Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 656


Chapter 656 Wang Jian Wang

"Fuji daoist is angry!"

Yuan Tianhe Huode , Seeing Fu Ji daoist take action, he was also a little frightened.

After all, the three of them came together, and only Kong Xuanzi lost his life.

If the Fu Ji daoist were to investigate, the two of them would not be able to escape the relationship.

Let's meet at this moment, if Fu Ji daoist gets angry and kills them, there is no reason to go underground in Yellow Springs.

It's better not to go ahead and wait for the situation in the future, let your own daoist come forward and make a round on your behalf.

The Sects of the Dao Sect in the north and south, seeing the daoist come forward, know that the situation has changed again.

Therefore, the cultivators of each family were all silent, watching the situation.

Of the five great formations surrounding the capital, three have been destroyed at this moment, and only two are left standing alone.

With daoist coming forward, no one doubts at this moment whether he can complete the mission of breaking through the customs!

Dan dao fusion soldiers, staring at the large formation that turned into ruins, the corpses of the members of the hemp sect, without the slightest scar on the surface, were all taken out of the soul and died.

I heard that Mount Huang's Dao Meridian comes from the vacuum Dao Sect, and I don't know if this move can be learned!

"Dan Rong Fellow Daoist, stand back and hide deeper!"

At this time, someone came forward to remind Dan Rong.

"This time, the Daoist of Mount Huang was in the front, and Kong Xuanzi entered the battle with his back foot, and just lost his life."

"Be careful of the daoist's anger!"

Dan Rong suddenly realized and thanked him, "many thanks Fellow Daoist!"

So, Dan dao fusion led the Direct Disciple, put down the flag in his hand, and stepped back a few steps, the other southern Dao Sect Sect surrounded.

In this way, the traces of Mount Huang's Dao Vessels can no longer be seen.

Suddenly, the voice of the daoist came from the remaining two great formations.

"Fu Ji, you wait for a Taoist daoist, and your qi is so small!"

"You broke for a while just now, and there are still two more rounds, so come and break too! ”

The big hand suspended in the air, shaken a few times, scattered into the sky.

These light spots converge to form a human silhouette.

The silhouette that came out of the broken light was so clear that it was so stabbed that people couldn't look directly.

Everyone who sees him has no doubts that this is the vacuum Dao Sect Fu Ji daoist.

Fuji daoist flew away and stopped in the middle of the two remaining large formations.


The two daoist coldly snorted daoists who came from the side door have always been regarded as heretics by Taoists.

To be honest, as long as Daoists give some good looks, these daoists will not take refuge in Ma sect and become enemies of Taoism.

Fuji daoist came forward, and the domineering style of behavior made the two daoists look down.

Although Guanglin daoist ordered the two of them to temporarily avoid the edge, they stayed and decided to have a showdown with Fuji daoist.

“Trifling small formation, what difficulty is there?”

Fu Ji daoist spread out his hands, and a whirlwind blew from his palms, forming a spherical ball in a moment.

The two spheres, crystal clear and near-transparent, were sucked into a vacuum state inside, and swelled outward one inch by one.

The daoists of the two big formations started to run the big formations with all their strength. The members of the hemp sect had seen the tragic death of their companions. If the rabbit dies, under the fox grieves, they all tried their best.

shuaa~ it's up!

Two great formations, the inside and outside congealed into one, the power of Astral Fiend's combined attack exploded hundreds of times in a blink of an eye.

Although the Majiao side is afraid of the power of Fu Ji daoist, it still has the confidence to win.

In the first place, Majiao had two enemies and one, and the number of people had an advantage.

Secondly, the Fu Ji daoist was outside the great formation and could not be attacked from the inside.

Three years ago, Majiao is the underdog who will win and dominate.

To sum up, Majiao still has a great advantage.

The members of the North and South Dao Sect were shocked to see that this battle was much more powerful than the previous one.

Fuji daoist has two round balls in the palm of his hand, interlaced with light and shadow, turning into countless beasts and birds.

Vacuum Taoism, with illusion cultivation, is good at Illusion Technique in the first place, and in the world of Daoist Realm, it already has the point of being fake and real.

Those beasts and birds transformed by light and shadow really picked up from the air and roared at the two large formations.

However, these are small things that are incidental.

The real power is the two round balls that Fu Ji daoist called.

These two balls are called 'Destruction of True Jade', which are a bit more powerful than the previous 'Vacuum Capture Great Capture'.

It can be seen from this that Fu Ji daoist is going all out, and it is not far from the muddy water, and it is bound to break the formation with one blow.

The two daoists sitting in the Great Formation are not ordinary mediocrities. Seeing how powerful the two groups are, they also mobilized the Force of Great Formation to defeat each other.


Fu Ji daoist has been brewing for a long time, and seeing the initial achievement of Shattering True Jade, he slowly withdraws his palms.

The beasts on the ground and the birds in the sky all raised their heads, neighed and roared in unison, and Heaven and Earth were all startled for a while.

The two shattering real jades flew like meteors, and flew away halfway, each moved towards a large formation and rushed.

The two magnificent formations suddenly changed, and they swallowed the Destruction True Jade out of thin air.

The plan of Majiao to take the daoist's office is to rely on the power inside the great formation to destroy the real jade of destruction.


Fuji daoist withdrew his hand, stroked his beard, "bring about one's own destruction!"

Two great formations, as if inhaling The coin's engine first surged violently, with the sound of metal collision of ding ding dong dong, and then the shaking of The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

Under such severe influence, the earth began to tear, and bottomless ravines spread all directions.

The slap, the corner of the Beijing city wall not far away, could not bear it, and cracked.


The two large formations collapsed at a speed visible to naked eyes, and screams came out.

In the past, the Daoist descendants had to consume countless lives, and then personally broke into the daoist and used the effect of the breaking order to break the great formation.

However, Fu Ji daoist started and threw two balls into it, neatly.

"It's not good!"

Fang Dou stared for a long time. The previous two great formations were broken, and the daoist could withdraw in time, turning into red light and leaving.

But at the moment, the two daoists who are in charge of the Majiao daoist have no chance to escape.


The two great formations slammed apart, revealing a tragic scene of wreckage everywhere.

In the great formation, all the high platforms collapsed, leaving only the high platform where the daoist sat.

The two daoists were surrounded by a circling arc-shaped transparent airflow, and upon closer inspection, they were actually wrapped in shattered real jade.

A closer look shows that the two daoists are in a bad situation. Not only are the big formations broken, but they are also entangled, unable to escape.

Fu Ji daoist smiled, "I lost my discipline, how can I do it without two daoists buried with me?"

After that, he raised his palm and wrapped the destruction of the two daoists daoist, it is about to kill the killer.

At this moment, two palms stick out from the air and press on Fu Ji daoist's left and right hands to stop his movements.

Fu Ji daoist eyelids twitched, asked, "Guanglin daoist?"

"Not bad!"

The person who answered was in the capital formation The Guanglin daoist.

"Fellow Daoist, who wants to hurt me, you are not qualified!"

The tone barely fell, and the shattered real jade that trapped the two of them burst open together.

The two daoists stood up, sat down on the high platform and collapsed, "Guanglin daoist!"

"Don't say more, go back to the city now!"

next At the moment, the two turned into Changhong and fell into the capital.

(end of this chapter)

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