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Chapter 1000 2 100 22 Underground Divine Palace

When the skeleton Xiao Hong and the others quietly entered 亘 Ancient Battlefield, Upper Profound Mystical Place.

Qin Nan and Princess Miaomiao, as shown on the map, teamed up while rushing on the road, and produced an amazing effect instantly, gaining treasures of treasure.

This is mainly because Princess Miaomiao is Lost Herb Garden princess, and the body is Nine Revolutions Spirit Immortal Ginseng. It has a wonderful power by nature, and can control a wide range of trees, flowers, and so on. Through them, you know where the treasure is. .

With this ability, coupled with Qin Nan’s War God left pupil, he can break through various restrictions with no difficulty and gain treasure.

As time passed, an hour passed.

Qin Nan and Princess Miaomiao are getting closer and closer to the place indicated by the map, and more and more treasures have been harvested along the way.

The only thing that disappointed Qin Nan was that until now, no one had met Southern Heaven Divine Land.

“Oh?” Suddenly, Princess Miaomiao step one stopped. After experiencing it for a while, her face was excited. “Qin Nannan, the place marked on the map is not easy. There are already 3 Great Emperor there. Giants, and ten-eighth Martial Ancestor peak Cultivator. “

“3 Great Emperor giants?”

Qin Nan’s eyes flashed with sperm.

Then two people looked at each other, and at the same time nodded, converged and covered aura, like a ghost, and flew forward.

This place, so extraordinary, naturally goes.

Just with the presence of the Great Emperor, you need to be careful.

After 5 minutes, the figure of Qin Nan two people stopped at the same time.

I can only see that on the land ahead there is a huge gully with several hundred zhangs wide and tens of thousands of zhangs. Even after countless years have passed, one after another is still sharp like a rainbow, and the word is extremely dense. intent.

It can be seen that the cultivation level was so extraordinary and terrifying.

Qin Nan walked in slowly, moved towards below the gully, and the probe looked.

At this gully level, there are countless strange flower weeds, weird lakes, ancient forests, and so on. Among them, there are ten or eighteen Martial Ancestor peak Cultivator in that ancient forest, with Martial Spirit and Martial Tree floating behind them, hitting a door. The amazing Emperor Technique is in fierce confrontation.

These Cultivators are people from Southern Heaven Divine Land, Martial Dao Sect, 8 ancient Clan disciples, and 3 loose cultivators. These people are not familiar with Qin Nan, but there are two people. Qin Nan is extremely familiar. .

These two people are Cen Wu and Liu Xue Elder.

“Cen Wu and Liu Xue are here, then how couldn’t it be …”

Qin Nan’s heart snapped and his eyes moved.

I saw that in the deepest part of the gully, there was a huge palace that exudes timeless light and is extremely old.

In the palace, there are 3 heavens-frightening dynamic terrorist forces, fighting each other, one after another eye-catching emperor light, and one after another majestic emperor’s prestige, moved towards all around.

Nuoda’s Ancient Palace is also trembling, as if it will break at any time.

Under the hole of the left pupil, Qin Nan saw that one of the Great Emperor giants was an imaginary Great Emperor.

As for the other 2 Great Emperors, they are a Middle-aged man in the form of a Scholar, and a fireman in a robe.

“The Great Emperor of Southern Heaven Divine Land, and the Great Emperor of Flame Clan?”

Qin Nan eyebrow raised, eyes slightly squinting.

Needless to say, the Great Emperor of Southern Heaven Divine Land, as long as the other party finds him, there is a 99% chance that he will be a thunderbolt killer and a potential enemy of life and death.

As for this illusive Great Emperor, although it is not an enemy of life and death, but between two people, it is also incompatible as fire and water. Qin Nan had already planned to come to 亘 Ancient Battlefield, and he must give him a lesson.

Such a 2 plague of enemies has now brought him into full play.

“Look first at what they are fighting for.”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart, look again carefully.

From this look, his eyes revealed a startled look, and his heart became instantly hot.

The group of Martial Ancestor Realm Cultivator outside is competing for 2 Heavens Profound Sacred Fruit on an ancient tree. As for the 3 Great Emperor giants in the ancient palace hall, they are competing for one piece of huge blue color crystal. Sealed 20 Heavens Profound Sacred Fruit.

A total of 22 Heavens Profound Sacred Fruit, equivalent to a full 300 300,000 contribution points, if you get it, you can redeem it for the fragments of Cang Lan’s Tree.

“Calm down first, if it is a confrontation, it is not a big deal to deal with this group of Martial Ancestor peak Cultivator. On the contrary, these 3 Great Emperor giants, based on my current cultivation level, are basically their opponents …

Qin Nan’s thoughts fluttered, and he deduced for a while, his eyes gradually revealing the essence.

He thought of a 2 best-of-breed method. Although this method is a little crazy and has huge risks, it can definitely be tried.

“Princess, you take the shot first, take down these 2 Heavens Profound Sacred Fruit, and then use a killing move to attack the entire palace, and then …”

Qin Nan turned his head quickly, facing Princess Miaomiao.

“it is good.”

Princess Miaomiao beautiful eyes are getting brighter.

didn’t expect, Qin Nan actually thought of such a method.

Although a little crazy, although very dangerous, she likes it.

Because of seeing so many Heavens Profound Sacred Fruit, she has been completely attracted. As long as she can try it, she will never stop.


Princess Miaomiao didn’t have the slightest nonsense, a little toes, turned into a stunning rainbow, moved towards the ancient forest.


Cen Wu and Liu Xue two people, both are complexion changed, didn’t expect At this time, Cultivator arrived.

The other Martial Ancestor Realm Cultivator also looked up.

Of course, Princess Miaomiao’s intervention did not attract the attention of the three Great Emperor giants in the palace.

“Born by nature, Order 10000, Heavens Profound Sacred Fruit, fly me.”

A golden glow bloomed on Princess Miaomiao, like a queen of the world, full of coercion, and she could only see her raised hand. The ancient tree that produced 2 Heavens Profound Sacred Fruit buzzed and shook, as if to accept After being inspired, he left the soil and moved towards princess.

“this is……”

Cen Wu and Liu Xue, and Cultivator and so on, are in shock. They have never seen it before. This is an incredible method.

“Hugh think about it!”

Soon they all reacted, their faces were angry, and one after another astounding Emperor Technique broke out, moving towards princess.

Princess Miaomiao seemed to have expected it, striding a long way, spilling countless golden light behind her, in a blink of an eye, she disappeared in place, came to another place, and avoided these killing moves.

“Lotus of the earth!”

The Princess Miaomiao magic seal came out, and with a long howl, from her, a wonderful force swung straight away.

I saw the huge gully, the one after another strange flower, the one after another ancient wood, all seemed to have been called by Sovereign, but actually sprayed the green light of one after another, gathered in the air, blinked In between, an incomparable gigantic was formed, showing an earthen-colored lotus flower, rippling with terrifying aura.

“So scary Emperor Technique!”

Cen Wu, Liu Xue, and so on Cultivator, all have scalp numbness, they are going backwards!

If this Emperor Technique kills them, they can’t stop them at all by their strength!


Princess Miaomiao jade hand shot, under the shocking eyes of many loose cultivator, the lotus of the earth went straight towards the Ancient Palace and hit!

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