 Martial Trees, but I am Wang Zhao, Cang Lan’s Tree Successor, with countless taboos , Killing you is like … fuck! “

Wang Zhao was full of arrogance, his face was arrogant, and he threatened to open his mouth. However, before he finished speaking, his face suddenly changed, and his words were rude.

Only a strange wind was seen, and it suddenly blew into the inside of Wang Zhao at an amazing speed.

This wind is the soul of Wind God from Profound Wind Great Emperor.

Originally, the soul of Wind God was about to come and attack Qin Nan, but under the influence of the strange power of this nameless mountain peak, the spirit of this god was greatly affected.

The yin and yang errors attacked Wang Zhao even more.

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