Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 650


Chapter 650 At the same time

In the great formation, only Hongluan was left.

"Is there anyone else?"

The voice of Ma Jiao sounded, but no one responded.

The Taoists outside the formation are still in shock.

Sifang Dao Sect was so powerful that they were all wiped out by the big formation.

So someone looked towards Yuan Tianhe, waiting for his attention.

didn't expect , Yuan Tianhe stretched out his hand and lit five different flags.

"You go to break the formation!"

The five Dao meridians named, silently, walked in front of Yuan Tianhe, bowed their hands and walked towards the inside of the formation.

Fang Dou heard the sound of inhalation beside him.

Everyone understands that Yuan Tianhe's move is to use human lives to decipher the Formation.

As the saying goes, if the Formation cannot withstand the attack, it will collapse and destroy.

Don't look at the great formation of Majiao, it always consumes mana when it runs.

As long as it is continuously consumed, there will always be a moment when the potential of the big formation will be exhausted, and then it will be the moment to break the formation.

This is the crudest and most effective method.

The five Sects entered the great formation, persisted for three quarters, and finally collapsed.

But the situation is different, this time four or five people survived.

Seeing this, Yuan Tianhe ordered a few more sectors to enter.

"Dan Rong Fellow Daoist, do you see the tokens they are wearing?"

Ming Gao's voice suddenly sounded in Fang Dou's ear.

This is a privately agreed communication method between the two parties, and outsiders absolutely cannot overhear.

"What is that?"

Fang Dou's eyes swept over Yuan Tianhe, Huo De and Kong Xuanzi respectively.

These three Taoist heirs all wear a diamond-shaped token on their waists, with the same shape.

"This is..."

"The order to break the formation made by daoist!"

Minggao explained, "First fill the formation with human life, consume Majiao's strength, finally dispatched the order to break the formation, and broke the formation in one fell swoop!"

"Until the fire is not enough, the order to break the formation is difficult to make merit!"

Fang Dou finally understood, but listened again. When he arrived, "Be careful, you and I will be on the field soon!"

As expected, Huo De and Kong Xuanzi started to call and break the formation.

Mount Huang Dao Mai and Hang Yin Guan did not make the first wave, but the other Sects of Dao Sect in the south began to enter the battle one after another, and casualties were inevitable.

At first, when I saw the familiar Sect Fellow Daoist, I entered the big formation for a moment, my flesh and bones melted, mixed into the soil, and there was some faint grief.

But in the end, people are numb.

Fang Dou also noticed that the entire army was wiped out at first, but as the killings increased, the large formation seemed to be unable to continue, and more and more a fish that escaped the net.

Taoists don't have to loose cultivator, they each have their own wonderful secret techniques. Although their own casualties are heavy, it is inevitable that they will cause harm to the great formation.

After all, the foundation of the Great Array, in addition to the members of the Majiao religion, also has the high platform flag.

The secret techniques of Taoism, there are also silent and invisible ones, even if my body dies, have also caused damage to the Ma sect.

At the end of the fight, the flag tower was also damaged, and the great formation was weakened.

However, the chance to break the formation has not yet come.

Many Taoist Sects entered the battle one after another, and the damage was not small.

"The Kuaiji Hanging Seal Temple, enter the battle!"

Fang Dou was shivered in his heart, and when he heard Huode, there was some fame.

next moment, from the crowd, hold the flag high and turn into a long dragon, winding and swimming to the front.

On the flag, it looks like the word 'hanging the seal'.

It was Ming Yi who led the team, but Ming Gao didn't appear.

Fang Dou got it, the senior and junior brothers have negotiated, and let Mingyu go to die.

"It's a pity!"

But after thinking about it, with Ming Xin's strength, breaking into the current great formation may not necessarily lead to death.

Fang Dou sighed a few times. Once upon a time, when he was on the edge of Taihu Lake, when he saw Ming Yu's stunning appearance, he was both envious and fearful.

Knowing that today, Fang Dou is already standing at the same height, he still admires Ming Xin.

The whole concept of hanging seals, Mingyi is the strongest existence, blocking a lot of wind and rain for Minggao.

Now, Ming Yu is going to charge again.

"I hope to return safely!"

From a distance, Ming Xin led a group of Disciples with the character 'phoenix' and rushed into the great formation.

In this great formation, there are more than a dozen cultivators that remained from before, all of which were the remnants of the previous Sects.

"Mingyi Fellow Daoist!"

Seeing Mingyi's appearance, many people showed hopeful eyes.

They all know that Mingyu's strength is in the Dao Sect in the south, and it belongs to Peak's existence.

If you stretched out a slap and counted the powerhouses in the Dao Sect in the south, the other three would not be able to tell.

The other one is Dan Rong of Mount Huang Dao Mai.

Many people think that Mingxi is not far away from breaking the battle,

Although there are five big battles, all of them have daoists in charge, but they can only be in charge and cannot intervene.

Taoists also have daoists. Once these daoists intervene, they will inevitably lead to the end of the Taoist daoists in person, triggering a decisive battle in advance.

Ming Ning turned around, looked at the Huode entire group next to the big formation, and made the word 'leave'.

Then, he turned to look at the big formation, "Let's go!"

The flags flew in front of him, and the Heavenly Star and Earthly Fiend rose and closed together.

The black wind rises, wrapping the entire group of hanging printing light.

Ming Yi raised his feather racket, and a five-colored ring rose from the top of his head, covering the Disciples around him.

The black wind collided with the five-colored ring, but it couldn't get close, and it weakened in circles.


On the high platform, the daoist who was sitting in this formation couldn’t help but open his eyes.

Mingyu's performance caught his attention.

"This person is Ming Yi from the Hanging Seal Temple in Kuaiji Mountain. If his name is not in vain, it's a pity he will die here!"

After all, daoist said, Close your eyes and meditate.

It was said that he was sitting in the town, but he really came to sit in the town. Even if the members of the Majiao sect in the formation died, he could get out and walk away. There was still a large formation in the city waiting for him to pass.

During the injection, on the high platforms, the python-like astral qi flow rolled and roared, and the sky continued to sound thunder.

The flag tossed, black clouds rose up, and the earth shattered into black ice, so thick that it couldn't be melted.

Astral Fiend blends together, bursting out endless formidable power.

one after another thunder fell straight down, frying the ring back and forth.

Looking at the Disciples with the seals, blood left in both ears and bloodshot in the pupils, they were already supported to the limit. In their hands, the power of the Five Elements spell was oppressed to the extreme, leaving only a small slap the size of a palm. flame.

The ice attacked along the ground, freezing everyone's feet on the ground, and there was no possibility of escape.

Ming Yu tried his best to run the cultivation technique, the ring shattered violently, and the feather flap in his hand bloomed instantly, turning into a peacock-like tail feather.

The five-color streamer swirled in his palm and threw it towards the top of his head.

Next moment, the thunderbolt fell, submerging Mingyi with all the Disciples, and the skeleton doesn't exist.

Outside the battle, Ming Gao loudly shouted and fainted.

Fang Dou looked at the five-color streamer, his eyes surprised, "Five Elements Fusion, this is the Supreme Realm world of the great Five Elements!"

The five-color streamer did not enter the array, the whole seat The earth shook and the mountain quivered. In the transparent air, there was a sound of crack spreading.

Huo De suddenly opened his eyes, laughed heartily, "The formation is broken right now!"

The token around his waist suddenly flashed rays of light.

(end of this chapter)

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