Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 657


Chapter 657 Taoist Daoist

Fu Ji daoist watched the rainbow light dissipate coldly, and shook his cuffs.

Guanglin daoist shot, and the two daoists retreated. From beginning to end, he did not intend to intervene.

As a bystander, always keep watch the fires burning across the river.

Behind him, only the solitary formation was left. The previous five formations had all been destroyed, leaving a place of ruins.

can be seen everywhere, the high platform collapsed into ruins, and the members of the Ma sect who did not have time to evacuate were lying on the ground, blood-stained in yellow sand.

Regardless of the Dao Sect from the north to the south, the five-way people who are divided are all looking at the daoist at this moment.

Including Yuan Tianhe and Huo De, all waiting for the orders of the Fu Ji daoist.

Since the emergence of daoist, the Sovereign of this war is no longer controlled by Taoist descendants, but handed over to Supreme Taoist daoist.

Fu Ji daoist's eyes swept away, and everyone present felt as if their hearts had been washed by ice and snow, and they felt cold.

Fang Dou's expression remained unchanged, and his heartbeat did not intensify.

Although he is shy, Kong Xuanzi, and even casts a spell to get rid of the entanglement of karma, but he must not reveal the slightest weak spot right now.

Once there is panic and fear, it will be caught by Fu Ji daoist, and it will fall short.

Fang Dou kept his composure and managed to get through.

"Yuan Tianhe, Huo De, you come here!"

Yuan Tianhe, with bitter expressions on their faces, looked at each other, and they all followed the pace of Fu Ji daoist.

In the blink of an eye, the three disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Daoist will not let others know about the matter.

After the three left, many Taoist cultivators present began to talk.

First of all, my colleagues from Dao Sect in the south, came to congratulate Fang Dou.

Although Fang Dou failed to break through, he managed to survive. In contrast, Kong Xuanzi's rival in love lost his life, which made the southern cultivators feel very relieved.

"It's a pity, Mingyu is too strong, if you can stick to it, you should be able to survive!"

The cultivator who said this was pointed by his companion and looked towards Hanging Yinguan direction.

Ming Gao brought a few surviving Disciples, grabbed the sand and put it into the wooden box on the ground where Ming Yi fell, and waited to return to the hanging seal concept, and then buried Ming Yi with the scenery.

This time, both the North and the South suffered heavy casualties.

It can be said that Fang Dou, who led the disciple Disciple to retreat completely, is unprecedented.

However, since the death of Kong Xuanzi, Fu Ji daoist shot, which can be called a dimensionality reduction blow, bringing about changes in Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Many people can't figure it out, since Daoist can instantly destroy the three great formations, why didn't they take action earlier and let them die in vain?

Although there are complaints, no one dares to speak out.

Fu Ji daoist was in the vicinity, with the daoist possessed great magical power, little bit complaints were heard, all of which were the end of Sect's demise.

After this war, the pattern of the South will change again.

Hanging Yin Guan was the worthy leader, but now the strongest battle strength has been compromised, and a large number of elite Disciples have died, which can be described as heavy casualties.

On the other hand, Fang Dou's Avatar Dan Dao fusion led effectively on Mount Huang's side, and everyone retreated, preserving all their strengths.

As one goes up and down, Mount Huang's Taoism is about to replace the status of hanging seal concept.

The hanging seal tree has deep roots and has experienced such heavy damage, and there is a possibility of continuation, but more small and medium Sects have experienced this tribulation, and even struggling on whilst at death's door is impossible,

Dao Sect in the South Many Sects, the elders and elites have died, and the rest of the family are the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. Maybe they will perish quietly after several decades.

Looking at the Dao Sect in the north, the situation is not very good, which shows that the arrangement of the Taoist high-level officials is still quite 'fair'.

"I don't know, what will the daoist do next?"

Fang Dou absolutely believes that when the Fu Ji daoist came, he has already seen the real arrangement of the daoist.

The five great formations outside the capital are just appetizers. The real powerful ultimate move is based on the capital and mobilizing the 'foreign and internal mountains and rivers' of the world's luck.

This grand formation, which brings together the entire World Collection, is based on the fate of the Imperial Court.

Although Taoism is strong, if it wants to fight against the general trend of the world, it will definitely lose miserably.

This point, Fu Ji daoist can also see clearly, so after taking action to wipe out the remaining three large formations, he hurried away with the two of Yuan Tianhe, obviously wanting to explain something.

After the tragic battle just now, the Taoist cultivators are in urgent need of repair.

Now that Yuan Tianhe and Huo De have left, members of Taoism in both the north and the south have a hard-won chance to breathe.

Second day, it was discovered that the curfew in Beijing was over.

The city gate is opened, people can enter and exit the city, pedestrians can move freely on the streets.

From this point of view, the Majiao side has already completed the arrangement and opened the city gates, just waiting for the Taoists to come to the door.

Fang Dou But until, since Ma Jiao got the formation diagram he presented, he began to improve the Formation, which was originally deep and unmeasurable 'the mountains and rivers inside and outside', and the formidable power increased a bit.

This great formation can be described as the epitome of the country, and it is difficult for individuals to compete, even if it is a daoist.

A few days later, Yuan Tianhe and Huo De returned to convey the latest order from the daoist.

Previously, the five-way men and horses who were divided for breaking the formation began to enter the ruins of the big formation.

According to the arrangement of Yuan Tianhe and the others, the Taoists replaced the Majiao resident and began to arrange a great formation.

The Daoist formation has one more formation than Majiao, which is six formations.

After the formation of the grand formation, it still takes the capital as the core, like a six-petaled snowflake, with an aura of severe and severe cold in the chill.

Fang Dou could see at a glance that this was to besiege the capital and let the power of Majiao reach out.

Sure enough, destroying the five great formations outside the capital was just the first step.

The next step is to switch from offense to defense and besiege the capital all around.

Next, it must be the Taoists who will launch a general attack to destroy the Mah Sect.

It can be seen from the current arrangement that the Taoist school is determined to destroy all the Mah Sect and leave none of it.

In fact, the situation is more serious than Guanglin daoist thought.

Not only Majiao, but also the inheritance of Astral Fiend, Taoism must be completely eradicated.

Fang Dou felt a chill in his heart when he thought of this, it was cruel.

At present, the Taoist formation has been formed, and many Sects form a great formation of six-awned snowflakes, besieging the capital in the center. Ordinary people may be able to enter and exit freely, but the members of the Ma sect cannot escape.

Fang Dou also learned the name of this great formation from the mouth of some Taoist cultivators through conversations, 'Liuhe Commander Heaven and Earth Overturning the Great Array'.


There is a 'land and rivers inside and outside' from the Majiao side, and a 'Liuhe Heaven and Earth' from the Taoist side. It's really a pin against an awl and will not give in at all.

It can be seen from this that Taoism's arrangement of Majiao is very clear, and even the response is accurate.

Fang Dou's heart suddenly became tense. Is it possible that there are Taoist spies hidden within the Majiao?

And the only people who can get in touch with the top secrets of the hemp education are those daoists who have been recruited.

Thinking of this, Fang Dou clapped his hands, it was really possible.

The source of the daoist is complicated. Although verbally, he hates Taoism, but in private, if there is a secret channelist, it will definitely bring a devastating blow to the sect.

(end of this chapter)

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