Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 649


Chapter 649 Named into the battle

"Yi! ”

The members of the Majiao who made the move, didn't There is also an anomaly called Hongluan.

Dozens of people from Dao Lezong were killed in one wave, but she was the only one who survived.

The red luan has two wings on its back, and its speed is fast as lightning.

Yuan Tianhe's eyes lit up, and he clapped his hands lightly, "Interesting!"

Hongluan's survival trick is actually the way of the stars, but a 'Life Source Star' the spell.

The strength of this spell is unbearable aptitude, only depends on fate.

If there is someone with a detached destiny, they should meet the destiny and correspond to a certain star, and they will be able to condense the Life Source Star, and at the critical moment, they will use their strength to explode their strength far beyond their own.

Yuan Tianhe was selected as the contemporary successor because his Life Source Star is one of the Big Dippers.

didn't expect , the little girl of the Le Sect in front of her has a deep hidden 'Red Luan Star' fate.

This is a great candidate for Dao Companion.

"What a pity!"

Yuan Tianhe immediately shook his head. If he had just found out, he could still take out the red luan. Now that the people have entered the battle, they will not come back.

Fang Dou also didn't expect that Hongluan could break out this move at a critical juncture.

It is not uncommon to listen to the conversations of the cultivators around you. The key lies in the fate of the cultivators.

The fate of Hongluan is of the highest grade.

"What a pity!"

Listening to the conversation, Fang Dou moved in his heart, thinking that he should not speak on his own, let the team slow down the offensive and give Hong Luan a chance to breathe .

Without waiting for Fang Dou to speak, in the great formation, the offensive was launched again.

Two flags were raised again, waving alternately, first black smoke billowing, then lava-like torrents of flames spewed out.

This time it was the earth fire, rolling in, burning the air with thick smoke, with a suffocating poison mist.

Hongluan flapped its wings desperately to dodge the attack of the earth fire, but the situation was clearly stretched.

"Despicable villains!"

The Taoists outside saw that this wave of attacks seemed to be larger than the previous ones, but the attack was a bit weaker.

That is to say, the other party's move is not to kill, but to cut the flesh with a blunt knife, and step by step, Hongluan will be cornered.

This is a deliberate attempt to stimulate Taoism!

Yuan Tianhe thought for a moment, opened his eyes, and pointed to the three flag groups.

"Dongxuan, Beihe, Xisheng!"

The three Sect members walked out of the crowd, and the leader bowed their hands to Yuan Tianhe, then turned around and broke in. in the array.

Of the five great formations, only this one was open, and the remaining four were silent.

All the eyes of Taoism are gathered on this one and only great formation, waiting for the follow-up development.

The three branches of the Dao Sect, Dongxuan, Beihe and Xisheng, are the branches of the Sifang Dao Sect. At this moment, they belong to Yuan Tianhe, and there is no complaint.

The three of them have an advantage when they join forces. The four Dao Sects cast spells into formations without any special arrangement.

The three branches of the Dao Meridian entered the great formation, and the situation changed again.

The earth fire dissipated instantly, Hongluan was exhausted, its wings dissipated, and it fell from the air.

"Junior Sister of Dao Lezong, we are here, you go out first!"

A certain Disciple of Dongxuan Dao Mai said loudly to Hong Luan.

Hongluan showed grateful eyes and was about to take a step forward, but just after a few steps, she realized that something was wrong.

This seemingly open formation has left a gap that can only be entered but not exited.

The laughter of the Majiao members sounded, "Innocent, do you think this great formation will come and go if you want?"

"Enter vertically and go out horizontally. , there is only this way!"

Hearing these wild words, the members of the three branches became indignant, and only the elders who took the lead remained calm.

"Let you see, I am Dongxuan..."

"I am Xisheng..."

"I am Beihe..."

"The Dao technique is amazing!"

The Disciples of the three Dao veins moved towards the 'East, West, North' and other directions respectively, and began to cast spells while standing, forming a triangular formation vaguely.

"All directions, I'm in the center!"

The three branches of the Dongxuan, Xisheng and North branches, although missing the 'south', are still arranged in four directions formation.

Suddenly, the beam of light rose and began to split Shadow Transformation.

Quad becomes octagonal, then sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four.

In the blink of an eye, there were more than 200 people in the three branches of the Dao, and the ground standing under their feet suddenly expanded to more than a thousand times.

The opposite effect of 'Shrinking the Earth into an Inch' is produced by their spellcasting.

In the past, the large formation that was filled with thousands of people was now filled with more than 200 people, and it became even more crowded.

"Good strategy!"

The Dao Sect people outside also saw that the purpose of these three branches is to rely on their own Formation, from the inside to the outside, to make the great formation Blast.

From now on, this approach is beginning to pay off.

The big formation of the hemp religion, although it has the effect of distorted space, is only incidental. The real power lies in the ultimate move of Astral Fiend's combined attack.

Right now, the square array began to expand, increasing infinitely, squeezing and suppressing the inner space step by step.

"Maybe there is hope!"

The Taoist cultivators outside have hope in their hearts.

The plan to break through the formation was already brewing in the hearts of everyone, and the effect of many people getting along with myriad was unfortunately not adopted.

Sifang Dao Sect blessed by heaven, able to cast spells into formations, that's why I have this opportunity.

If the Quartet Dao Sect can break through the formation, even if it is just one big formation, the remaining four big formations must be hard to escape.

For a time, many hopeful eyes gathered in the center of the great formation.

At this time, the big array feels like eating a handful of soybeans and then drinking water desperately, and the appetite has begun to swell up unconsciously.

Perhaps, it can be done!

This idea popped into the minds of all cultivators.

Suddenly, there was a scolding from the Majiao from the big formation.

"Don't you hear that the Tao is one foot high and the devil is ten feet high?"

A certain elder in Dongxuan, said with a sneer, "You wait for the evil demon, and you pretend to be Being a devil, you have self-knowledge!"

"sharp-tongued, the way to die!"

tone barely fell, and the marathon teaching formation changed again.

Suddenly, the entire array suddenly expanded a hundred times, and the original bloated scene disappeared instantly, but turned into a flat stomach.

The square formation was exerting its strength, but it was suddenly moved away by the formation, and the surroundings were empty and uncomfortable.

The next moment, from the all around high platform, suddenly rises the sky astral qi flow.

The astral qi flow is like a python suspended in the air, shaking its head and wagging its tail.

"Not good!"

Among the three branches, those who know the goods see that this is Tiangang, and their faces are distorted in shock.

Heavenly Gang is strong, and people who are idle are not allowed to approach. Even people who are cultivating can only hold them in utensils and slowly refining them.

This great formation can domesticate the Heavenly Gang like an arm, no wonder it killed so many loose cultivators?

Before the Heavenly Gang fell, there was some commotion in the formation, and there were vague signs of instability.

Dozens of python-like astral qi streams, one after the other, rushing into the square array, drowned the cultivators of the three branches in an instant.

The body of flesh and blood burst, and in the flow of Tiangang, it instantly turned into blood mist minced meat.

In the blink of an eye, the three Dao veins that entered the battle were completely wiped out, and no half survived.

(end of this chapter)

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