Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 646


Chapter 646 is ready for battle

Underground in the capital, in the middle of a big battle.

Fang Dou sat behind the Guanglin daoist, beside the two of them, only four daoists remained.

The remaining five daoists have all entered the five large formations outside the city, and are dispatched in the center.

Taoists do not know that the five great formations can communicate with each other, and the daoist can come and go freely.

Fang Dou looked at the great formation, Avatar Yuantong was struggling internally and was in danger of perishing all the time.

It stands to reason that this trip will be worth it, even if the Avatar dies.

But Fang Dou couldn't make up his mind, and was stuck here.

"Sect Lord!"

"Guang Fellow Daoist Lin!"

One after another portal opened one after another, and the five daoists left the big formation one after another and returned to the original place.

Among the five great formations, only two-digit loose cultivators are still holding on, and they can be easily killed without a daoist in town.

The return of the daoists is to recuperate and prepare for the next battle.

They all know that the attack of tens of thousands of loose cultivators this time is the prelude to the Daoists' massive destruction.

Therefore, the five daoists joined forces to kill the loose cultivator almost completely, leaving the Taoists without any minions.

Now, the daoists are returning one after another.

"Sect Lord, there is still a little trouble in the formation!"

Guanglin daoist in this place also saw ignorance and knew that this matter was difficult.

If you kill Wuming, you will definitely force Shimen to enter the game ahead of time, so that Majiao will fight against both Taoism and Shimen at the same time.

“Fang Dou, what do you think?”

Fang Dou heard the call from Guanglin daoist and said, “senior, why don’t you let it all go!”

"Let's go, how did this happen?"

An impatient daoist called out on the spot.

"Talk about it!" Guanglin daoist indifferent expression.

"Ignorance is mixed in the loose cultivator, it must not be Shimen's original intention, but he made his own decisions!"

"We didn't kill him, so we treated him as ignorant and treated him as a The ordinary loose cultivators are put away, so spare no effort to deal with Taoism."

Guanglin daoist asked, "Why put these loose cultivators?"

Fang Dou paused, "put What's the difference between not letting go?"

Thousands of loose cultivators were killed, but less than 100 were killed.

Besides, ignorance produces a shrine of light, and there must be a trump card close to you. If the Majiao is aggressive and the opponent burns both jade and stone, it may damage the Formation.

Five great formations, same qi, connected branch, if one side is damaged, it will affect the other.

Nowadays, Majiao requires spare no effort, and it is absolutely unbearable to fight against Taoism.

The nine daoists have also thought about what Fang Dou said.

Guanglin daoist suddenly laughed, "Fang Dou, you are right, hold this little flag, let go of the Formation, and send the rest of the loose cultivators away!"

Having said this, he sighed for a moment, "If tens of thousands of loose cultivators can join, they will definitely be able to strengthen the force of my hemp religion. It's a pity!" , the big formation of tip of the iceberg, wide open in front of him.

"Me too!"

Fang Dou waved the flag gently, the rays of light bloomed in the space in front of him, opening a door.

He can do what daoist can do before.

With one step, Fang Dou can fall into each big formation at will, and has the same authority as a daoist.

"I'm here!"

After Fang Dou disappears.

A daoist asked, "Sect Lord, you trust him too much!"

Guanglin daoist smiled and shook his head, "I can't talk about trust, I just want to make some preparations in advance. !"

Other daoists, listening to Guanglin's daoist tone, felt very surprised.

How can they fail with this arrangement?


Fang Dou took a step down and stood on the high platform, the small flag in his hand was automatic when there was no wind.

"Listen to the order, let go of the Formation, and send the remaining loose cultivator out!"

With an order, all the members of the Majiao in the large formation were ordered.

“Why is he?”

Ma Buren, and the other teachers, were a little surprised when they saw Fang Dou’s appearance.

In the five great formations, only the daoist can issue orders. This is the rule established by the Guanglin daoist.

Even though they are the teaching reserve, they can only perform their duties in the formation.

But they didn't expect that Fang Dou could actually preside over the Formation, holding a small flag like a commissioner holding an Imperial's Sword.

Many people are jealous and don't understand why Guanglin Daoist values this outsider.

However, the question is questioned, and the order must be obeyed.

In the center of the big formation, there are more than a dozen loose cultivators supporting, but they are close to the brink of extinction.

"Old Guo, you and I are going to die today, what do you want to say?"


"Okay. , very spirited!"

A pair of good friends, who were about to close their eyes and wait to die, suddenly discovered that the murderous intention of hiding the sky and covering the earth in front of them was suddenly disappeared.


The two of them supported each other, and as soon as they took a few steps, they saw the light in front of them.

In the original large formation, the light was so gray that it was difficult for the line of sight to reach ten steps away.

Now looking around all around, it is no longer in the formation.

"We're out!"

Everyone looked around and saw that they were walking or sitting on the ground, surrounded by scattered loose cultivators, crying or laughing, glad they were still alive .

"We were sent out?"

The surviving loose cultivators, racking their brains, couldn't figure out why the mahouth should be generous?

sou sou a few times!

On the ground next to it, more than a dozen silhouettes reappeared, just like a loose cultivator in another big formation, which was also passed on.

A moment later, the five great formations were emptied.

"The surviving Fellow Daoists are all here!"

The loose cultivators present did a few counts and found that there were less than 100 people.

When I think about it, before entering the battle, the scale of loose cultivator was as many as tens of thousands, not only from the heart.

Suddenly, someone shouted loudly, "This is a Taoist conspiracy to deceive us into the battle and use up the power of the mahout for them."

For a time, the crowd was excited.

However, what can loose cultivators do, their numbers are now withering, even if they harbor resentment, it is impossible to find a Taoist confrontation, but in order to survive, they must disappear as soon as possible.

This is the sadness of a nobody!

The loose cultivators took a few breaths, took medicine pills to heal their wounds, then surrendered and helped them up.

Unsurprisingly, the land under your feet will again become a place for war, and leaving it will only add more danger.

Yuantong took a step forward and was about to return to the place where Shimen gathered, but heard Wuming say in his ear, "Yuantong Fellow Daoist, wait for me!"

Turning back , but saw Wuming walking slowly.

Yuantong and Wuming converged, and was about to follow him away when suddenly a new sense came, looking towards a certain direction.

In that direction, Sengjialan fluttered the fleshy wings behind his back, flying and disappearing into the sky.

"What are you looking at?"

Wuming asked, Yuantong shook his head, "On a whim!"


Ignorance said with a slight smile, "Maybe it is one of your destined people!"

"No Senior Brother Ming said yes, it should be!"

Yuantong has obtained Knowing that the Taoists are about to launch a general attack tomorrow, it is no longer safe here, and we must leave as soon as possible.

This time into the battle, he obviously lost this Avatar. If Guanglin daoist hadn't let go, Fang Dou would have had no choice but to destroy himself.

(end of this chapter)

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