Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 668


Chapter 668 Takes a turn for the worse

On this day, there were more than 100,000 people in the city, except for 2,000 who converted, All were beheaded.

Ninety percent of the city's population was killed, equivalent to massacres.

What a prosperous city, after today, it has become a dead city.

The news spread, causing an uproar in the world.

The Imperial Court was buzzing up and down, running around to tell each other, rebuking the 'white clothed Buddhist soldiers' for their cruelty and tyranny.

The rebels from all walks of life were also shocked, thinking that these bald heads were crazy.

They knew that they were puppets, and they wanted to disrupt the Imperial Court and become a bargaining chip for Taoist Shimen.

Once the Imperial Court makes concessions, all the beacon fires will be extinguished automatically, and the rebels will return to where they came from!

Nowadays, many people start to have fun and rob money and wealthy women, it's not a problem!

However, a massacre like Sengjialan has never happened before.

Today's events can be said to set a precedent.

Rebellion is always a bad Olympics. Once someone starts, others swarm to follow.

From this day on, the Pandora's Box of the massacre was opened.

Jingchu massacre, Huaibei massacre...

In half a month, more than a dozen cities large and small were massacred, affecting several millions of innocent people.

The power of the world has completely eroded.


The news will soon reach the capital!

The people of Taoism are speechless, how could they develop into such a state?

The chaotic people all over the world, as long as they are on a large scale, have the shadow of Taoism and Shimen behind them.

Many of these Sects have contributed money and efforts behind the scenes to help the 'heroes' recruit troops and rise up.

However, home-bred hounds must be collared and not bitten.

At first, these rebels only attacked Imperial Court officers and soldiers, but they did not harm the people.

But it's different now. Most of the Daoist and Shimen forces have been mobilized and gathered near the capital.

Under no one's watch, all influence began to quickly degenerate and become the most ferocious thief.

"I heard that on the Shimen side, the white clothed Buddhist soldiers are the most ruthless!"

"On the Taoist side, the red-headed thieves kill the most!"

The red-headed thief, the 'Void Dao Zun', is undoubtedly the force behind the Vacuum Dao Sect.

"I heard that the red-headed thief also slaughtered two cities."

"No one responded?"

"Not good said, this time Fu Ji daoist died, and the vacuum Dao Sect was furious up and down, so I couldn't say no to it!"

"Hey, how did it develop to this point?"

For a while, all the Sects sighed. .

They are not cruel people. They can cut down Monsters and eliminate Demons to kill people. They came to eliminate the sedation and have the determination to kill.

However, it is too hard to accept the attack on innocent people.

Regardless of Taoist Shimen, they are all religious forces, and the people are like soil, which is the foundation of survival.

This group of rebels slaughtered the people and destroyed the prosperous city, just like locusts.

If they are allowed to go on like this, the whole world will fall into corruption, and even the fundamentals of Taoism and Shimen will be damaged.

Fang Dou found that these Taoist cultivators were simply a combination of contradictions.

Sometimes, rigorous schemes and deep foresight are prudent, but sometimes, scheming is naive and ridiculous.

The military chaos has always been an unrestrained ominous beast. Once it is released, it will never stop until the world is messed up.

Perhaps, this time, this time, the rebellion swarmed all over the world, and the Taoist Shimen might think that as long as the sect of Majiao was destroyed and the Imperial Court was forced to make concessions, it would be a perfect ending, and the rebels supported by each family would be disbanded afterwards.

How can it be so simple?

Even villagers know that dogs that have eaten people can't be kept, why do they turn a blind eye?

There are all kinds of poisons in the world, but the heart is the most poisonous!

Those rebels, once they see the impotence of the Imperial Court and know that violence can be used to plunder wealth without restraint, will be like an addiction.

At this time, it's harder for you to let them put down their guns and change their minds than to kill them.

"The autumn of troubled times is about to begin!"

Fang Dou can already foresee that after this time, not only the Imperial Court is unstable, but the world will be completely in chaos.

Moreover, it's not a small mess, it's a big mess, it's a reshuffle.

Fang Dou thought so, shook the head.


Fang Dou felt that the all around imposing manner became much weaker in the 'mountains and rivers inside and outside'.

These days, urgent reports from all over the world are delivered like snowflakes.

Ordinary things inevitably affect the affairs of Majiao.

Originally, after the fall of the Fuji daoist, the Taoist side was much more cautious and only sent the side door daoist to fight.

On the Majiao side, the half-forward daoists did not play, but sent the remaining daoists.

After the fierce battle, the chickens began to peck each other.

The Majiao lost the Tianfang daoist, and the Taoist lost the Fuji daoist.

However, the world situation is getting worse and worse.

On the side of Emperor Longguang and Qilian Imperial Tutor, they were more and more helpless. They sent people to remind them every day, asking the Majiao to destroy the Taoists and Shimen as soon as possible, and to pacify the rebels in various places.

Guanglin daoist side, although can withstand the pressure, but as the situation becomes more and more erosion day by day, it is almost impossible to resist.

The news of the massacre came out, even Guanglin daoist was unexpected.

This kind of behavior without room is not like the handwriting of Taoism and Shimen.

It is conceivable that some situations have begun to get out of control.

Fang Dou's main body, observing the weather of the grand formation, seeing the strong atmosphere in the past, there are some signs of decline, just like the prosperity of the late summer, although the surface is gorgeous, it is inevitably close to the fate of fall in autumn .

A teacher hurried past, holding a thick stack of memorials in his hands, which were sent by Emperor Longguang for the Guanglin daoist to see.

Although Emperor Longguang has no extra words, these memorials represent silent accountability, "My country has been on the verge of collapse, what are you waiting for?"

Fang Dou doesn't need to read it to know that the content of the memorial is nothing more than how many Imperial Court troops died and how many cities were slaughtered.

The bottom line of the chaos army, once the breakthrough, there is no lower limit, killing the city is as easy as drinking water!

Suddenly, Fang Dou was stunned, and a terrifying thought rose from his mind.

“Guang Senior Lin!”

Fang Dou hurriedly found Guang Lin daoist, who was slowly reading the memorial sent by Emperor Longguang.

"What's the matter?"

"I think of a possibility!"

Guanglin daoist put down his memorial, "Speak!"

Fang Dou pointed to the great formation under his feet, "The mountains and rivers inside and outside are formed by the general trend of the world and the transportation of mountains and rivers."

"I think that the world of those who win the hearts and minds of the people, the so-called mountains, rivers, and crops are, in the final analysis, the source of Yu Dou has raised the common people!"

"They are slaughtering the city in such a way that they are digging the foundation of the Imperial Court!"

"One or two cities don't matter, but it goes on like this every day. , has shaken the foundation of the society!"

Fang Dou saluted Guanglin daoist, "I don't know, have you noticed that the luck in this great formation has also become weaker?"


Guanglin daoist sighed then said, with a sad expression on his face, "Fang Dou, why are you not a daoist?"

Fang Dou was stunned, I How to answer?

"If you are a daoist, you might be able to win this battle!"

(end of this chapter)

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