Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 663


Chapter 663 Betrayal

"Withered Tree, are you trustworthy now?"

This time, Ma Jiao Continue to have the upper hand.

The great formation of mountains and rivers inside and outside was really powerful, and it engulfed the Daoist formation with all its strength.

That is to say, the great formations that Taoists have painstakingly arranged are useless at all.

The dead wood daoist line, unemotional face, no sense of frustration.

It seems that the full strength attack just now, just a tentative.

"Fellow Daoists, it's time to start!"

The four Daoists, withered wood, yellow crown, Shen Jian, and Fu Ji, will nod towards the side door.

Next moment, the nine daoists of the Taoist camp began to fly away.

Swipe, the afterimages fell from the sky, and in the blink of an eye, the nine daoists each took their place and stood proudly in the sky.

On the Majiao side, Guanglin daoist said solemnly, "The enemy doesn't move, I won't move!"

shua! The first to step forward, "Guanglin daoist, I want to challenge you!"

Guanglin daoist brows beating, so he was playing this attention.

“Da Nian, you are also a daoist of the world, why should you be a dog of Taoism?”

Guanglin daoist advised.

Da Nian frowned, "The way is different, no need to say more, this challenge, do you accept it?"

"Yes, but not me!"

Guanglin daoist recalled, "Which Fellow Daoist, fight with this person!"

In the camp of espresso religion, Yinhai daoist came out, wearing a lake blue clothed shirt, a dashing appearance .

"Da Nian, you think too highly of yourself, you are not qualified to fight with Sect Lord!"

"I drink the sea daoist, take your challenge!"


The Taoists in the great formation below became commotion.

didn't expect , after a short fight, now it's time to fight.

There are side door daoists here in Majiao, and there are extenuating circumstances. Taoists also use side door daoists to play forward, and some of them are beyond words.

It is also sad to say that Taoism and Majiao confrontation, and the first casualties are all irrelevant daoists.

"Great thoughts, I heard your cultivation 'God's Book of Divine Sense', the thoughts in one's body can change endlessly, which can be turned into the magic weapon Divine Ability."

"The thoughts are endless, and the thoughts are also endless. , the formidable power is also infinite!"

Daoist said with a smile, "your bucket of jade is also a famous magic weapon in the world, I'm just about to see it!"

The two daoists, who have been known for a long time, are familiar with each other's famous cultivation techniques and magic weapons.

didn't expect , the first time we met, it was a life and death fight.

Yanhai daoist raised his cuffs and took out a topaz wine bucket with jade light inside, rippling like a liquid.

"This jade bucket can contain Heaven and Earth, and handle the sun and the moon!"

Yinhai daoist threw it into the sky, the jade bucket suddenly expanded countless times, and it seemed that the entire The sky is sucked into it.

On the daoist side, I saw the jade bucket getting bigger and bigger, as if it filled the entire Heaven and Earth, and it was about to burst him.

Next moment, this side door daoist smiled.

"The change in size, merely this?"

The center of his eyebrows gleamed, and a series of dazzling diamonds flew out, like a necklace.

These crystal clear and near-transparent diamonds are exactly the thoughts he painstakingly cultivated.

Many thoughts were connected end to end, as if never ending, one end was between his eyebrows, and the other end flew into the air.

In the beginning, the idea was only the size of a finger, but later it has soared to the size of a grinding wheel, floating up and down in the air.

“Divine Sense is infinite, beyond the limitless!”

The daoist eyes closed, countless thoughts collapsed and turned into a bright sea of light.

In the sea of light, a huge back slowly stood up.

How tall is this silhouette? I saw his original bent posture, slowly straightening, every point higher, the sky increases by one point.

The Heaven and Earth, which had been squeezed into a precarious state by the jade bucket, suddenly became ample enough to accommodate it.

Drinking the sea daoist cuffs automatically without wind, "Look at me again the Yellow River's water move out of heaven, the torrent will never return!"

Pour sea and jade bucket poured violently , when the sky pulls out a silvery waterfall.

In the capital, many people saw this scene, as if they were back more than ten years ago, on the night of the Buddha's birthday, the Tianhe poured into the world.

However, Fang Dou found that the power of this magic weapon was not comparable to the power of the Tianhe pouring down.

Rao is so, such a pouring surging gesture, like a hole in the sky, the crash-bang of the water is flowing non-stop.

The giant standing up in the Gwanghae was submerged to his knees in the blink of an eye by the flood water poured out by Yudou.

Strange to say, both giants and jade buckets were fighting in mid-air, and no water fell to the ground.

However, the aftermath of the fight between the two sides has been spectacular.

Only from the edge of Gwanghae, a few drops of water fell from the sky, and when they reached the sky over the capital, they turned into pouring rain.

The entire capital is shrouded in rain, and the streets can be seen everywhere with beating raindrops.


The giant in the sea of light bent down sharply, and opened his mouth to swallow the water below him.

In the blink of an eye, the surging waves swirled, turning into hundreds of water columns, pouring into the giant's mouth like a hundred rivers meeting the sea.

The jade bucket hung upside down in the air began to tremble violently.

Yinhai daoist complexion changed, seal art against Punhai Yudou.

The jade bucket, which is as big as a mountain, shrinks to the size of a sesame in the blink of an eye, and disappears in plain sight.

In everyone's sight, the trace of Pour Hai Yudou suddenly disappeared.

"The daoist method is really extraordinary!"

It's hard to find something with a big mountain that can be reduced to a naked eye in the blink of an eye, but it is not something that ordinary people can do.


The giant in Gwanghae drank the flood in the jade bucket in three or two mouthfuls, and suddenly slammed into his stomach.

"What's the matter, isn't the water clean?"

The cultivators who noticed this scene, looked at each other in blank dismay, did not know the cause of the mutation.


Suddenly, a huge roar resounded through Heaven and Earth.

The giant's belly swelled like a pregnant version, and in the eyes of everyone in surprise, it was blasted by a large snowflake.

A thing flew out from the belly of the giant's mouth, swirling and magnifying, just like a daoist drinking the sea.

“so that's how it is!”

Yanhai daoist just used a trick to turn the bucket of water into dust and mixed into the waterfall.

The giant drank the flood water in one gulp, and naturally swallowed the jade bucket into his belly. As a result, he was cast by the Yinhai daoist and burst his body.

"Want to leave, how can it be so easy?"

Yinhai daoist raised his brows, flicked his fingers at Yudou, and there was a crisp sound in the air.

The jade bucket was suspended in the sky above the giant's 'corpse', sending out a violent swallowing force, sucking the remains into the interior one after another.

Strange to say, the giant's bloody corpse began to disintegrate into countless diamond-like thoughts.

In other words, Yinhai daoist is robbing each other's thoughts.

This is not good.

The daoist is a cultivation base, all on these thoughts, if you lose too much, you might drop realm.

He is also ruthless, and seeing this scene, the giant head flies up, suddenly expanding a hundredfold.

The head flew out and blocked Yudou's mouth. Although he persisted for a few breaths, it was swallowed in.

However, the rest of the wreckage turned into thoughts and returned to the hands of the daoist.

"What a pity!"

Yinhai daoist took over Pour Haiyudou and turned around fiercely.

(end of this chapter)

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