Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 665


Chapter 665 Half Front Daoist

After Long Gu Daoist finished speaking, he followed Black Light and Jing Jiao and returned to the replied camp. middle.

The morale dropped for a while.

No one can deny that Long Gu daoist defected at the front of the battle, which brought heavy damage to the Majiao camp.

Once upon a time, there were ten daoists in Majiao including Guanglin daoists.

However, Mo Zhuan and Long Gu were all spies, and Tian Fang was killed by a plot.

At present, the number of daoists in Majiao has been reduced to seven.

On the Taoist side, although the Great Nian daoist has retreated, the Longgu daoist has been added, which is still a nine-person scale.

Nine to seven, already at a disadvantage.

What's more deadly is that there is a huge hidden danger hidden in the hearts of everyone.

No one can be sure that after the Longgu daoist, there are still no spies in the Majiao.

Guanglin daoists don't need to look at them, you can know that the remaining daoists have been separated from each other and began to guard against each other.

If it is allowed to develop like this, Majiao will undoubtedly lose.

"Half-forward daoist, please play!"

Guanglin daoist made a decision and surrendered to the half-forward daoist.

Half-Front daoist was chewing a piece of dried chili pepper and swallowed it, "It's finally my time!"

He clapped his hands and walked to the Mahjong camp, " Who is my opponent?"

The Taoist camp has just won for a while, and the imposing manner is on the rise.

Shen Jiandaoist, holding a small round mirror, explained in a low voice to his companions.

"Half-forward daoist, born in the southwest, proficient in sword technique."

Hearing the last four characters, the dead wood daoist was slightly startled, "sword cultivator?"

"I am only proficient in sword cultivator, not yet Great Accomplishment, so I can only achieve daoist, not Sword Immortal!"

Daoist and sword cultivator are completely two concepts. There are countless daoists in the world, but Sword Immortal Only one slap to go.

If the Sword Immortal really comes, even if there are nine daoists in Taoism, they will never dare to come.

“so that's how it is!”

The dead wood daoist thought for a moment, then said to the Fuji daoist, “You play this game!”

The Fuji The daoist didn't hesitate, "Yes!"

The two of them were tacitly aware that the other daoist had succeeded in a blow just now, and their imposing manner was in full swing. If they still continued to win, wouldn't they want to overwhelm the Taoist momentum?

In this battle, Taoism had to come out.

Wu Guang daoist On this side, several daoists from the side door are talking to Long Gu daoist.

"Longgu daoist, hard work!"

Longgu daoist shook his head, "Mo Zhuan had bad luck, he was found and killed!"

"That's his destiny. If he hadn't exposed his Xingzang himself, he would have survived at this moment!"

These side-door daoists are not what the outside world thinks and have no contacts, but have already formed some kind of alliance in private.

"Hey, it turned out to be Shen Jian!"

Suddenly someone found out that in this battle, the Taoist daoist did not assign the side door daoist to fight, but Fu Ji himself.

This daoist who was born in the vacuum Dao Sect is very murderous. Previously, he pulled up two large formations at the same time, forcing the two daoists from the Majiao to avoid, which shows his strong strength.

"Some people have seen it now!"

Long Gu daoist suddenly raised doubts, "Wu Guang Fellow Daoist, why did you so eagerly expose me this time? What are you holding on to?"

Actually, according to the plan of the side door daoist, Longgu daoist should stay in the last shot in order to get the miraculous effect.

However, with a word from the dead wood daoist, Wu Guang daoist changed his mind and made the agreed gesture, causing Long Gu daoist to react on the spot.

Longgu daoist has been lurking in the camp of Ma sect, and he doesn't know many things, so he asks this question.


Wu Guangdaoist said indifferently, "Withered Wood promises to give me the treasure of Yi Daigo senior!"

Dragon Gu Daoist listened, speechless for a long time.

