Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 652


Chapter 652 Acting

The scene of Huo De breaking through the formation is difficult for the outside world to see.

However, the Majiao side communicated with each other through the big formation, and clearly saw the whole process.

The body of Fang Dou accompanied Guanglin daoist to witness this scene with his own eyes.

When Huo De broke into the broken formation, the Majiao had suffered heavy casualties, and many members were injured.

Ming Yi burned his life and used the 'Big Five Elements Streamer', which severely damaged the foundation of the Great Array.

Even, even the daoist who was sitting in the big formation had his fingers burned.

Huo De held the order to break the formation, broke into the big formation, and threw this magic weapon.

In an instant, the formation burst into thousands of rays of light.

rays of light are like flowing water, with no opportunity, pouring down to every corner of the big array.

These rays of light seem to be as tenacious as life, unable to stop the earth and the sky.

The Majiao members in the formation had suffered a lot of casualties because of this wave of attacks.

Even at the peak period, spare no effort is required to block the invasion of the breaking order.

As a result, the entire formation began to disintegrate. Under the invasion of rays of light, the flags were tattered and the towers collapsed.

The daoist who was sitting in the town couldn't do anything, and turned into a first-class of light and left.

The remaining Majiao members were trapped in the rays of light, screaming and struggling, but could not escape.

Huode took the opportunity to cast spell, and beat and killed the members of the Mah Sect, killing them one by one.

In the underground formation of the capital, Guanglin daoist and many daoists were all silent.

So shameless!

This order to break the formation is clearly made by the daoist and poured into the power, so it is easy to break the formation.

Such a move is no different from ending the game in person, and it is necessary to keep secrets in order to support the younger generation!

In addition, in order to make the breaking order play the most powerful, it is necessary to drive the loose cultivator and many Taoist Sects to die.

"Fang Dou, look, this is Taoist expert."

"All living beings are ants, as long as they are not Taoists themselves, they are all ants; even if they are in Taoism, Not a high-level confidant, but also an ant!"

Guanglin daoist, did not forget to give Fang Dou eye drops.

Fang Dou silently nodded, and suddenly saw that one of the remaining four great formations collapsed.

It turned out that it was Yuan Tianhe's subordinates who attacked one after another one after another, and finally made the big formation show fatigue.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yuan Tianhe took the order to break the formation and walked inside the big formation.

The effect of the breaking order is really powerful.

Another great formation collapsed, and the daoist pulled away in time, foul-mouthed back.

"Guang Lin, those Taoist daoists are too shameless, so it's better to end the game in person!"

Guang Lin daoist said with a slight smile, "don't be impatient! ”

Fang Dou noticed, however, that in this great formation, there were still many Taoists who had previously entered the formation, and among them was an acquaintance Hongluan.

Two successive great formations were broken, and there was a commotion on the Majiao side.

When Dan Dao fusion entered the battle, he represented Taoism and officially launched an attack on the third big formation.

Fang Dou saw this and knew that the opportunity was coming.

"Guang Senior Lin, I have a good idea!"

Guang Lin daoist said, "Come on!"

Fang Dou pointed to the big formation In the middle, all around flags fluttering, black smoke billows, and the python on the high platform is seen in the sky, it is the astral qi flow raging.

Seeing that, the members of the Majiao, as usual, launched a thunderous attack.

"No surprise, these people are just pioneers."

"The Daoist descendants behind them are waiting for the opportunity to display the order to break the formation!"

"The previous two Formations were just broken down!"

"Well, I have a plan. Although breaking the formation is inevitable, it can kill a Taoist descendant!"

Guanglin daoist was moved, "What's your idea?"

A daoist next to him questioned, "Don't you know that Daoist descendants are blessed by Daoists?"

Just now, Yuan Tianhe and Huo De made their shots one after another, and the breaking of the formation was unstoppable, and even the daoist in charge had to avoid their edge.

In exchange for the Guanglin daoist shot, it is possible to suppress the opponent.

But the Taoist daoist body does not appear, and the Majiao daoist is not suitable for shooting.

Fang Dou affirmed again and again, "I can!"

Guanglin daoist clapped his palms, "Okay, you can take the flag and take over the Drink Daoist Hai!"

As soon as these words came out, there were three or four daoists admonishing them, "Sect Lord think twice!"

Even the big formation where the daoist was sitting was broken by the order to break the formation. Fang Dou, this junior, is not broken faster.

Fang Dou smiled without saying a word. With his teamwork with Dan Dao fusion warriors, breaking the formation was inevitable, but Yin Dead Kong Xuanzi was still possible.

The status of Daoist descendants is unusual, even these daoists are endlessly afraid.

If you can kill one, even if all five great formations are broken, it is worth it.

Guanglin daoist said calmly, "What's the difference between breaking the formation sooner or later? If you can kill a successor and make Taoists suffer, you can't force the other daoist to appear!"

The Taoist daoist, who is used to manipulating the situation, hides in the general trend of the world, and decides the direction silently, which is the most terrifying.

The Guanglin daoist is also endlessly afraid. It would be great if he could destroy the descendants of the Slaughter Dao family, forcing the Taoist daoist to be so angry that he ended early.

"Fang Dou, don't worry, if there is an emergency, get out as soon as possible!"

This sentence shows the importance of Guanglin daoist.

It should be noted that in the five great formations, many of the people who set up the formations are all the teachers who he has painstakingly cultivated.

Only daoist can use the large array to communicate and get away.

Right now, Fang Dou is holding a small flag, which is equivalent to the imperial envoy of the Guanglin daoist, and he also has the ability to withdraw before breaking through. What a privilege!

"Senior, rest assured, you will definitely live up to your mission!"

Fang Dou, holding a small flag, dodged into the big formation.

On the high platform, the Yinhai daoist had already got the news, and when Fang Dou appeared, he nodded to him, "I'll give it to you!"

tone barely fell, and the Yinhai daoist turned into a The red light disappeared into the sky.

Fang Dou stood up with a small flag, his ears rumbling, and endless information about Formation poured into his mind.

The authority of the high platform alternates, and the ultimate move of the big formation has not been activated for the time being.

"It's amazing!"

In the big formation, behind Dan Dao fusion soldiers, a group of Disciples originally trembling with fear, but after a long time, the ultimate move has not yet arrived.

hundred zhang was astonished, "Martial Uncle, is there something wrong with this array?"

Dao fusion is Fang Dou Avatar, so he naturally knows what the main body is doing. Mysterious smiles, "Watch quietly, don't talk too much!"

In the great formation, many teachers and envoys were surprised to see Fang Dou taking over the authority.

If Fang Dou came to give orders last time to release the remaining loose cultivators, it was the end of the war and everyone could accept it.

The battle is fierce right now, and two large formations have already been broken. Daoist really needs to be in charge to promote the top battle strength of the big formations.

However, the sudden change to Fang Dou added more fire to the already crisis situation.

The members of the hemp sect did not dare to slander the Sect Lord, so they naturally focused their grievances on Fang Dou.

For a while, resentment arose.

Outside, Kong Xuanzi's expression changed, "What's the matter, why hasn't the mahjong formation started?"

This is not normal. If you don't start it for a while, can the pathfinder stone of Dan Dao fusion be able to go on safely?

"Dan Rong, quickly attack and break the formation!"

Kong Xuanzi couldn't sit still and began to give orders loudly.

(end of this chapter)

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