Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 669


Chapter 669 Mo Lu Tuo Gu

Once upon a time, Fang Dou had never seen the decadent scene in front of Guanglin Daoist .

However, the current Guanglin daoist has a feeling that the building will fall.

Obviously, Fang Dou guessed right, the massacre of the city had a great impact on the 'foreign and internal mountains and rivers'.

Fang Dou is in the formation, and he can still detect clues. Guanglin daoist is the controller of this formation.

"It's impossible to do anything, and we have to try to retreat as soon as possible!"

Fang Dou was so comforting, but he also thought in his heart that Guanglin Daoist and Ma Jiao had no way out.

If he wins this battle, Majiao will still have a chance to breathe, but if he loses, Taoism and Shimen will not give him a chance to revive.

This time, everyone in Taoism has a consensus that once the capital is conquered, all members of the Ma sect must 'eliminate evil and do their best'.

Behind the murderous-looking lies the determination of Taoism to defend its status.

This battle is a battle between the Imperial Court and the cultivator.

Originally, the Imperial Court had the whole world as its foundation and the people as its source of luck.

Who would have thought that the massacre of the city by the chaotic people will completely destroy the people's hearts, so that the luck of supplying the great formation will decline rapidly.

Majiao, originally evenly matched with Taoism, no distinction.

As a result, there is no doubt that you will lose!

The Majiao side will be able to hide it for a while, but if the time drags on for a long time, it will naturally be seen by the other side.

“Fang Dou, I have no way out!”

Guanglin daoist sighed, laughing at himself, “I, Junior Brother Danyu, went to Jiangnan to preach, and I also discouraged him at that time, Saying that he knew he couldn't do it!"

"Now it seems that I founded the Majiao, and the same is true!"

"Astral Fiend this generation will die out. It's over!"

Fang Dou advised, "It's better to withdraw from the capital, there is still a chance to make a comeback!"

"There is no chance!"

Guanglin daoist sighed, "Fang Dou, I am a person of Ma sect, and I know Taoism like the back of my hand."

This is true. Ma sect lurks two daoists, Mo Zhuan and Long Gu, and everything is in front of Taoism. There are no secrets.

"But, you still have a chance to escape!"

Guanglin daoist stared at Fang Dou, "You still have the foresight, and you haven't been too involved in the mahma education!"

The implication is that Fang Dou at first, firmly rejecting his solicitation is a wise move.

"Leave as soon as possible while there is still time!"

Guang Lin daoist took Fang Dou and quickly left the core of the formation, with light and shadow flowing in front of him.

Fang Dou's eyes lit up, and he had already arrived on the ground of the capital, but seeing that the streets were sparsely populated, only the officers and soldiers were heavily guarded, patrolling back and forth with long weapons.

Fang Dou had seen this majestic and beautiful capital for more than ten years, and was shocked by the ingenious construction skills.

Time has changed, and the capital has been invaded by years, just like an old man, and many details show fatigue.


A small courtyard with a slightly shabby appearance.

Beside Guanglin daoist, stood a six-year-old child, holding a thumbs up, looking at Fang Dou in amazement.

He brought Fang Dou to this secret small courtyard, but he wanted to take care of Gu.

Fang Dou was a little curious, why the six-year-old children in front of the school have so many teachers, many of whom are shocking and stunning.

Could it be, what special innate talent does this child have?

"Fang Dou, this child's nickname is six!"

Fang Dou groaned inwardly, this was the nickname of Danyu daoist back then, just from this point, it shows that Guanglin daoist Special affection for him.

"Chongliu, hurry up and kowtow to this uncle!"

Guanglin daoist faced the children with an unprecedented soft tone.

Children Chongliu stared at Fang Dou for a long time, confirming that he was not a bad person, listened to the words of Guanglin daoist, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed tenderly.

"Fang Dou, this child, is the future of my Astral Fiend gate, please protect him!"

Fang Dou was slightly surprised, the core members of the mahma teaching thousands of people , Guanglin daoist doesn't care, the only thing to keep this child is...

"Fang Dou, this child, no accident, should be the reincarnation of my Junior Brother!"

The words of the Guanglin daoist, Fang Dou stopped in his ears, like a thunderbolt.

Is there really a reincarnation in this world?

Fang Dou stared at Chongliu, then suddenly turned around and asked, "What's your name?"

Guanglin daoist shook his head, "It's too much for him to be involved in the mahma sect, I've always He was raised in a small courtyard, only given a nickname, not a big name!"

"Fang Dou, you are his elder in the future, why don't you give him a name!"

Fang Dou He knew that this time Guanglin daoist took care of the orphan, and he must hand over the future of Chongliu to him.

Naming is a temptation, if Fang Dou refuses, he probably doesn't want to take it!

But, isn't Fang Dou's visit here because of the Astral Fiend gate?

The orphaned child in front of him is the only heir chosen by the Guanglin daoist.

"Follow me in the future, you might as well follow my surname Fang."

"The day you and I met, in the capital city at your feet."

" I'll give you a name, Fang Yujing!"

The child Chongliu was ignorant, not knowing whether the name was good or bad, and looked at Guanglin daoist.

"Fang Yujing!"

Guanglin daoist pondered a few times, then repeatedly nodded, "Good name!"

He touched the top of the child Chongliu's head, " Child, follow this uncle in the future, listen to him, and learn ability from him!"

Chongliuyi's big eyes are still very confused.

Fang Dou was a little skeptical when he saw this. If he was a precocious child, he already knew the world at this age.

But Chongli is a bit backward, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a smart body reincarnated by a daoist!

"Fang Dou, the seed of the Astral Fiend gate, I'll give it to you!"

Guanglin daoist took off the jade crown he was wearing and faced Fang Dou's head.

It is strange to say that this warm jade crown, with a halo around it, touched the Astral Fiend crown above Fang Dou's head, but there was no collision sound.

The strange thing is that the moment the two crowns touched, the jade crown of Guanglin daoist turned into flowing water in an instant and poured into the interior of the Astral Fiend crown.

Fang Dou immediately felt that the Astral Fiend crown became several times heavier, almost crushing his neck bone.

What's more, in Fang Dou's ear, there was a burst of densely packed sound.

The cracking sound was tantamount to the sound of heaven.

Because, this is the cause and effect of Astral Fiend's dao crown, which begins to disconnect one after another.

The Astral Fiend Dao Crown is a fusion of the Heavenly Gang Altar and the Earth Demon Dao Crown. The biggest cause and effect is the Astral Fiend Sect, the daoist senior and junior brothers.

Now, the cause and effect are finally solved.

Fang Dou stared at the child Chongliu, now Fang Yujing.

Everything changed when Fang Dou agreed to adopt this child and accepted the gift from Guanglin daoist.

“Could it be?”

Fang Dou looked at the innocent child and thought that this child might be the reincarnation of Danyu daoist.

In the dark, he has his own arrangement. Fang Dou got the altar of Tiangang, and now he adopts the reincarnated child of Danyu daoist.

A drink and a peck, isn't it destiny?

"Guang Senior Lin, don't worry, I will greet Chong Liu!"

Fang Dou took Fang Yujing in his arms and solemnly assured Guang Lin daoist.

Guanglin daoist was about to speak when suddenly his feet shook violently.

The two looked up at the sky, only to see that the dome began to collapse, which was a sign that the 'Liuhe Great Array' outside the city was in full swing.

Destruction, the countdown has begun.

(end of this chapter)

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