Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 648


Chapter 648 Asking monarch to enter the urn

"The phonology spell of Dao Lezong has merit! ”

Seeing golden haze wrap around the great formation, sometimes it turns into a cow capillary needle, and sometimes it turns into a rotating drill bit, impacting the great formation.

The big formation seemed unbearable, and burst out with fire star golden light, trying to push the golden haze away.

However, the music remains faintly discernable, and the golden haze, like flowing water, gathers from all directions, wandering along the outline of the great formation.

"Iron riding a silver bottle, swords and guns burst out!"

"Golden horses and iron horses, blood stains the battlefield!"

As the movement re-enters the climax, the air surrounds golden haze, instantly becomes dazzling.

The dazzling golden light, like a golden needle made of pure gold, slammed down into the big array.


The outlines of the five great formations finally appeared in the air.

"It worked!"

Members of the many Sects below, cheering excitedly.

From the beginning to the end, the five great formations of the Majiao were integrated into the air. From the outside, the air was distorted and filled with transparent blocks of color.

If you want to use an analogy, it is like a plastic film greenhouse, sometimes transparent and sometimes translucent.

That is, when the loose cultivator broke into the formation, the outline of the big formation emerged, engulfing tens of thousands of people.

For the rest of the time, the great formation was hidden in the air, faintly discernible.

Nowadays, under Dao Lezong's 'Breaking Array Music', it really forced the big array out of its original shape.

"Senior Brother Yuan, it really works!"

Huode sound transmission, of course, only he and Yuan Tianhe heard it.

Yuan Tianhe shook the head, "It's just a test, it may not have much effect!"


Yuan Tianhe explained, "The test It's just a road stone, it's not a pity to lose it!"

The next moment, the five large formations cracked open, revealing the smoke and dust inside.

The loess on the ground and the smoke and dust in the air are like an iron-blooded battlefield.

At the same time, there are looming high platforms and flags scattered all around, like a mirage, and you can't see clearly with your eyes wide open.

This situation, in the eyes of everyone, is the Dao Lezong force, forcing the Majiao to let go of the big formation.

"Very good, for the first battle, Dao Lezong is the first credit!"

Everyone in the northern Dao Sect, and Yourong Yan, are their own people, and they are the first to make credit.

The praises from all around came, and the entire group of Dao Lezong was a little overwhelmed.

Sure enough, the inheritance of my Taoism can be counted on one's fingers in Taoism.

At present, the elites of Dao Sect from the north and south are gathered, and there are countless expert seniors, but Dao Lezong still grabs the top spot.

The Eldest Senior Brother Jinfu led the team, looked towards Yuan Tianhe, "Please order!"

The implication was that he wanted to fight and break the battle.

Hongluan in the crowd was a little worried when she heard the words. She vaguely felt that there was a mystery in the great formation, and it was not as simple as it seemed.

However, her status in Daulezong is far less than that of Eldest Senior Brother Jinfu, and she is in public at this moment, and she must not sing the opposite.

"Okay, your courage is commendable!"

Yuan Tianhe pointed, "Dao Lezong obeyed the order and stepped forward to break the line!"

tone barely fell , the formation of dozens of people from Dao Lezong began to move.

For the purpose of playing music, the Disciples of the Dao Music School have their own orientations, and even if they are moving quickly, they must not be messed up.

In front of them, Yuan Tianhe was responsible for the road, and the great formation was already open, just waiting for everyone to crack it.

Fang Dou saw this, and his heart was going to suffer.

But now that everyone is watching, it is impossible for him to help.

"Hongluan, please seek more blessings for yourself!"

The entire group of Dao Lezong, through the crack that was broken by the great formation, quickly entered it.

Unexpectedly, they entered the authentic, the gap was not closed as usual, but generously opened, allowing the outside world to see the internal scene.

A defiant voice came from within.

"Knowing that the loose cultivator entered the battle yesterday, you passed the magic weapon and peeped into the inside of my big formation!"

"Now, we are just and honorable, so you can watch it! ”

Under the leadership of Eldest Senior Brother Jinfu, the members of the Tao Lezong entered the formation, and immediately stood their positions and played the music.

"Breaking the Formation Music will only exert its true formidable power within the Formation!"

Jinfu thought that if Dao Lezong would take the lead and break the great formation , From now on, the name will be more and more prosperous.

"Senior and junior brothers, success or failure is here!"

The next moment, the tone of the breaking music, suddenly increased by 50%.

From the outside, the golden light is generous and starts to disperse the surrounding smoke and dust, like a light lit in the night, constantly dispelling the darkness.

Under the golden light, you can vaguely see that in the Formation, there are column-like high platforms with silhouettes sitting on them.

Under the high stage, the silhouettes passing quickly, holding the flag high in their hands, staggered back and forth in the array.

"Not good, this array has the power to confuse the mind and psychedelic space!"

The Taoist cultivators outside, with cultivation 'dharma eyes', tried their best to open their eyes, When you see space distortion in the big array, you will fall into the situation of signed to eternal damnation.

The fans of the authorities, Dao Lezong and the others in the great formation, unaware of the danger in the depths, are playing the breaking music with all their strength.

However, from the outside world, the golden light transformed by the Breaking Array was twisted by the Great Array, surrounding them in vain, and was unable to damage the foundation of the Great Array.

"Wrong, wrong!"

Many people anxiously reminded loudly, but none of their voices could reach the inside of Formation.

"This Majiao's heart is really treacherous!"

The Taoist people finally guessed that the previous Majiao deliberately showed weakness was to deceive the Taoist Lezong into the Internet.

After all, if Dao Lezong's breaking music is shot at a critical moment, it is very likely to affect the key to victory or defeat.

So, take the opportunity to wipe out the other party and avoid future troubles.

Many people secretly turned their attention to Yuan Tianhe.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Tianhe's expression remained unchanged, staring at the changes in the great formation.

During the great formation, the warning signs in Hongluan's heart became more and more intense, and she always felt that disaster was imminent.

The same sect beside her, seemingly unaware, is still concentrating on playing music and casting spells, as if the golden light has penetrated into the core of the formation, and the formation is broken at the moment.

"Okay, let's work together and make a hole in the big formation first!"

Eldest Senior Brother Jinfu, who took the lead, saw that the heat was almost ready, and immediately ordered .

Who would have guessed that coldly snorted came from behind, "I just played with you, are you serious?"

"A big net fell, and it only caught you little guys. Fish, shrimp and rice!"

"It's a pity, the daoist has orders, none of you can survive!"

A blast of thunder sounded, and I saw the flags dancing wildly like a forest, and the endless earth was turbulent. The waves are coming.

The yellow sand flew up on the ground, spinning and accelerating in the strong wind, and after a while, it became a killer sharper than a knife.

The golden light transformed by the music of breaking the array, in the attack of hiding the sky and covering the earth, the river is going down in an instant, and it becomes precarious.

Jinfu's eyes were wide open, submerged by countless yellow sand, pierced through the skeleton of the flesh, and the whole body was covered with holes in the honeycomb board, and the blood drained on the spot.

The turbulent waves that Earth Sha turned into came one after another, instantly submerging all the members of the Dao Le Sect present.

Only Hongluan is an exception, her eyes are closed, a pink star is suspended above her head.

“Life Source Star, the red luan is possessed!”

Next moment, the red luan spreads the wings formed by the red light behind it, and flies high into the sky to avoid this deadly attack.

(end of this chapter)

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