Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 651


Chapter 651 It's my turn

On the southern Dao Sect side, if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves emerge sad.

As a human being, what he says is good, he does what he wants;

However, this person is the well-deserved leader of this generation in Dao Sect in the south.

It can be said that Mingxi's death not only damaged the General, but also the Dao Sect of the South, and also greatly damaged the morale.

Ming Gao was saddened by the tragic death of Junior Brother, and even thought that from now on, the future of hanging the seal concept is bleak, and there is no possibility of holding on to the bullshit.

Any Sect has the main War General, which determines the height of the Sect.

Although there are many excellent Disciples of the phoenix generation, no one has hope to inherit the height of Mingyi.

In fact, the strength of Sect depends entirely on the comprehensive strength of Sect when daoist does not appear.

As far as the resources are concerned, Hangyinguan is not much worse if it is issued through talisman money, but in terms of high-end battle strength, we can only rely on Mingyi.

Once Ming went away, everyone else was a little bit less interested, including Ming Gao, it was difficult to support the current scale of Hangyin Guan.

Therefore, Minggao fainted from the heartache.

Other Dao Sect personnel in the south all looked towards Huo De.

Anyone with discernment can see that Ming Xin's desperate blow has shaken the foundation of the formation.

This great formation reveals the outline of a broken half, and criss-crossed cracks appear, like branches growing along the edges, constantly expanding and extending.

Just when everyone guessed which Sect to be named next, Huo De's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Next, Dao Sect, Huode!"

Everyone was in an uproar, no one didn't expect, Huode named his name.

Fang Dou's face was ashen, and he was about to break the line, so he took the initiative to step forward. Isn't this picking peaches?

Ming Yu had just sacrificed, and his Fire Virtue took advantage of the situation to fight for the credit for breaking the formation.

There are Taoist cultivators one after another, and I want to understand this section, but my face is not good.

Huo De held the order to break the formation, and swept across the big formation, the speed was getting faster and faster, turning into a fire.

This is 'fire escape', which is one of the escape methods of Dao Sect of the Five Virtues.

In the damaged formation, the members of the Majiao were severely injured.

From this point of view, it is clear that Majiao can no longer hold on.

Previously, no matter how many Sects were entered, the rift was always open, allowing the outside world to see the internal engagement.

The fact that the big formation is being actively closed at the moment shows the depth of the damage that Mingyi has caused.

However, Huo De finally got it, so how could he not take the opportunity to seize this opportunity?

The next moment, the flame of the fire, suddenly turned from orange-yellow to pale blue.

This is a sign of 'brought to the point of perfection', which means that the speed of the fire escape has increased by more than ten times.

As expected, Huo De suddenly turned into a phantom and plunged into the great formation before the crack closed.

The big array is closed, and the outside world can no longer see the internal scene.

However, Fang Dou had a hunch that this time he would break through.

The broken formation began to shake violently, as if a giant embraced the mountain, which had shaken its foundation.

Crash-bang it!

The sound of heaven falls and earth rends rose from the inside of the great formation, with exclamations and screams.

After half a moment, a ray of light flew up, floated from the great formation, and fell obliquely into the capital.

Fang Dou could see clearly that this was the daoist who was sitting in the big formation, and he even got out, showing that this formation had been broken.

This great formation, the sign of collapse, came very suddenly.

It's like being covered with a huge plastic sheet, making it difficult for everyone's eyes to penetrate and unable to see the internal scene.

However, all of a sudden the plastic sheet was torn up and all split up and in pieces, all of which were exposed at once.

Huo De volleyed his feet into the air, stepping on two pairs of flaming discs under his feet, his beard and hair were all on fire, and he seemed to be using a brilliant secret technique.

At his feet, the members of the Majiao sect were lying on the ground, their bodies lying on top of each other.

Broken flagpoles and rags are everywhere.

Even, when the Taoists approached, they could see the surrounding high platform collapsed, and the gravel and dust were mixed in one place.

"Fortunately not to be humiliated, to break this great formation!"

Huode looked arrogant, his eyes swept over the heads of the Taoists.

However, many Sects in the southern Dao Sect, silently, entered the large formation, looking at the blood-stained loess, at a loss.

They wanted to hide the corpses of the fallen comrades, but the big array's ultimate move is so powerful that once the body dies, the skeleton doesn't exist, and not a single corpse remains.

With the help of several Disciples, Ming Gao stumbled into the formation, his eyes were blank, and he could not find any trace of Ming Xin.

At this time, the smoke and dust in the air dissipated, and a piece of remnant feathers swirled and fell, which seemed to be the remains of a feather beater.

Ming Gao took Can Yu and remained silent. There are so many Disciple disciples, this is the only one left.

Although the sad imposing manner could not be concealed, this formation was the first to be broken among the five formations, and had far-reaching effects.

Huo De looked arrogant, but there was a smug look in his eyes.

"Senior Brother Yuan, Kong Senior Brother Xuan, it's up to you!"

On Kong Xuanzi's side, seeing Huo De taking the lead, he nods slightly, and reaches out his hand .

The direction of the fingertips is the 'Mount Huang Dao Mai' banner where Fang Dou is located.

"Next time, Mount Huang Dao Mai!"

The southern dao sect sects on this road are all in an uproar, and the food is too ugly.

Now they all see that those who enter the battle ahead of time are responsible for filling in the lives of people.

Huo De and Kong Xuanzi leading the Dao Sect in the south are really sinister, otherwise, why not let them be responsible for leading the Taoism of each family.

There are five Virtue Sects, but there are Raging Flame Sect, Gold Profound Sect, Shuiling Dao Vessel and other branches, and the Vacuum Dao Sect also has the same number of branches.

However, the ones they also used to send death were all southern branches such as Hangyin Guan and Mount Huang Dao Mai.

In this battle, in addition to making contributions and making a name for themselves, they also want to weaken the strength of Dao Sect in the south.

However, Fang Dou was in the game and couldn't resist.

Previously, Yuan Tianhe, Huo De and Kong Xuanzi ordered that, regardless of the north or the south, the Sects that were targeted, knew that they would die, but they also moved forward.

Because this is what the righteous thinks, Taoism wants to destroy the Ma sect. As a member of Taoism, there is no reason to refuse. Otherwise, you will ignore the overall situation and deserve to be killed!

The first is the hanging seal concept, and now it is the Mount Huang Taoism.

Even if Fang Dou saw the fate of Ming Yu with his own eyes, he could only obey his life.

“Martial Uncle, should I lead the team forward?”

hundred zhang asked for instructions in a low voice.

"No need, let's go in together, Martial Uncle, I'll take you all, all have to go back!"

Fang Dou sneered in his heart, he wanted to smack me, but be careful when I turned him back. .

Dan Dao fusion scholar, not Kuaiji Mingyu, the body is lurking in the sect.

It is not a trivial matter for the two parties to conspire to kill you, Kong Xuanzi.

Under the eyes of the public, a dozen Disciples from Mount Huang's Taoism followed behind Fang Dou and entered the great formation.

In the crowd of Dao Sect in the south, there was a sound of conversation.

"Unfortunately, Mount Huang's Taoism is still shallow, and it is completely supported by Dan Rong alone."

"After he goes, the decline of Mount Huang's Taoism is more likely than The concept of hanging seals comes faster!"

"It's a pity!"

(end of this chapter)

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