Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 647


Chapter 647 Prologue

On this day, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The Imperial Court issued a city closure order, from now on, the capital city gate is closed, and no one is allowed to enter or leave.

People in the capital must not go out unless absolutely necessary, and must stay at home.

In order to ensure that the order was carried out, Imperial Court sent officers and soldiers to sweep the streets back and forth. When they saw people wandering on the streets, they caught them and put them in jail.

Many city fox club rats in the city didn't take it seriously at first, but they didn't know the Imperial Court came this time until they suffered.

So, all the people hid at home, hoarding enough water and food in advance, waiting for the ban to be lifted.

The capital city is in full swing, and outside the city is even more with swords drawn and bows bent.

The five great formations have been prepared for a long time, and they have experienced many killings, and they have established their mighty might.

Today is the day when Taoism launched a general attack.

crash-bang, the pole was raised, and countless flags were waved with the names of the various Taoist Sects written on them.

Black and white, red, yellow, blue, purple and blue, flags of various colors flutter in the wind, forming a multi-colored ocean.

The imposing manner of the Taoist Sect assembly is far more solemn and mighty than the loose cultivator, and looks invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable.

"It's a pity, if we can form a Formation, we will win!"

In the crowd, someone couldn't help sighing.

"Mute, don't cause trouble for your Sect!"


On Fang Dou's side, hundred zhang picked two tall Disciples , holding the banner of 'Mount Huang Dao Mai'.

The entire group walks slowly, like an unremarkable stream in a stream.

Fubo Taoist priest, unfortunately, the familiar Hangyin concept, Lijiang Taoism and the others are all in the other direction.

The Taoist Sect is divided into five directions, each attacking a large formation.

The direction Fang Dou is in is a large formation attacking the south-east direction.

"This time the capital is going to suffer again!"

Fang Dou's body is in the city, so he naturally knows the direct lineage of the five great formations.

These five great formations are only part of the 'external and internal mountains and rivers', and they are the 'surface', not the core 'in'.

The big formation of 'the mountains and rivers inside and outside' is based on the capital city. Once the formation is broken, the capital city will inevitably be affected.

By that time, the catastrophe on the night of Buddha's birthday will inevitably repeat itself.

This is also the reason why Fang Dou is not optimistic about the Ma teaching, and is sure that the Guanglin daoist will fail.

Bounding the people of the Imperial Court to increase their chances of winning is too poisonous and dirty.

This time, Fang Dou will also stand on the side of Taoism, and also take the opportunity to understand some grievances.

"Vacuum Dao Sect!"

Fang Dou looked towards the front, Kong Xuanzi entire group, suspended in front of the big formation, observing the changes.

He was a little strange. Yuan Tianhe, Huo De, and Kong Xuanzi, together, could only deal with three directions. What if there were still two large formations?

Among them, Yuan Tianhe led the northern route, Huo De and Kong Xuanzi respectively led the southern route, and the remaining northern routes were unclaimed.

No, no!

Fang Dou thought to himself, this arrangement is very wrong.

He suddenly thought that the concept of hanging seals was assigned to Huo De, and together with his own situation, he suddenly realized.

Good plot against!

There are many people in the northern Dao Sect, and there are three roads in total. In contrast, the slightly inferior Dao Sect in the south is divided into two roads.

Among the two paths, the most prestigious Mount Huang Dao Mai and Hanging Yin Guan were split into two paths and could not join forces with each other.

Furthermore, lest their prestige be too high, both Huo De and Kong Xuanzi came to command.

Huo De was born in five Virtue Sects, which corresponds to the concept of hanging seals, and Kong Xuanzi is from the vacuum Dao Sect, which is responsible for Mount Huang's Taoism.

The more Fang Dou thought about it, the clearer it became.

This is to urge Mount Huang Dao Mai and Hangyin Guan to contribute in the name of Main Sect.

"Dan Rong Fellow Daoist, the comers are not good!"

Although Fubo Taoist priest is not there, he is surrounded by Sects from the southern Dao Sect, and he has a lot of contact with Dan dao fusion priests Second, the friendship is very familiar.

Someone reminded Fang Dou, "Kong Xuanzi came here, Huo De went there, they are all urging us to work hard, be careful!"

"I Understood!"

Fang Dou nods with him, how could he not see that the Sects of the Dao Sect in the south are afraid that Fang Dou will be foolishly loyal to the Main Sect, and they will not even be able to release water.

All of you are not fools, Yuan Tianhe and the three of them are all the treasures of each Sect, and if they dare to be sent to break the battle, they must have sufficient support.

Perhaps, the various magic weapons bestowed by daoist are already in place.

This time, the destruction of the Ma Sect was nothing more than watching the performance of three people, but it was a stage that daoist painstakingly created to hold the newcomers to the top.

The members of Dao Sect in the south don't mind being the audience and the background board, but if they want to die, they must be grateful.

The big formation is getting closer and closer, and in a blink of an eye, it has reached two hundred zhang.

At this distance, I can already feel the deterrent force of the big formation, and the pace ahead begins to slow down.

Yesterday, everyone in Taoism saw it, tens of thousands of loose cultivators entered the battle, and in the end there were not a hundred of them left.

Those remnants of defeated soldiers will be threw away Formation, how miserable it is, and they will leave in a daze.

The Taoists also have lingering fears.

"Everyone, break the great formation, kill the demons, and make achievements, right now!" .

“Where is Dao Lezong?”

In the northern Dao Sect camp, there was a response, “Dao Lezong is here!”

In an instant, The boys and girls who walked out of the dozens held various musical instruments, such as the qin, the tooth plate, the jade flute, the jinse, and so on.

Fang Dou glanced across the crowd, suddenly startled.

Among these young boys and girls, there seems to be an acquaintance, it is the little girl Hongluan who he sent back to Taoism back then.

Right now, Hongluan's temperament has undergone a change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down. She is a female Taoist priest with bright eyes and white teeth, holding a jade flute in the palm of her hand, which is three points whiter than the jade flute.

"Play the broken array music, and wait for me to do a great job!"

Yuan Tianhe gave an order, and everyone from the Taoist Music Sect began to play the repertoire.

The pentatonic movement turns into a majestic and mighty piece of music, like a trickling stream at first, but in the end it is gushing endlessly, and it merges into a torrent that hides the sky and covers the earth.

Outside the five great formations surrounding the capital, the Taoist Sect, divided into five paths, was moved when he heard the performance of the Taoist Music School.

This is not an ordinary piece, but a secret technique of Dolezong.

Dao Lezong entered the Tao with rhythm, and the five tones of 'Gongshangjiaozhengyu', driven by mana, formed a wonderful spell.

This song of breaking the array not only has the effect of strong momentum, but also has the effect of 'breaking the array'.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, the music turned into a large golden haze in the air, and moved towards the five great formations that swept over.

The rhythm is an intangible thing, the golden haze condensed, which looks like a cloud, but actually has a mystery inside.

"Wonderful, this move is wonderful!"

Some people think that the sound of music is invisible, even with no opportunity, it may be able to break the defense of the great formation and open the way for the vanguard.

In the five great formations, several of the daoists sitting in the center opened their eyes, "I'm here to play with such insignificant ability again."

"Since you don't have eyes to provoke, kill this one. Critic, it should be the sacrificial flag for today's great formation!"

At this time, the golden haze, which was transformed by the broken formation music, had already been attached to the five great formations, changing shapes, trying to call out a weak spot to get in. .

(end of this chapter)

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