Yi Daigo is a Legendary character of the loose cultivator by the side door. As a loose cultivator, he has been cultivating until Five Qi Towards The Origin realm.

This person is the inspirational target of countless loose cultivators.

Unfortunately, this person has also become the ceiling of loose cultivator, stopped at the Chaoyuan realm, until the essence of life is exhausted, and he will not be able to meet the Yang God realm.

I heard that in order to break through, Yi Daigo did not hesitate to take refuge in Taoism, and wanted to obtain the true biography.

After this person died during meditation, the relics all fell into Taoism.

"No wonder, no wonder!"

Longgu daoist was very excited, "It's worth it, this hand is worth it!"

"Silence, if Taoists don't want to There are 10,000 ways to fulfill the promise, fellow Daoists, please proceed with caution!”

“Not bad!”


Squinting his eyes, he saw Fu Ji daoist come out, his eyes opened, revealing a dazzling light.

"Okay, it turns out to be a Taoist daoist, and he looks up to me!"

Fu Ji daoist in mind, a half-front daoist is only a half-sword cultivator, or a loose cultivator, so it doesn't matter Excessive fear.

"Come up and die!"

The half-forward daoist was stunned, said with a laugh, "meet your request."

tone barely fell, he Facing the waist lightly waved, in the blink of an eye, seventy-two small Flying Swords flew out.

Fang Dou's eyelids jumped when he saw this. It was actually a complete set of Flying Sword. This half-forward daoist should not be underestimated!

The belt that I saw earlier was like a sword, with seventy-two Flying Swords.

I only heard that the sword technique of the half-front daoist is ordinary, not as good as the sword cultivator.

But now it seems that people are just not as good as Sword Immortal, but among the sword cultivators in Shu, except for the three Sword Immortals, there are few rivals.

"Fu Ji, let me see, how is your Dao Sect's Dao Sect?"

As soon as Fu Ji daoist raised his hand, the air collapsed and a transparent Great Hand Seal emerged. .

'Vacuum Great Capture' reappears in the world, which reminds people of the countless ominous powers that sucked away the soul before.

The half-forward daoist narrowed his eyes, "It really has the power of attracting spirit seizing soul, name is not in vain..."

"...can eat my sword!"

"...can eat my sword!"


He raised his palm, and the seventy-two Flying Sword circled around the edge of the palm, slowly turning.

Next moment, whiz whiz whiz, Flying Sword flew out in series.

Every time the Flying Sword pierces the air, it shakes out rippling ripples, intersecting and superimposing each other.

The big hand made of vacuum entered this space and began to shake.

The seventy-two Flying Sword, aimed at the big hand and plunged into it, piercing the vacuum Great Capture hole thousands of times in half a breath.

The big transparent hand, like a leaking balloon, disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The half-front daoist shook his fingers, and the Flying Sword fell like rain, covering the whole body of Fu Ji daoist.

Fuji daoist exhaled a breath of white air, which turned into an umbrella cover on the top of his head, blocking the Flying Sword like rain.

A Flying Sword fell and bounced, circling a few times and rushing down again, hitting the umbrella cover on the verge of collapse.

"Fu Ji daoist, still haven't come out of the tortoise shell!"

The half-front daoist roared angrily, with seventy-two Flying Swords, converging into a beam of brilliant light.

The vertical beam of light shoots straight into the sky, as if reaching Celestial Court.

Next moment, the beam of light suddenly fell, hitting the top of the daoist's head, in the middle of the umbrella cover.

The umbrella cover all split up and in pieces on the spot, and the beam of light was castrated and crushed the daoist.

"I knew it!"

The half-front daoist sneered, looking at the back of the Fu Ji daoist, dissipating like a foam board.

The next moment, the silhouette of Fu Ji daoist, appears outside the hundred zhang.

Vacuum Dao Sect, first fake and then real, naturally proficient in the Illusion Technique of suspended animation.

(end of this chapter)

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