Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 658


Chapter 658 The mountains and rivers inside and outside

In the large formation underground in the capital, the number of people gradually increased.

The five great formations outside were destroyed, and the members of the Majiao sect retreated into the city, and some confidants came to the formation to accompany Guanglin daoist.

Rao is so, Fang Dou himself is the tightest standing beside Guanglin daoist.

Guanglin daoist is explaining the profound mystery of the 'Mountains and Rivers' with Fang Dou.

This scene made many teachers jealous.

Many people think that the daoist of Guanglin respects this man and wants to support him as the heir of the sect.

If Fang Dou knew what they were thinking, he would laugh out loud. Majiao is a wooden boat that is doomed to sink, and he has no intention of getting on the boat.

This time, Fang Dou even changed his face to prevent others from seeing his true appearance.

Once the Taoists know that Fang Dou is related to Ma sect, there will be countless troubles in the future.


"The great formation of mountains and rivers inside and outside is a lost ancient formation that I have collected!"

"This The great array of doors, with hidden feng shui secrets, is based on the imposing manner of Heaven and Earth mountains and rivers, and requires the approval of the orthodox Imperial Court's luck in order to arrange a great array!"

"As long as this array moves, Power Under the oppression of Heaven and Earth, let alone a Taoist school, even if the three schools rise up, they are not my opponents!"

"When the established Sect Ceremony is completed, my Majiao will be justified and become the fourth school in the world."

Guanglin daoist Speaking of this, let alone the teachers who revere him, even the daoists who were recruited from the side door showed expectant eyes.

After all, there are a lot of resources in the world, and Taoist Shimen monopolizes a lot of them, and only the leftovers are left in their hands.

Only by letting Majiao establish a way and become a strength to compete with the other side, can they be qualified to divide up resources.

Otherwise, even if one becomes a daoist, in the eyes of Taoists, it is still a 'loose cultivator'.

The word loose cultivator is derogatory in Taoist mouths.

Fang Dou thought about it and mentioned, "Although this formation is mysterious, if Taoists can see the details, they can also use Formation to decipher it, what should I do?"

Guanglin daoist smiled. , "It can't be broken!"

"The mountains and rivers inside and outside are driven by the general trend. The general trend of mountains and rivers can actually be reversed by human power!"

"There are some careful thoughts in Taoism, the deity is taking in the The entire scene, as long as they dare to move, they will be self-defeating!"

Fang Doup nods, seeing how confident Guanglin daoist is, he is relieved.

However, the conjecture about spies still has to be mentioned.

With several daoists around now, Fang Dou hesitated again and again, feeling that it was not a good time to mention it.

Guanglin daoist seemed to see something and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Fang Dou nodded, and before he could speak, he heard Guanglin daoist say, "Let me Guess what..."

The next sentence, not only Fang Dou, but also everyone else present seemed to hear a thunderbolt from the blue.

"Do you mean to say that there are Taoist spies in my Ma sect."

As soon as this remark came out, many teachers were indignant and began to look towards their companions, "Who is it? , who is the spy?"

Several daoists also showed a surprised look, but did not question their companions.

Fang Dou was surprised, replied, "senior, you already know."

Guanglin daoist nod, "I already knew it, but it has always been triggered, there are always some seems right but actually isn't 't's news depends on them to pass it on."

"For example, the cracking method of the mountains and rivers inside and outside!"

Having said that, Guanglin daoist looked towards one of the crowd. Member, "Fellow Daoist, don't you think?"

The side door daoist who was named was surprised, embarrassed, said with a smile, "Sect Lord is serious, I don't know!"

Guanglin daoist pointed to the outside of the city, "Liuhe commanded Heaven and Earth to overturn the great formation, but it is very thoughtful, it is used to restrain me."

He smiled, "But, Do you really think that the mountains and rivers inside and outside are so easy on the surface?"

"Enough!" Lin, I waited for you to join me because I admired your ambition and courage, and decided to fight against Taoism."

"If you are suspicious and suspect that I have secretly communicated with Taoism, then it's fine. It's nothing more than staying if you agree, or go if you don't!"

"Fellow Daoists, don't speculate, and leave!"

The daoist really wanted to turn around and leave, but suddenly his body weighed heavily. Array force is applied to him, making him unable to move a single step.

He was surprised and frightened at this mutation.

"Guanglin daoist, are you trying to kill me?"

Turning the daoist and looking all around, "Fellow fellows, before the great cause of Guanglin daoist was accomplished, he began to kill dissidents. , what do you think?"

The surrounding daoists all looked indifferent, watching both of them stay still, apparently waiting for the final truth to be revealed.

Guanglin daoist nods, "It seems that the daoist is determined."

It's just that you think your methods are powerful and can erase the traces."

Guanglin daoist swiped his hand, and the palm of his hand was shiny, "Look at my evil mirror!"

"Under the illumination of this magic weapon, the evil deeds you have created will no longer be traced. !"

tone barely fell, and on the mirror, there appeared the scene of Mo Zhuan daoist leaving the capital alone to go out.

I saw him deliberately avoiding the crowd and sneaking out of the capital...


The daoist shouted, indicating that the other party did not need to stop Got it, "You really guarded me!"

Guanglin daoist indifferently said, "If it weren't for the deity, I heard that you had a relationship with the Taoist Shen Jian daoist when you were young, but you didn't say it. , and won't doubt you."

The surrounding daoist was startled, moved his footsteps, and stood in a circle around the Guanglin daoist, obviously guarding him.

"Hehe, Guanglin daoist, you really have a heavy heart. You already knew that I was a Taoist, and now you have only revealed it!" Firmly bound, surrounded by many daoists, it can be said that it is impossible to escape.

But he was not nervous and talked eloquently, "Fellow Daoists, I advise you to follow the dead end of the mama education and make plans to survive as soon as possible!"

"Mr. Zhuan, you are willing to be lowly, don't bewitch other Fellow Daoists!"

Mo Zhuan daoist said with a smile, "Guanglin, guess what, except for me, Taoism is in Majiao. , are there any other spies!"

As soon as these words came out, the other daoists couldn't help but yell.

"Mo Zhuan, do you want to pull us into the water?"

"Your intentions are too sinister, you deserve to be killed!"

The great formation under your feet, The control is in the hands of the Guanglin daoist. Once the power of the big formation is mobilized, it can be said that he will kill whoever he wants. The grinding daoist is an example.

Guanglin daoist waved his hand, "You don't have to provoke relations, the Ma religion is expanding rapidly, and it must be mixed with sand by Taoism. The deity is already prepared."

"On the daoist level, only You are alone!"

"As for the spies below, even if they have different intentions, they are not very harmful, and the deity is too lazy to clean it up!"

Guanglin daoist spread his palm and aimed at Mo Zhuan daoist, looked back at Fang Dou, "Okay!"

Next moment, the general trend of the mountains and rivers separated a little, and fell on Mo Zhuan daoist.

Grinding and turning the daoist, the head and feet are rotated in different directions, forcibly twisted into a bloody twist, twisting the blood from the whole body clean.

(end of this chapter)

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