Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 667


Chapter 667 Once the slaughter of the city and the world is known

The expert competition is only seen on the front line.

From the half-front daoist's sword, to the Fu Ji daoist's death by the sword, in the eyes of the parties, it is as long as a Jiazi.

However, from an onlooker's point of view, it was just a flash of fire.

The corpse of Fu Ji daoist fell to the ground, accompanied by a rain of blood, sprinkled on the faces of many confused Taoist cultivators, like a dream.

Many people did not react, dignified a Taoist daoist, and died like this!

Withered wood daoist, Huang Guan daoist, Shen Jian daoist were furious, "Half front, you dare to kill me Fu Ji Fellow Daoist?"

"There is no way between life and death, only people call themselves !"

The half-forward daoist put away the Flying Sword and restrained his breath, the move just now also consumed him a lot.

He didn't look at all on the surface, and said coldly, "Just now when you plotted against and killed Fellow Daoist Fang, you didn't see the slightest grief!"

These words, stinging The Three Dead Trees were even more angry.

How can the daoist of Tianfang trifling be compared with the daoist of Taoism?

even more how, the one who killed the Tianfang daoist was the Longgu daoist who turned against the water, what did they have to do with them?

"Half-forward daoist, don't have to fight with them, you have a fight, continue to rest, please!"

As soon as Guanglin daoist spoke, half-forward daoist turned around and drove sword light , retracted into the large formation.

The three dead wood daoist did not chase, because they saw that the Majiao side was ready to attack, and there was no chance to attack the half-forward daoist.

Moreover, with the flying sword accomplishments of the half-front daoist, unless it is a siege of the three Daoists of the Taoist school, you can be sure to leave the opponent behind.


Fang Dou saw clicking one's tongue in wonder, that half-stance sword, really only half, but incomplete swordsmanship.

The half-forward daoist why cannot achieve Sword Immortal, because there is only half-handed sword potential.

Looking at the three Sword Immortals, they are all Sword Dao Sect teachers who established the sect, forming their own unique style.

On the half-forward daoist side, the gap is too large, and only half-handed swordsmanship is enough, but it is enough to stand out among the side door daoists.


"It's just a daoist who cultivates swords. He's so powerful. How amazing would it be if Sword Immortal was in front of him?"

Fu Ji daoist was killed, the most grief is the vacuum Dao Sect and his party, and the rest of the northern Dao Sect are also a little sad.

On the Dao Sect in the south, everyone has serious expressions, but tears can't be squeezed out anyway?

The Mount Huang Dao Channel is the side branch of the vacuum Dao Sect in the south. You hear Fang Dou, does he feel sad or sad?

The dead wood daoist, etc., took back the body of the Fu Ji daoist, but did not take action out of anger, but sent other daoists to continue to consume the power of the sect.

The next fight is far less exciting than the half-forward daoist.

The capital is just a corner of the world, and this time the fight is in full swing.

The fact that Taoist Shimen gathered in the capital does not mean that the rebellion and rioters swarming all over the world will have an intermission.

It's been months since the chaos started, and many things have gotten worse.

The rebel army, not only satisfied with food and clothing, but also began to give birth to more desires, such as gold, silver, pearls and jade, beautiful mansions, life and death power and so on.

Soon, the chaotic people from all over the country built their own small Imperial Courts, sealed officials and made wishes, and princes and princes sprang up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

However, there are also alternatives that come out of the silt without refining.

For example, the 'white clothed Buddhist soldiers' led by Seng Jialan! .

white clothed Buddhist soldiers, with hair-growing monks as the core, recruit lay believers to grow.

Although Seng Jialan is a monk, he has read a lot of books and is also quite accomplished in the military. In just a few months, he has trained a group of mobs into an elite army.

even more how, these days, some people starve to death, but no monks starve to death.

The monks in the temple, no matter how bad they are, still have food. Coupled with the worship of the believers, all of them eat very strong, and they can practice martial strength when reciting sutras.

Therefore, the elite level of the white clothed Buddhist soldiers is enough to rank among the top five in the world, and even the second-rate officers and soldiers are not comparable.

In addition, the generals headed by Seng Jialan always demanded of themselves as monks, not greedy for beauty, gold and silver, and recited sutras and worshipped Buddha day and night.

While other chaotic people were fascinated by the prosperity and degenerated rapidly, the white clothed Buddhist soldiers became unique, their battle strength advanced by leaps and bounds.

This day!

In a county town in the south of the Yangtze River, the city gate is broken, and only half of the wood remains. The solid wood gate with a thickness of two fists has been burned and hit, and only a piece of broken wood remains.

On the city wall made of rammed earth, arrows and branches are scattered sporadically, like withered grass growing in the wasteland.

After the war, the city walls and streets were full of bloodstains that had not dried up.

The corpses scattered on the ground prove that there was still some fierce resistance in this city.

Different from other county towns with loose weapons, this city is close to the canal, which is a major transportation route, hoarding strategic materials such as grain and salt.

In order to ensure that the city is not lost, the Imperial Court gathered 12,000 elite soldiers this time. Relying on the tall city wall, the defense system has been perfected every year. Men and horses can also block.

But who would have thought that since the white clothed Buddhist soldiers appeared under the city, the city would be destroyed in just seven days.

The streets were crowded with people, kneeling all over the place, and behind them were white clothed Buddhist soldiers with indifferent expressions.

absolute silence!

A big flag is slowly greeted from the city gate, and those who are literate will see the words 'Welcome the Buddha to the World Great Marshal'.

Under the banner, Seng Jialan was surrounded by a group of generals, riding high-headed horses.

"Great Marshal, there are eighteen granaries in the city, and the rest of the supplies are piled up like mountains!"

"We can recruit troops and expand our power!"

The generals around him were excited, and with the power of white clothed Buddhist soldiers, it would not be a problem to sweep the world in time.

Sengjialan glanced across the street and saw people ashen-faced, their bodies shaking like chaff.

“How many followers of my Buddha are there in the city?”

This sentence was spoken, followed by a brief silence.

"Great Marshal, do you want to meet them?"

Seng Jialanshook the head, "Send my order!"

"From now on Afterwards, every time you go to the next city, the residents of the city, except my Buddhist believers...kill them all!"

The generals around him are all monks from Shimen. This order, still stunned.

After a while, someone exhorted, "Great Marshal, no, this is going to cause chaos in the world!"

Sangjialan shook his head, "Stop talking, execute the order! "

There were a few people who objected on the spot, "Seng Jialan, we will follow you to crusade against the ignorant and foolish ruler. Even if you commit murder, you will recognize it. You want us to slaughter innocent people, don't even think about it!" ”

“people who walk different paths cannot make plans together!”

“If you insist on going your own way, we are bound to respond to the senior officials of Shimen!”

tone barely fell , Sangkaran suddenly opened his eyes.

Eyeballs appeared on every inch of Sengjialan's face, and thirty-two more eyeballs appeared in the blink of an eye.

"Not good, this is his multi-eyed appearance!"


tone barely fell, from Sengjialan's From the thirty-two eyes, crimson rays of light shot out, piercing the body of the opposing general.

"Who else is against it?"

The deserted city rolled up and the leaves fell to the ground, clearly audible!

(end of this chapter)

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