Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 664


Chapter 664 is in danger

Although there were no casualties in this battle, the danger was even greater than before.

Drinking the sea daoist and big reading daoist, playing brilliantly, the magic tricks are dizzying.

Finally, it ends with a daoist faux pas.

"Everyone, I have lost 40% of my thoughts, and I need three hundred years to cultivate and recuperate."

This sentence is not for others, but for the four Daoists of Taoism.

The implication is that I fought for Taoism and lost three hundred years of cultivation base, which is also the past.

The dead wood daoist saw this nodded, "I think Fellow Daoist, you did a good job!"

"If there is nothing else, I will leave!"

Daoist thought about it, and the breeze rose all over his body, wrapping him and flying farther and farther, disappearing into the sky.

The remaining four daoists looked towards the deadwood daoist, "Do you want to fight again?"

The deadwood daoist said solemnly, "Go on!"

Wu Guang and Jingjiao, two daoists, looked at each other a few times, "Let's leave the second game to the two of us!"

On the Taoist side, there are two side door daoists as soon as they come out. The Mahjong camp was unexpected.

After a while, Majiao also walked out of two daoists, namely Longgu daoist and Tianfang daoist.

"Fellow Daoist Fang, let's work together, at least one enemy must be left behind!"

Long Gu daoist said with a laugh, his broad face and short beard, Very proud.

Tianfang daoist, heard nodded, didn't say much.

The four daoists started in the blink of an eye, with more power than before, and half of the sky was shattered.

"This is true!"

Fang Dou doesn't know what to say. Although these daoists are not valued, it is rare for them to be loose cultivators who can become daoists. genius.

The previous Da Nian, Yin Hai, and the four people in front of them all have their own characteristics and have the capital to establish the sect.

Unfortunately, the resources in today's world are already highly concentrated, and unless it is Taoist Shimen, it is impossible to create a Sect.

As strong as the Guanglin daoist, it is also with the help of the Imperial Court's strength that he can create Majiao and compete with Taoism.

"Don't watch the lively fight, it may be a few days or nights, but the final result is not much different!"

Taoist Fubo, speaking to Fang Dou in a low voice.


Fang Dou was curious, what did the other party see?

"At the level of daoist, there is always one or two trump card stunts hidden. It may be a secret technique with explosive potential and a tenfold increase in attack power, or it may be a trump card that saves life instead of death! ”

“As long as daoists don’t hide their trump cards!”

“So, although daoists fight fiercely, unless the gap is too big, there will not be casualties!”

Fang Dou suddenly realized, "It turns out that the Yinhai daoist didn't pursue him just now, that's why!"

"That's right, both of them are daoists who have never met before, and there is no need for deep hatred. Fighting desperately."

"The drinking sea daoist is also very wise, knowing that if the daoist is eager to chase, the big reading daoist will fight back desperately, but it will not be beautiful!"

Fang Dou is a long experience. Well, it turned out to be the end of the point. The old comrades are very good and talk about martial arts.

My gaze returned to the sky, but I saw thick smoke billowing, golden light overflowing, and sometimes a silhouette flew out, and then plunged into it.

Now it seems that they are all acting for both parties to see, but in fact there is no danger of life and death.

On the Taoist camp side, Fu Ji daoist furiously shouted, "These stubborn villains!"

How could they not see that the four daoists were acting, seemingly fighting. To be in a frenzy, there is no life-threatening situation.

It is very likely that after the fierce battle for 'three days and three nights', one side was exhausted and was defeated after 'heavy wounds'.

The daoists are all old fox and know how to deal with it, so that both the enemy and the enemy can only accept it with their noses pinched.

"This is not good!"

Deadwood daoist indifferently said.

"You Senior Brother Mu, what can you do?"

Huang Guan daoist was surprised and asked him.

The dead wood daoist nodded and said softly, "Wu Guang Fellow Daoist, do you still want that thing you are thinking about?"

This sentence has no beginning or end, Everyone else was at a loss when they heard it, but it was Wu Guang daoist who was in the middle of the battle, and their hearts froze when they heard it.

"What's going on?"

His companion Jingjiao daoist looked at him with doubts in his eyes.

Wu Guang daoist squeezed his handprint violently. This action was not only seen by Jingjiao daoist, but also clearly seen by the two enemies on the opposite side.

“spare no effort, do it!”

Wu Guang daoist and Jingjiao daoist made up their minds, and they dispatched all their strength, moved towards the opposite side and stormed the past.

The two daoists on the Majiao side, Longgu daoist and Tianfang daoist, also greeted them.

Rumbling, a blood-colored ring began to appear around it, which was a sign of the desperate fight.

Obviously, this time the two sides are really coming.

Tianfang daoist made up his mind, nod towards Longgu daoist> but "Fellow Daoist, protect your body for me!"

Longgu daoist said boldly with a smile, patted his chest, "Don't worry, no one can kill you!"

Tianfang daoist clasped his hands together, six orbs emerged from the void, inside Each has a different environment.

This is his famous magic weapon, the 'Six Realms Mixed Pearl', which can smash the opponent into powder with one blow.

However, this treasure is heavy and must be driven with concentrated attention completely, otherwise it will suffer from backlash.

In normal times, when fighting alone, he can't easily use this treasure.

This time, the two players are fighting against each other, and there is a Longgu daoist protector by their side, so that they can drive the 'Six Realms Mixed Pearl' with peace of mind.

"You two should die under this treasure together!"

Tianfang daoist sneered, if it's one-on-one, this treasure is useless, but now...


Suddenly, his eyes went black.

"What's going on?"

"Where is Longgu Fellow Daoist?"

Tianfang daoist had this question in his heart, next moment, acupuncture all over his body excruciating pain.

Then, the 'Six Realms Mixed Beads', which had lost control, smashed onto him and smashed it into a piece of flying ashes.

"Fellow Daoist Fang!"

There was an angry cry from the Majiao camp.

Except for Tianfang daoist himself, who died in an unclear manner, bystanders can clearly see that it was the betrayal of Longgu daoist that made him fall.

At this moment, Long Gu daoist, Wu Guang and Jing Jiao are fighting side by side, obviously they are in the same group.

Guanglin daoist complexion ashen, "What a Long Gu daoist, you hid deep enough!"

Obviously, he didn't expect that Long Gu daoist is also a spy.

Longgu's daoist still looks bold, but no one dares to believe it at this moment. Just now, this person plotted against Tianfang daoist, and together with the enemy two, killed his companions.

"Guanglin, I am a foreign aid of Taoism, but you have bad eyesight and can't see it!"

"I don't understand why you are exposed now, why wait until the critical moment. , plot against me, that would be better?"

Guanglin daoist raised this question.

Longgu daoist thought badly, this Guanglin daoist deserves to be a formidable person. In his anger, he did not forget to apply eye drops.

This sentence fell in the ears of Taoist daoists, that is, he Longgu daoist cherished his life, exposed his identity in advance, and made small contributions to retire bravely.

"Don't talk nonsense, I know that you are suspicious by nature and have no chance to attack, so that's the first time you make a move!"

"This time, I have killed a daoist by your side. Very satisfied!"

"Guanglin, see how you can hold on?"

(end of this chapter)

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